Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 98 Together in the same boat (thanks to Trooper, 1770)

"I'm not a pure-blooded fool born from a close relative like you, I'm just fulfilling my duty as a member of the management team!" Faced the provocation of the Slytherin boy, Mike replied blankly, "Also apologize to the Hufflepuff just now."

The many muggle-blood students around who were originally indignant saw Mike come forward, and they all gathered around with expressions of joy, especially the Hufflepuff student just now. He was so excited that he was about to cry. It was because of their Hufflepuffs. Patch's patron saint, Cedric, was not in the auditorium because he was going to patrol, and he thought he could only swallow it up.

I didn't expect that the famously famous Mike would stand up for such an ordinary Muggle student. From this moment, most Hufflepuff students, including him, had a great change in the impression of Mike.

The Slytherin boy was furious after hearing Mike's words, and what he hated most was that others insulted his bloodline.

Although Mike's reputation had spread throughout the Slytherin House after the Quidditch match at the beginning of the semester, the extreme anger had obviously suppressed his sanity.

"You kind of say it again, I promise I'll leave you dead! I'm not that rubbish little Malfoy, I can't even deal with your second-year garbage mudblood!" The Slytherin boy scolded.

At this time, the other Slytherin students around him had discovered that more and more Muggle blood students were gathering, and they noticed that it was not good. They quickly grabbed the Slytherin boy who was confronting Mike and motioned him to shut up quickly. .

However, how could the boy who had already scolded him stop the car, he poked his finger on Mike's chest and continued, "You mudbloods don't know yet, do you? Even if the monsters in the secret room can't kill only you, you also Hogwarts won't last long. Hogwarts is closing soon because of the basilisk! And you Mudbloods should go back to your mud pits! Especially you, Mike. I heard that you are an orphan, right? That's it, you can finally go back to your rubbish heap and continue picking up rubbish to eat!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mike hit him on the chin with an uppercut. Although Mike is only 12 years old, he has always been addicted to magic and has no intention of exercising, but in his previous life, he was a first-class gangster from the street.

The end of the jawbone is directly connected to the main nerve of the brain stem, and there is a very rich vagus nerve near the chin. It is very easy to cause a coma under a heavy blow. Although Mike's punch is not powerful, the Slytherin boy is still Feeling dizzy for a while, he fell into the arms of everyone behind him.

However, the matter was not over yet. Franklin, who had grown up in the crowd, had already come to Mike's side with his head on his head, and he kicked him when he saw it.

The surrounding young wizards of Muggle blood became angry when they heard the insulting words of the other party. Now that they saw Mike and Franklin taking the lead, how could they bear it, they swarmed up and faced the Slytherins. Boys are just punching and kicking.

Some timid girls did not dare to squeeze into the crowd and beat the Slytherin boys, so they had to cheer outside the crowd.

The other Slytherin students were also paying attention to the situation here. At first, they saw a conflict between their classmates and Mike, and they looked like they were watching the show, but they quickly got up and joined the battle when they found that the situation had taken a turn for the worse. group.

So a spat turned into a gang fight between Slytherin House and Muggle-born students from the other three Houses.

When Cedric received the news that his junior had been bullied, he brought Hufflepuff's Dean Sprout to the auditorium and only saw many Slytherin students lying on the ground in a mess and the many Muggle-born students who were gathered around listening to Mike's speech.

"...I'm a Mudblood! I've always used this discriminatory term to call myself. I don't do it because I'm selfish or because I'm not ashamed, but because every time I read With these three words, a strong sense of humiliation will remind me of what kind of environment I am in now.

Remind me to fight back bravely in the face of discrimination!

Remind me to help my fellow citizens who also suffer from discrimination!

My compatriots, please do not despair or be discouraged in these difficult days!

please remember! Only together we are the strongest! The so-called heir to Slytherin is simply vulnerable to the power of unity! Let us help each other and get through this difficult time together! "

As Mike's speech ended, the crowd erupted in deafening cheers.

The emotional Professor Sprout had tears in his eyes, reached out and wiped the corner of his eyes lightly, and said to Cedric, who had been stunned, "What a good thing to say!"

Although I was very moved, there was still work to be done.

After his emotions stabilized, Professor Sprout finally stepped forward and started to maintain order.

The students who came to report on the road had already told Professor Sprout and Cedric the cause of the incident completely, so Professor Sprout at this time directly ignored the group of Sis who were lying on the ground. The Lytlings began to comfort the Muggle-born students present, and also thanked Mike for stepping up to help her students.

It was not until the belated Professor Snape spoke that all the Slytherin students present were treated, and Professor Sprout was quite dissatisfied with this.

She could see that the injuries of these students were not serious, and Mike and the others didn't use the spell at all. And she didn't have the slightest liking for those who bullied her students. According to her idea, she should let them lie on the cold floor all day.

Professor Snape also planned to deduct Mike's points, but Dumbledore denied it. So many people in the room made their hands, and the cause of this incident was the wrongdoing of the Slytherin students. If Snape really followed what Snape said, it would inevitably cause most of the Muggle blood students in Hogwarts to be angry. dissatisfied.

Of course Snape understood the principle of not blaming the public, but he couldn't help it at this time. If he didn't protest to Dumbledore, his reputation within Slytherin would be diminished, which he couldn't bear.

After this incident, Mike directly became a hero in the eyes of Muggle students, and the students who were a little afraid of Mike before also greatly changed their views on Mike.

And Mike's speech in the auditorium was circulated among the Muggle students, which greatly improved the mental outlook of the Muggle students.

Now, when faced with difficulties by their fellow Muggle blood, they no longer stood by as before, but rushed forward to help. And instead of walking around when he saw the pure-blooded students, he stared at them with hatred, which made all the pure-blooded students very nervous.

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