Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Chapter 97 Martial law in the whole school (thanks to the global cold air)

The next day, when Mike woke up, he was surprised to find that instead of lifting the martial law at Hogwarts, more people were patrolling.

Mike was very confused about this, because Hogwarts in the original book was not so nervous about the Basilisk and the heir of the Chamber of Secrets, except that it was almost closed due to the increasing number of casualties in the second-year plot.

However, after a careful analysis of a wave, Mike also understood the reason why Dumbledore did this.

In the original book, since the victims were all petrified, Dumbledore may not know that the monster in the secret room is a basilisk, or he knows that the monster in the secret room is a basilisk, but he is confident that he can deal with the basilisk. So in order to allow Harry to accumulate adventure experience and prestige again, there was no martial law on purpose.

And now the situation is obviously different from the original.

The news that the monster in the secret room is a basilisk has spread, and other Hogwarts professors and school directors will not allow such a magical creature that could cause huge casualties at any time to continue to stay in the castle.

You must know that almost all the children of the entire British wizarding world go to school in Hogwarts. These children are the future of the wizarding world. If they are slaughtered by the basilisk, it will cause a huge blow to the wizarding world.

Under these circumstances, it is not surprising that Dumbledore has instituted martial law throughout the school.

Mike, who was discharged from the hospital, joined the temporary management team to protect and maintain the order of the students. This temporary team was all composed of outstanding students in the senior years. Dumbledore gave them the ability to deduct other people's college points, but made a limit. The maximum deduction for each person is 50 points. In order to make up for their wasted study time, Dumbledore promised that as long as he joined the team, he would give them extra points on the N.E.W.T exam later.

Mike was originally ineligible to join this team, but Professor Flitwick finally agreed to his request to join.

However, Professor Flitwick is still very worried about Mike. Although Mike has the experience of escaping from the hands of the basilisk, he still gave him a task to protect his classmates and did not let him participate in dangerous patrols.

So Mike's job now is to stay in the Hogwarts Great Hall with the rest of the team and protect the classmates who are gathered here.

In order to distinguish Mike and the other team members from ordinary students, Mike and others had an H-shaped metal brooch symbolizing Hogwarts on their school uniform robes.

The role of this brooch is not only beautiful decoration, it also has the function of instant warning. Once someone is in danger, as long as the brooch is slightly stimulated with magic power, it will issue an early warning to all brooches within 5 kilometers. This early warning not only allows the person receiving the warning to know the dangerous location, but also has a special reminder function .

After receiving the warning, the needle of this brooch will deform and pierce shallowly into the chest of the wearer. Although it will not cause any harm to the wearer, the pain will ensure that you can immediately fall asleep even if you are asleep. react.

Mike heard from the senior students in the same team that this brooch is a simplified version of the Auror brooch, so the function is relatively simple. In addition to the early warning function, the special brooches equipped by the Aurors also have other practical functions such as real-time communication, which surprised Mike very much.

Mike thought that the wizarding world's research on this aspect was very shallow. Now it seems that the alchemy of the wizarding world has developed to a very high level, and even portable communication devices have been researched.

And Dumbledore also made a promise that after this incident, the brooch will be given as a medal of honor to Mike, the warriors who are willing to stand up at a critical moment at Hogwarts, which is also what many 7th grade pure blood students are willing to do. Reasons for joining the interim management team.

In the eyes of these pure-blooded students,

Honor is far more important than N.E.W.T points.

Time passed by like this, and the professors and the temporary management team still did not find the basilisk.

The students who were locked up in the auditorium also knew about the existence of the Basilisk, so what Dumbledore was most worried about finally happened.

"The Slytherin heir will kill all the Mudbloods, you'll be next!" a Slytherin boy yelled at a Hufflepuff Muggle-born student.

The Hufflepuff student was listlessly nibbling on the dry food distributed by the school. The Hogwarts kitchen was shut down these days under the invisible threat of the basilisk. He was almost vomiting from eating this dry food every day. And the Slytherin student's roar suddenly jumped out of his throat and shocked him, and he didn't even hold the dry food in his hand and dropped it on the ground.

The Slytherin students on the side burst into laughter.

The little wizard of Hufflepuff blushed when he looked at the giggling crowd. Amid the laughter of the crowd, he quickly leaned over to pick up the dry food that had fallen on the ground and fled as if to leave.

His move sparked even more jeering, with one of the Slytherin boys lying on the floor laughing.

But what they didn't know was that the Hufflepuff little wizard's family was in very poor conditions, his mother taught him not to waste food since he was a child, and he didn't come to Hogwarts because he was interested in magic , but because Hogwarts has no tuition fees and includes room and board.

As long as he comes to Hogwarts to study, he can greatly reduce the pressure at home and leave more food for his younger brothers and sisters to eat.

There are many people like him in Hogwarts. Britain, as an old zibenist country, is not as glamorous as outsiders seem to be in this period. The rise of the empire on which the sun never sets was built on the foundation of countless workers. on the corpse.

Mike, who was guarding in the auditorium, had a panoramic view of everything that had happened, and the anger in the heart of the Muggle blood wizards who dared to speak out could not be restrained.

"50 points for Slytherin!"

Under the gazes of everyone in the auditorium, Mike came to the side of the Slytherins and said coldly.

Everyone in Slytherin didn't care about Mike's deduction. They were actually smart people. They had already sent letters to tell their families what happened at Hogwarts, and most of their families were The old nobles in the wizarding world have great influence.

Now that the families of these Slytherin students have united to put pressure on the Ministry of Magic, if Dumbledore still can't find the Basilisk within the next week, Hogwarts may be closed for rectification. With Hogwarts closing soon, of course, house points wouldn't matter.

"Oh! Who else did I think it was? It turned out to be Mike from Ravenclaw." The Slytherin at the head said strangely, "What? Do you want to be a hero and stand up for your fellow Mudbloods?"

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