Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter six hundred and forty seventh test product Riddle

Chapter 647 Experiment Riddle

"But just stay with dogs forever, and you'll just get more and more conceited. You'll be influenced by them, and you'll end up like a mad dog."

George, for example, said, "If you can recall the period of rapid growth in your strength, you should understand. Staying with those idiots who only know how to flatter and vent will only affect your IQ in the end."

"When all the subordinates around you are dogs, you yourself lose all sources of information, you lose your true thoughts, and you lose your sources of true information."

He said lightly, "What you see and hear is conveyed to you by the dog. Your plan, your thoughts, and all your actions are also carried out by the dog. In the end, you are also slow. Slow became a mad dog and lost to Dumbledore's plan."

Riddle was silent, no matter how confident he was in himself, no matter how firm he was in his opinion. But the only thing that doesn't change is that he's a loser.

Only winners are qualified to talk about experience, and losers can only draw lessons.

He had to admit that being with the dog all the time must have affected his thinking and judgment. Unreported information, wrong information, he knew from the beginning, but these things are also unchangeable by him.

Dogs certainly have the advantages of dogs, and dogs also have disadvantages of dogs. After all, what dogs can do is only some simple little things.

When a person has only dogs around, all he can do is rely on himself. But no matter how knowledgeable and powerful a person is, he will always have his own weaknesses and flaws, and when there is only a dog around, there is no way to make up for these flaws.

George gave Riddle a cold look, "Your strength and wisdom are far from enough to become a demon king. Your performance just now can only allow you to barely survive, but your value is already very low. If you want to get a chance to come back, you You need to show more of your value.”

"I hope you can come up with some new tricks when I see you next time."

After saying this, George's figure disappeared into the air in a flash.

Riddle's scarlet eyes gleamed dangerously and fiercely, and he had always used this kind of treatment on others.

He has always been the only one who makes people agree, measuring whether a person has the value of surviving.

He never imagined that one day, he would become a person on the other end of the scale,

Being judged for its worth as a prisoner. Angel with broken wings in rain

When he was treated like this by others, he only felt absurdity beyond words. It turned out that this is how a demon king would feel when he encounters a bigger demon king.

The high-ranking people, once they meet the higher-ranking people, the terrible powerlessness is unimaginable desolation, the unbearable oppression, the depression makes people almost crazy.

After a flash of stature, George appeared in front of George's eyes with densely scattered runes, constantly changing symbols.

His eyes returned to the bedroom, back to the magical space where magic and the stars reflected each other.

Occasionally, beating Tom was one of his few recreational activities.

In second grade, he captured Voldemort's first Horcrux, the diary that opened the Chamber of Secrets.

He did not easily destroy that piece of Riddle's soul. After all, as a businessman, he is used to extracting more value from existing things.

Whether it's Riddle's memory or the changes in the soul after splitting, these are topics of great research value.

He took Voldemort's soul fragments as a subject of his long-term research.

After all, whether it is the particularity of Voldemort himself, or the particularity of soul research. These are the most magical and incredible parts of magic.

Even in the entire wizarding world, you will not find a test object that can split your soul multiple times.

So cherishing the precious resources, George will not waste it easily.

After obtaining the first Horcrux, he tagged Riddle's soul as a test item.

With the special power of Phoenix Dead Egg, he deliberately created a special cage.

He locked Voldemort's soul fragments into his specially made cage, and relying on the special environment in the cage, he analyzed Voldemort's memory and suppressed Voldemort's potential.

By analyzing Voldemort's memories and magic, he was able to gain a clearer exposure to the dark magic that only Voldemort knew.

Cold palace, red lips enchanting

When he found another Horcrux in the Requirement Room at Hogwarts, he used it to study the changes brought about by the split and fusion of souls.

He fed the other Horcruxes he found to the original Tom Riddle, in order to observe the changes in the split and fusion of souls. At least for now, the results are pretty good.

As a Demon King, Riddle was too weak and far from qualified. But as a test subject, it is difficult for George to find a better test subject than Riddle.

In this special magical world, the boundaries between life and death are not completely separated.

Although in the magical world, there is no real resurrection of the dead in the usual sense. But another deformed way of resurrection and longevity always exists.

In this special magical world, the soul has no form or substance, but the soul itself has an independent nature.

What Voldemort's Horcrux does is to preserve the existence of the soul, and the death of * does not bring true death.

Only the essence of the soul is the foundation of life.

After death, wizards can choose to become ghosts of their own accord. And George has also discovered the nether energy corresponding to magic, which is a mysterious power that the soul can also use.

He was able to confront Voldemort who was resurrected in the body of a basilisk at his current age, and the effect of nether energy was also indispensable.

His Animagus transformation is a special form formed by the combination of ancient giant ape and his own fantasy, which is a semi-fantasy transformation that is different from real animals.

Using semi-realistic creatures as the deformed form of Animagus finally succeeded, and achieved results that satisfied him. This has to be said of the role of nether energy, and it still helped a lot in the whole process.

For the next few days, George finally had some free time, some quiet time.

Exercise step by step, eat step by step, and at night, go to the laboratory to refine some potions.

Day by day passing by in such a quiet and leisurely way, just like returning to the summer vacation of previous years, quiet and leisurely.

Not only did George get a quiet time, but judging from the various situations reported by the Daily Prophet, the magical world finally got a moment of peace.


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