Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 646: Dogs Are Better Than People

Chapter 646 Dogs Are Better Than Humans

"What you say, they will believe, you make them kneel, they won't lie down. You only need an order, and they can go all over the world to complete your order." Riddle looked at George with surprised eyes, "Why is such a dog not better than a man?"

George said indifferently, "But such dogs, like house-elves, are not comfortable things. They have higher IQs than house-elves, but not much higher, they can only do some things. Simple things."

"They can't unearth the mysteries of magic, they can't create anything of value, and they don't bring any surprises and unknowns."

He doesn't like to be high above, to be the attitude of being superior. Some are high above, others are trampled underfoot. Whether it was house-elves, or wizards as low as house-elves, he hated them very much.

Riddle was even more surprised, "Why do you demand so much from dogs, it's enough for them to complete their tasks. Discover the mysteries of magic and the road to immortality, I can do it myself. Why do you put these weird Ideas, hope in dogs?"

"But they're not real dogs. They're wizards, wizards who have wisdom and can create. They shouldn't be treated as dogs, let alone become dogs." George frowned and said slowly.

Riddle looked puzzled, "There is no difference between humans and dogs. Those people are wizards who are much smarter than dogs, but they are essentially obedient dogs. Many of them volunteered to be dogs, and they took the initiative to support me. , they treat me as their master, and they are happy to be let out by me to bite."

After some self-talk, George found that his views with Voldemort were not on the same channel at all.

George probably understood that Voldemort was like some extreme dog fans in previous lives.

In the opinion of extremely fanatical dog fans, people who beat dogs are entitled to judge and beat those who beat dogs. When a dog bites a man, it must be the man who provokes the dog.

Under the news that the child was bitten to death by the dog, they would say with certainty that the child must have provoked the dog and deserved to be bitten to death.

And under the news of people killing dogs, they would say indignantly, such people should be exterminated and punished by heaven. Bone-corrupting pet: Lu Shao's sweet wife

On the highway, they would stop other people's vehicles carrying dogs, and they would release all the dogs and take them away. By the time the dogs were sent to animal protection centers for funding and compensation, they were all gone.

These people are essentially the same fanatics who hit the streets and smash cars,

The same person as Voldemort who thinks highly of himself. Their self-esteem is too high, and their bottom line is too low.

For normal people's thinking, there is a simple sense of fairness. In the eyes of normal people, what is ultimately needed is a kind of fairness to repay debts and kill people.

In the eyes of normal people, if a person should die, he should have a reason for being killed, otherwise, it would be unfair.

From the point of view of normal people, those who commit crimes deserve to die, corrupt officials deserve to die, and those who do many evils deserve to die. But ordinary people, people with ordinary lives, should not die for no reason.

But for those who have high self-esteem and low bottom line, as long as they disobey their own damn.

For them, not only the debtors who owe them deserve to die, but the whole family. Not only should the dog beater be damned, but the whole family should be damned. Even street hawkers, once they annoyed them, should be killed, along with the whole family.

They are like Voldemort, whoever provokes them, they only know how to use damn it, and the whole family should be damned.

They don't think about whether this person is usually a good person. It's a question of whether it's fair or not to condemn other people lightly.

They only know that their will is the only thing that matters, and that they should be damned if they go against their will.

"I probably understand what you mean." Riddle said flatly, "You place too much value on the potential of those people, and you fantasize about other wizards, hoping that they can discover their own potential, fantasizing that they can use magic in magic. On the road, give you inspiration and help."

"But you think too much. Most wizards are mediocre, and they will never achieve anything in their lifetime."

He said nonchalantly, "A person's talent can be fully seen at an early age. Those who did not show extraordinary talent at a young age will never achieve higher achievements in their lifetime." Feng Zai Shang: Emperor Ming disagree

He could understand the thoughts of the young wizard in front of him, but he knew better that the other party's thoughts were all wrong.

He is much older than the other party, and he has seen far more things than the other party. Those so-called potentials that everyone has, simply do not exist. This is just a white lie of education, one's potential is revealed at an early age.

Once the talent was not discovered in childhood, even if there is any potential, it will completely disappear in the subsequent growth.

Those who did not show their talent at a young age will never show their so-called talent in their entire lives. Placing hope on their inspiration and help is simply an impossible fantasy.

Riddle continued, "Dogs are much safer and more useful than people. They can do anything for you as long as you give a command. Contact with people is too much trouble, and every exchange of interests requires It takes a lot of time. And that time, you should have spent it in more valuable places.”

He said in a positive tone, "I can be sure that the power you have now is definitely not obtained from the help and inspiration of others. On the contrary, the books and precious materials you need are difficult to obtain from those books and precious materials. From mediocre wizards."

He said lightly, "Those valuable things should not be possessed by mediocre wizards, they are cherished resources that can only be used by powerful wizards, what we do is to make the best use of them. ."

That's exactly what he thought and what he did. Those lowly mediocre wizards, they are not entitled to possess those cherished resources at all. They will not achieve anything in a lifetime. Although they have a human shape, they are not more convenient to use than a dog. "

George shook his head slightly, completely disagreeing with Voldemort's opinion.

He said slowly, "It is very troublesome to contact and communicate with people, you are right. I also admit that it is also very troublesome for me to obtain those resources from them compared to your snatch. ."

He continued, "But these troubles are necessary. The most important thing for a person is always the brain, not the convenience of the moment. It may be convenient for you to turn other people into dogs in a short time."


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