Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 344 Save Buckbeak

Chapter 344 Save Buckbeak

"Drink tea?" he asked, but he didn't go for the teapot, just kept shaking there.

"You shouldn't have come," he whispered, and kept repeating, looking dumbfounded.

"Where's Buckbeak? Hagrid," Hermione whispered, and Hagrid's appearance made Hermione so upset that she tried to distract him.

Hagrid sat there and said at a loss, "I, I took it outside, I tied it to the pumpkin field with a rope, and I wanted it to see the world at last and get some fresh air."

"It's not its fault that it's still a child, they shouldn't treat it like that."

"It's not harmful, it's so cute, it's not fierce at all." Hagrid said sincerely.

For this, everyone knows that Buckbeak is not dangerous, but only for giants like Hagrid.

Ron looked at Harry, then asked Hagrid carefully, "Dumbledore, is there anything I can do?"

"He figured it out," Hagrid said, "but he didn't have the power to control the council, and he told them that Buckbeak wasn't dangerous. But they didn't believe it, and they decided to put Buckbeak to death, saying it was By tradition."

"They were obviously afraid, they were afraid of Lucius Malfoy, and Lucius Malfoy threatened them, I think, that executioner, McNeil, he was Lucius' friend, and it was Lucius who asked him to come. of."

Hagrid said sadly. "I just hope that the execution can be swift and that Buckbeak will not suffer, and I will be by his side."

He swallowed, his dazed, erratic eyes looked very helpless, and he said, "Dumbledore will come when the time comes, he will come, he told me in his morning letter. Said he would be with him. Me, he's such a good guy."

"I'll go get you some tea." Hagrid stood up in a hurry and hurriedly searched the room.

"We just had dinner, we don't need these."

Harry stopped Hagrid from being busy, but he couldn't listen to him at all, pouring milk all over the place in a hurry, and breaking several glasses in a row.

There were no more cups, and he finally gave up making tea for Harry and them.

Hagrid choked and said, "There's no more cups, I can't treat you to tea, you go back first. You should go back to the castle, Buckbeak will be executed later, you can't see this."

"It's night, and you shouldn't be here anyway. If Dumbledore and Fudge catch you sneaking out of the castle, it'll cause you a lot of trouble."

"We should be with you, we'll be with you, Hagrid." Hermione said, holding back tears, Hagrid's appearance made her very worried, and she couldn't leave him at this time.

"You should go back, I can't let you stay here." Hagrid said at a loss. "They will be here soon."

While speaking, his slightly improved face became extremely pale again, and his eyes lost expression. He turned his eyes and stared out the window.

"They're coming," said Hagrid in a trembling voice.

Harry, Ron and Hermione all quickly looked in the direction of Hagrid's gaze. In the distance, it was the group of people walking down the stone steps of the castle.

In front of him was Dumbledore, his silver hair and beard gleaming in the setting sun, and next to him was Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, with a serious, heavy face. In the back was McNeill, the tall, stocky executioner, and the frail members of the committee.

"You must go back right away." Hagrid's voice and his whole body were shaking, his voice had completely changed, "you must leave immediately, so that they can't see you here, it will cause trouble, go away hurry up"

Hagrid stumbled towards the back door and said, "Come on, I'll take you through the back door."

They followed Hagrid past the door to the back garden, past the pumpkin patch, a few yards away,

Buckbeak was chained there. It was tethered to the back of a tree in the pumpkin patch, and it seemed to sense something, like it knew something was going to happen.

It walked around restlessly, digging the ground with its claws, tearing at the rope that tied it.

"It's alright, Piccolo." Hagrid said softly, "It's alright." The pain in his heart was endless, and there was no way to get rid of it.

He turned his head to Harry, and Ron and Hermione said, "Come on, come on."

"Hagrid, we can't leave like this," said Hermione anxiously. "We can tell them the truth. Buckbeak isn't dangerous, and they can't kill him."

"Should we let it go?" Ron asked cautiously, if Buckbeak was let go now, it would be too late.

Hagrid hesitated and said, "If I let it go, I'll be locked up in Azkaban." These days, he's been torn between letting go of Buckbeak or leaving it behind. But in the end, the horror of the Dementor trumped everything else, and he didn't want to go back to that horrible place.

"Come on," Hagrid shouted. "I'll get into even more trouble if you get caught."

Helpless, they put on the invisibility cloak, and at this time, there was a knock on the door from the hut. Those people have arrived, Minister of Magic Fudge, Dumbledore, and the Executioner.

Hagrid said in the direction of their disappearance, "Come on, don't stay here, don't stay to eavesdrop."

He walked slowly back to the hut, where there was a knock on the door.

Harry, Ron and Hermione stayed there, bewildered, looking at Hagrid's back, and then at Buckbeak.

It looked even more restless, it tore the rope hard, and grabbed the ground hard. Seems to have a sense of danger coming.

"What should we do?" Hermione said anxiously, "We can't just leave, what should we do."

"How about we stay here and accompany Hagrid for a while?" Ron asked in a low voice, maybe they could wait for the others to leave and stay to comfort Hagrid.

"There are too many of them, and we may be discovered." Harry said uneasily. He didn't approve of staying here, staying here, they had to face not only Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, but also Dumbledore, and the executioner who seemed very difficult to deal with.

And let them watch Buckbeak be executed, they can't do it.

"But what should we do?" Hermione said reluctantly, but even she didn't know what to do or what to do.

(To be continued.)

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