Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 343 Trelawney is a patient

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Chapter 343 Trelawney Is A Patient

They said, "She asked us to see something completely non-existent in a crystal ball with nothing. The only gain for everyone in this class is the ability to make up stories, which is much stronger."

Hermione thought nervously, what she would see in the crystal ball later, or she might just think of a story now, so as not to make a bad one later. In order to get a high score in the exam, she also worked hard.

"Hermione," Professor Trelawney called to her.

She hurried up, went up the stairs, and reached Professor Trelawney's room.

The room was like a sweltering stove, the curtains were all drawn, the fire in the fireplace was roaring, and the disgusting smell was everywhere.

Professor Trelawney was sitting in front of a huge crystal ball like a terrifying, conjuring witch.

"Hello, look at this crystal ball, then start the timer, and tell me what you saw in the crystal ball." Professor Trelawney said in a naughty tone.

Hermione stared at the huge crystal ball, looking at the looming white mist, her eyes widened desperately, staring at the crystal ball, but there was still nothing inside.

"Well, what did you see?" Professor Trelawney asked.

Hermione opened her mind desperately, she didn't dare to say anything and didn't see, she had to make up a good story, she had to get a satisfactory score.

But it was too late to make up the story at this time.

She racked her brains and said, "I saw the holiday, it's a holiday, everyone's exams are good, everyone is having fun during the holiday, it's really fun."

Professor Trelawney asked in disappointment, "Don't you see danger? Don't you see death, like a man with an axe slashing at the head, a hippogriff."

Hermione said angrily, "Why should I see that." She hated Professor Trelawney's nonsense more and more.

Professor Trelawney shook his head in disappointment. "You have no sight, so you can't see anything."

"Okay, that's it, it's a bit disappointing, but you've done your best," Professor Trelawney said.

Hermione felt as though she had been hit with a heavy hammer, and she knew that the exam was bad, even though she should have known it earlier.

She walked out weakly, when a loud hoarse voice suddenly spoke, "Something terrible is going to happen, just tonight."

Hermione turned quickly, cautiously guarding that there was no one else, Professor Trelawney was there.

Hermione squeezed her wand and waited cautiously.

Professor Trelawney was trembling, foaming at the mouth and staring blankly, as if he had epilepsy.

Hermione was about to call the doctor when suddenly Professor Trelawney spoke again, in a different voice than her usual voice.

"The Dark Lord lay there, forsaken, forsaken, and for twelve years he had not been helped and ignored. But tonight a mighty servant will break free from chains and seek his master. "

"The Dark Lord will rise again with the help of his servants, stronger than ever, terrifying. Tonight, the servants begin to move and search."

Hermione ran away without waiting for Professor Trelawney to recover. The scene was too embarrassing, and she couldn't let Professor Trelawney know that she had discovered her secret.

Harry and Ron saw Hermione hurried out, and they both went up to them and asked, "Did something happen?"

Hermione did not speak, and led them out of the examination room of the divination class. It was not until they arrived in the Gryffindor lounge that Hermione whispered, "Professor Trelawney is still very pitiful."

"Aren't you sick?" Ron asked incredulously. Hermione hated Professor Trelawney the most.

She would say such a thing today.

"Did something happen in the exam room?" Harry asked, guessing it was what happened in the exam room that made Hermione feel sympathy for Professor Trelawney.

Hermione hesitated for a moment, and finally shook her head, "You can't say anything about other people's sex, anyway, Professor Trelawney is crazy for a reason, she's sick."

Hermione's hesitant attitude was uncomfortable, and fortunately Harry and Ron didn't need to know what was wrong with Professor Trelawney. They don't need a divination class and don't care about it.

At this time again, Hedwig suddenly flew in, left a note, and flew away from the window.

They were stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought that today was Buckbeak's last chance to defend.

Harry quickly grabbed the note, tore it open, and read it. He read it very slowly. The writing on the note was ugly, and it was hard to read because it was crooked. It could be seen that the person who wrote it was very excited, and it was almost difficult to make out the handwriting. Write it down completely.

"Defense lost, they executed Buckbeak when they fell. You can't help, don't come here, I don't want you to see the death penalty." Hagrid.

"Hey," Ron sighed and didn't speak for a long time.

"We're going to have a look," said Harry. "We can't leave Hagrid facing the executioner alone."

"Well, at least we can see Hagrid." Hermione nodded. "Even if it doesn't help, at least we can comfort Hagrid."

At supper, they hurried their supper and walked toward Hagrid's hut in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

As she left the dining room, Hermione glanced in George's direction, remembering that George had said that there was still a way to keep Buckbeak. But when she thought that George had said again that the decision of the Dangerous Creatures Committee against Buckbeak was correct, she was embarrassed to ask George to help.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked out of the dining room towards Hagrid's cabin.

Looking at Harry and their backs, George smiled slightly, packed up the dishes and left the seat.

They took the Invisibility Cloak, used the Disillusionment Charm, and passed through the front hall quietly. After confirming that there was no one around, they left in a hurry, passed through the stone steps of the hall, and pushed open the oak door.

Outside the castle, the afterglow and the setting sun fluttered on the leaves, leaving mottled shadows.

They hurried to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door. Hegra opened the door, very pale and trembling,

He said, "You shouldn't have come."

Harry whispered, "Let's go in and not be seen by anyone else."

"You shouldn't have come," Hagrid continued, but he stepped back and let them in.

Hagrid was quiet, not crying or jumping on top of them yelling, he looked overwhelmed, helpless, lonely.

(To be continued.)

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