Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 216: The Extinct Spider

Chapter 216 The Extinct Spider

"It's very possible. Centaurs are very mysterious, and it is said that they can read astronomical phenomena and can predict. If anyone really knows the murderers of the Forbidden Forest, it must be only the Centaurs."

Hermione said in a positive tone, and she explained, "There are few people in and out of the Forbidden Forest on weekdays. If anyone makes a big noise, it will easily be known by the centaurs."

Harry also nodded and said, "Last time Voldemort attacked the unicorn, he didn't hide the centaurs, but they were willing to take the initiative to find the murderer last time."

The last time Voldemort attacked and killed several unicorns, the centaurs also helped catch the murderers during that time. But this time, the centaurs simply ignored Hagrid, and they almost got into a fight.

"It's different," said Hermione at once, and after a brief pause she continued.

"Hagrid is not here, so I can say it conveniently. The eight-eyed spider is a dangerous creature that cannot be tamed. Today, after hearing Hagrid's cry, I learned that there are so many eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest, and they may be flooded. Well, the centaurs wish they were killed."

"In that case, is it possible that the centaurs did it?" Ron suddenly had a guess.

"It's impossible to say. Hagrid went to harass the centaurs for no reason. I hope he doesn't conflict with the centaurs." Hermione said with some worry, "Hagrid's brain is not good, and the centaurs also Not a creature of good temper ↖ long ↖ wind ↖ text ↖ learning, w※ww.cfw∨x.ne★t."

Harry tapped on the table, "It is said that from the situation at the scene, there was a huge monster, and many spiders were crushed to death. Many were burned to death, indicating that the monster can breathe fire, maybe a fire dragon? "

"Who knows, in fact, the eight-eyed giant spider will die if it dies. Keeping them in the Forbidden Forest is not a legitimate act." Hermione said lightly.

Unlike Harry and Ron, Hermione had read the detailed introduction of the eight-eyed giant spider in the book. This dangerous creature was like the former Norbert, and it only brought danger and trouble.

"But I'm not sure what the sign of danger is. After all, it's a big event in the Forbidden Forest. Maybe we should ask George." Harry immediately had another idea. He was always willing to take precautions against danger, even if it was a clue. Hope to know some inside information.

"That's fine. Maybe George will be interested in this matter." Hermione agreed immediately. If there is any major event in the academy, they will discuss with George. Maybe they can provide useful clues and help. .

in the afternoon,

They asked George with clues and questions, and the results surprised them even more than they expected.

"Oh, I know all about it." George said lightly with a look of complete knowledge of the inside story.

The three of Harry were stunned for a moment, and some did not respond. They just wanted to get some hints and information from George, and as a result, George directly said that he knew the answer.

But they quickly reacted again. Now that they know everything, it's easy and simple. They just need to get the news from George and tell Hagrid.

"Was it made by centaurs?" Harry asked curiously.

Hermione and Ron also widened their ears. At least it seemed that centaurs were the only ones in the Forbidden Forest who could destroy the eight-eyed spider force.

"Of course it wasn't made by centaurs." George replied immediately, and he couldn't help but wonder, "Why do you think it was made by centaurs?"

"Because the only centaurs in the Forbidden Forest can get rid of the eight-eyed giant spider, and according to biological habits, the eight-eyed giant spider can't get along with other creatures."

Hermione replied immediately, she was also a little curious, and asked, "Who would it be if it wasn't a centaur? Is it really like Harry said, it's a passing fire dragon?"

"Oh, this kind of reasoning does make sense. But it is not done by centaurs, nor by any other force, because this is what I did." George said lightly, he had no plans for this at all. hide.

"What did you do?" They didn't respond, and asked in unison, "What did you do?"

"Killed some spiders," George said lightly, as if he was talking about stepping on a spider himself.

The three of them took a deep breath, and then they realized that it was really what George did.

"You didn't kill a spider, but a lot of eight-eyed giant spiders." Hermione said in an incredible tone.

As for the murderer of the spider, she had many ideas, a passing fire dragon, a group of centaurs, or a team of wizards. But she definitely didn't guess it was someone from the Academy, she didn't guess it was George.

"Of course it's not a spider. There are at least hundreds of giant eight-eyed spiders, and there are countless other small spiders." George said coldly.

He still had a fresh memory of the situation at that time, and it was really considered to be soft-hearted.

"Hi!" The three of Harry breathed a sigh of relief, "Hundreds of eight-eyed spiders!"

They couldn't imagine such a scene at all. They only heard Hagrid's cry after that and realized that there were a lot of eight-eyed giant spiders. I heard that they were all killed, but I thought there were only a dozen, twenty or thirty at most.

They never thought that there were hundreds of eight-eyed giant spiders, and what was even more incredible was that George killed them all.

"How could there be so many eight-eyed spiders?" Hermione asked incredulously, "How did you kill them?"

They had all seen the real eight-eyed giant spider in Riddle's memory. Such a monster, even Riddle did not stop him, although he probably did it on purpose. But that kind of terrifying monster, even if there is only one, will make ordinary students devastated, and George actually killed hundreds of them.

"Did they kill them because they were so proliferating?" Harry asked in a low voice.

If someone else had killed so many octopus, he might have been like Hagrid, who regarded them as murderers, and regarded them as monsters. But since George killed these spiders, there must be enough reasons, and Harry subconsciously justified George.

"There's a reason for the flooding, but I wouldn't kill so many spiders for that reason." George said disapprovingly. He is not a Druid, nor is he a rigid believer in maintaining ecological balance. Of course, he will not deliberately kill so many spiders because of the proliferation of spiders.

"What's the reason for that?" Harry couldn't help but wonder.

They leaned forward, wondering what the reason was for George to kill hundreds of eight-eyed spiders on purpose.

You know, this is definitely not an easy task. They believed that even George, it would not be easy to kill hundreds of eight-eyed spiders. Even if one waved his hand, a magic spell, to kill an eight-eyed giant spider, he would have to wave his hand hundreds of times.

(To be continued.)

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