Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 215 It is actually a female snake

Chapter 215 It's Actually a Female Snake

Colin also took the camera off his neck, considering whether to smash Malfoy with him.

"Do you want to sabotage the duel?" George said coldly, he stood in front of the others and looked businesslike.


Although the classmates were enthusiastic and hated Malfoy enough, they also knew that duels were not allowed to interfere.

"Haha, the strength is not enough. If you lose, there is no shame in losing. If you sabotage the duel, you will not admit it, and you will lose the face of the entire academy."

"Yes, if you lose, you lose. Even we Slytherins know that we can't beat anyone, so we should admit it, don't you want to be rude." Crabbe also came up after realizing it.

All of a sudden, the students from other colleges clenched their fists and glared at them with gnashing teeth, but they did not dare to continue to interfere with the duel.

Hermione and Ron could only stare at the black snake angrily, watching the black snake crawling towards Harry, they grabbed their wands, and when Harry lost, they immediately went on the field to save Harry.

Seeing the black snake crawling slowly on the ground, every minute, every second, burned their hearts and made them restless.

"Wrong, I didn't lose," Harry said suddenly, a relaxed smile on his face.

"It wasn't you ↑ Chang ↑ Feng ↑ Wen ↑ learning, w△ww.cf︽wx.n√et caught me, but I caught you."

Harry suddenly opened his mouth wide and made a creepy, chilling hissing sound.

The languid, half-dead black snake, which had just crept between Harry and Malfoy. Hearing this hissing sound, the black snake immediately felt as if it had been beaten with blood. It curled up, and a catapult, like a sharp arrow, thrust its fangs into Malfoy's thigh.

"Hey!" All the students took a deep breath.

"Damn it!" Ron couldn't help but call out a ridiculous word, but no one laughed at him at the moment.

Hermione turned her head slightly blushing and didn't look there.

At this time, a large black snake was nailed to the inner side of Malfoy's thigh. It hung on the inner side of Malfoy's thigh and looked a bit indecent.

Malfoy knelt on his knees and collapsed to the ground. He didn't seem to notice his situation, and he kept saying, "Why, why!"

He didn't understand why the black snake was under Harry's control, even though it had already been cast with a silent spell.

But others reacted quickly.

"After Harry used the Frost Spell, he didn't leave the black snake alone. He took advantage of Malfoy to focus on his vigilance, and secretly released the silent spell on the black snake, using it as a trump card to hide. Get up." Hermione immediately thought of Harry's tactics.

"Malfoy wanted to use the black snake to deal with Harry, but Harry already had a way to deal with it, and he was waiting for Malfoy to get into this trap." Ron also responded.

"The analysis is good, it would be even better if you saw this in advance." George said lightly.

He floated up the stand, came to Malfoy, waved his wand, and the black snake disappeared into a cloud of black smoke.

Harry's response was very good. He immediately thought of using the Frost Curse to deal with the Black Snake, and quietly dispelling the Black Snake's Silent Curse was an even more beautiful method. The sudden reversal, the reversal at the last moment, not only caused Malfoy to lose completely, but even his mind was severely damaged.

George tapped his wand and drew a cloud of black venom from the wound on Malfoy's thigh. The flames were fired again, and the venom was burnt out. The burning venom gave off a sweet and greasy smell and turned into a black smoke.

"You take Malfoy to Madam Pomfrey. Although the injury is nothing, I hope there will be no sequelae." George couldn't help but say something strange.

Goyle and Crabbe immediately carried Malfoy and ran out. Without the anesthesia of the venom, they were carried by two idiots indiscriminately. Malfoy immediately let out a scream like killing a pig.

"There won't be any sequelae, right?" Ron walked over and whispered, "It doesn't look like it was stuck there."

Hermione snorted softly, "Harry, you're so bad."

"It's none of my business, I definitely didn't let the snake bite him." Harry waved his hand quickly, with a conscience, he just let the snake attack Malfoy, and had absolutely no other thoughts. It was because the snake was too coincidental and the location of the attack was too sensitive.

"Or it's actually a female snake." Fred chuckled, his tone revealing evil and schadenfreude.

"The wound hasn't reached the sensitive part yet, but the psychological shadow, who can say. It's better not to have such sequelae, otherwise Malfoy and Lucius will really rush into the classroom and kill you. I hope Madam Pomfrey can cure it. Good to him."

There was a lot of trouble in the dueling club, and Harry had to be cautious and pay attention to his own safety at all times. As soon as he saw Malfoy in sight, he sounded the alarm, alerted, and was ready to pull out his wand.

Fortunately, Malfoy didn't rush into the classroom to die with Harry in the days that followed. As for whether he left any sequelae on his body, this has become a mystery for the school.

Harry didn't want to know at all, didn't want to ask at all. At least Ron knew that he wouldn't joke about this in front of Harry. As for whether he and Fred spread rumors behind their backs, Harry didn't care.

But today Harry has another question he wants to know, not only him, but Hermione and Ron are also very curious about this question.

In the Gryffindor common room, Harry, Ron, Hermione sat in a row, and they were discussing this issue.

"I can't guess who killed so many spiders. I heard that the ground was shattered, and blood was dripping everywhere, like a battlefield, and like a tomb." Ron said excitedly, and he waved Fist, like telling an adventure story.

It was going to be a holiday soon, and today they planned to say goodbye to Hagrid at last, but unexpectedly, they learned from Hagrid that something big happened in the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid's friend, Aragog the eight-eyed spider, and his sons and daughters, and their descendants, were slaughtered cleanly. Hagrid's eyes were red with anger, and he was running around in the Forbidden Forest these days, vowing to find Aragog's killer.

In the past few days, even the always strong centaur tribe has been harassed by Hagrid one by one.

In the end, the centaurs only gave Hagrid some broken words as information, and they didn't know if they didn't want to offend the murderer, or if they really didn't know.

"Do you think the centaurs know who the killer is?" Ron continued.

He is also very curious about the murderer of the Forbidden Forest. Unlike killing unicorns to prolong their lives, killing a lot of spiders is a thankless thing.

(To be continued.)

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