Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 292 The Triwizard Battle is Coming

Time soon came to the end of October——

Tiera, Harry, Ron and Hermione quickly spent the first two months of their fourth year on campus in a busy manner.

All fourth graders have noticed that they have significantly more homework to do this semester.

When the students complained particularly loudly that Professor McGonagall had given them too much homework in Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall explained why.

"You are entering an important period of your magical education!" she told them, her eyes shining majestically behind the square lenses, "your O.W.L.s exam is coming soon -"

"We won't take the level exam until fifth grade!" Dean Thomas said angrily.

"That may be so, Thomas, but trust me, you need to be well prepared! Only Miss Granger and Mr. Lockhart are the only ones in this class who can turn a hedgehog into a satisfying pincushion. Thomas, I should warn you, your pincushion still cowers in fear when someone comes near it with a needle!”

Hermione's face turned red again, her head lowered, suppressing a smile, trying not to look too proud.

On the other hand, Professor Binns, the ghost who taught them the history of magic, has assigned them this week to write a paper on goblin rebellions in the eighteenth century.

Professor Snape forced them to research an antidote. They dare not take it lightly because Professor Snape has hinted that he will poison one of them before Christmas to see if their antidote works.

Professor Flitwick asked them to read three more books in preparation for learning the Flying Charm.

Even Hagrid burdened them—

The Blast-Ended Skrewts grew so fast that almost everyone except Tiera was struggling to cope with them.

The other Gryffindor students couldn't figure out how Tiera did it——

Because Tiera not only took care of the two snails, but also mutated the two snails——

The two snails that Tiera took care of were obviously several times larger than the other snails.

Not only that, hard snake-like scales began to grow on the exposed areas of the two snails that Tiera took care of.

In addition, the mucus of the two snails began to show corrosive toxicity and became more ferocious.

"How did you do it?" Hagrid couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, this." Tiera said, "They are like my babies. To ensure that they are strong and healthy, I feed them a little bit of the tonic I brewed."

"It seems the effect is too strong!" Hagrid squatted on the ground and observed Tiera's two Blast-Ended Skrewts and said -

Now Hagrid didn't dare to hold the two Blast-Ended Skrewts.

After class that day, when Tiera, Harry, Ron and Hermione arrived in the foyer, they found that they could no longer move forward because a large group of students were crowded around a large notice erected at the foot of the marble stairs——

Ron was the tallest among the three of them. He stood on tiptoes, looked over the heads of the people in front of him, and read the words on the notice aloud:

"The Triwizard Tournament

Representatives from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive at 6pm on Friday, October 30. afternoon

The class will end half an hour early——"

"Great!" Harry interrupted, "The last class on Friday is Potions! Snape didn't have time to poison us all!"

"At that time, please bring your schoolbags and textbooks back to the dormitory, gather in front of the castle, greet our guests, and then attend the welcome banquet." Ron continued to read.

"There's only less than a week left!" Ernie MacMillan from Hufflepuff House squeezed out from the crowd, his eyes sparkling, and said, "I don't know if Cedric knows about it. I'll tell him. …”

The notice that appeared in the foyer had a clear impact on the people living in the castle——

For the next week, wherever they went, people seemed to be talking about only one topic: the Triwizard Tournament.

Rumors spread quickly among the students, like a highly contagious virus, and began to spread among the crowd: who will compete to be the Champion of Hogwarts, what events will be included in the Tournament, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang How are the students different from them, and who is the mysterious fourth warrior?

In less than a week, the castle seems to be undergoing a thorough cleaning.

Several dirty portraits were scrubbed clean, and the scrubbed characters were unhappy about it.

They sat huddled in the picture frame, muttering unhappily, and grimacing in pain every time they touched the newly exposed pink flesh on their faces.

That caused the armor to suddenly become shiny, and it no longer creaked when moving.

When Argus Filch, the janitor, saw that a student had forgotten to clean his shoes, he flew into a rage that scared two first-year girls into hysterics.

Other teachers and staff also seemed particularly nervous.

"Longbottom, come on, don't reveal your secrets in front of the Durmstrang people and let them see that you don't even master a simple transformation spell!" When the Transfiguration class was about to end, McGonagall The professor shouted sternly——

This lesson went particularly poorly when Neville accidentally grafted his ear onto a cactus.

This made Professor McGonagall hysterical.

On the morning of October 30th, when they went downstairs for breakfast, they found that the auditorium had been decorated overnight.

Huge silk banners hung on the walls, each one representing a house of Hogwarts: Gryffindor on a red background with a golden lion, Ravenclaw on a blue background with a bronze eagle, and Ravenclaw on a yellow background. The one with a black crew cut is Hufflepuff, and the green one with a silver boa constrictor is Slytherin.

Behind the teacher's desk hung the largest banner, with the Hogwarts crest on it: the lion, eagle, snake and flathead joined together, surrounding a huge letter H.

That day, there was a joyful mood of anticipation in the air.

In class, almost no one was paying attention. Even Tiera had to admit that he was a little absent-minded. He couldn't wait to start eating!

Everyone is thinking that the people from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are coming tonight.

Even Potions class is not as unbearable as usual, because the get out of class has to end half an hour early——

When the bell rang early, Tiera, Harry, Ron and Hermione hurried to Gryffindor Tower, put down their schoolbags and textbooks as instructed, put on their cloaks, and then took three steps in two steps. He rushed down the stairs and into the foyer.

Deans of colleges are ordering their students to line up.

"Weasley, put your hat on properly! Don't wear it loosely. You are a Gryffindor student, not a gangster in Knockturn Alley!" Professor McGonagall said sternly to Ron, "And Petty Miss Er, take that ridiculous thing off your hair."

Parvati frowned unhappily and took off a large butterfly headdress from the end of her braid.

"Okay, very good! Now please follow me." Professor McGonagall looked at everyone again with hawk-like eyes and said, "First-year students in front... don't crowd..."

They filed down the steps and stood in line in front of the castle. It was a cold evening with fresh air, night was falling, and a white, translucent moon was already hanging over the Forbidden Forest.

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Hi! Hello everyone, I'm back again with the third update. I wish you all a happy April Fool's Day~

You thought I was updating one or two times, but you didn’t expect that I was updating three times——

So have I fooled my newer destiny?

Forget it, let’s not talk anymore. I’m going to drink the Fool’s Potion first. Let’s wait for a while——

Thanks to the first piper in the universe for the reward of 233 starting coins

Thanks to book friend 20210329075009976 for the reward of 138 starting coins

Thanks_Kaifeng Zinan_reward 100 starting coins

Thank you Circle Key for voting for 2 months

Thank you Lard-of-Hell for voting for January

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