Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 5 The 4th Magic Runaway

Flare of the Sun is a Chinese spell, and Della has been unable to pronounce it correctly after many times of science.

But even so, it was much easier for him to learn this spell than Zhang Hao created it himself.

In fact, the words 'Sun Flame Flare' are no different from ordinary spells to ordinary wizards.

For Zhang Hao, it was just a skill name. It was more difficult for him to use these four words to release magic than other wizards.

After all, when British wizards heard these four words, they would only think of a thick beam of light, but Zhang Hao would think of a certain beautiful female warrior.

In other words, the spell's binding effect on his mind wasn't that strong.

Therefore, the sun flare of the Deira Science Society is only a matter of time. As long as he is willing to learn, he will be able to learn it.

Today was probably his lucky day, and Snape didn't name him in Potions class.

On the contrary, Zhang Hao was called up by Snape to answer a few questions.

But those questions were too simple, and everyone suspected that Snape was deliberately asking Zhang Hao to answer, so that he could justifiably give Slytherin extra points.

Gryffindors were dissatisfied with this kind of rude operation, but there was nothing they could do.

"It's disgusting!" Ron complained after class. "Snape is too much. Isn't he ashamed at all? What's the point of winning the Academy Cup this way?"

"Is that a question?" Harry said angrily. "He obviously has no shame. I think he can do anything as long as he can win the Academy Cup."

Hermione was also sullen. She wanted to fight for Gryffindor honors, but Snape didn't give her a chance.

Draco rarely taunted the Gryffindor trio, which made them uncomfortable for a while.

Harry heard Draco mumbling words in a language he didn't understand.

He moved closer to Draco, trying to hear a little more clearly.

But Draco was wary. He glared at Harry and said, "What are you trying to do? What are you trying to get so close to me?"

"I..." Harry rolled his eyes and whispered, "I smell a stench on you!"

He slipped away, leaving Draco sniffing around.

Zhang Hao laughed dumbly at this scene. Harry seemed to have changed a lot, and he didn't know who to learn from.

In the afternoon, Flint, who was promoted to captain of the Slytherin team, found Zhang Hao and Draco.

"I now invite you to join the Slytherin team," Flint said sternly. "I hope you can fight for glory for Slytherin. Draco, your father sponsored the team's broom. The latest nimbus. 2001, are you going to see it?"

Last year, Zhang Hao and Draco had excellent flying lessons, so they can be called seed players.

The seventh graders have to prepare for the final exam, so many players have left the team, and the teams of various colleges are in urgent need of fresh blood.

Obviously, the Slytherin team values ​​Zhang Hao and Draco more.

Draco was very happy, he said to Zhang Hao: "Hey! We can join the Quidditch team, what do you think?"

"What's so happy about this? Can you keep your focus?" Zhang Hao said indifferently: "Quidditch is a sport, just play it, so why take it seriously?"

Flint said unhappily: "How can you think so? Quidditch is a great sport, and everyone should face it. Do you want to join?"

"It's okay to play, otherwise what's the use of my broom?"

Zhang Hao neither likes nor hates Quidditch.

But he has a vague and daring plan, and before it can begin, he needs to build up some prestige in the wizarding world.

It would be good for the new plan, at least it would allow Quidditch fanatic wizards to sit down and listen to him finish the plan.

In this way, Zhang Hao joined the Quidditch team with a special purpose.

That evening, he went to a wooden house in the woods.

The phoenix egg was still half-dead, and the runes on the eggshell were getting darker and darker, but it just didn't disappear.

Perhaps this phoenix is ​​still resisting. According to Lilith, the stronger the phoenix, the more difficult it is to conclude a contract.

She also said that this is a good thing. Once the phoenix hatches, Zhang Hao can get a powerful boost.

"You're not going back yet?" Lilith asked Zhang Hao's hesitant expression, "Is there anything else you need me to help with?"

"There is one thing that needs your help, and it is very important."

Zhang Hao intends to experiment with flying magic here. He is worried about a magic accident, so he needs a trusted person to take care of him.

It was luck that there was no accident during the solar flare and flashing spell experiments, and he could not guarantee that he would not make mistakes every time.

"Tell me if you have anything!" Lilith stroked her hair and said, "As long as I can, I will help you."

"I'm glad you think so." Zhang Hao said with a smile: "I'm going to do a magic experiment. You just need to save my life when I'm in danger. If you can't save it, then help me collect the corpse."

"Okay!" Lilith said calmly, "I know what to do."

Probably influenced by Lilith, Zhang Hao became a lot more at ease. He slowly closed his eyes, awakening the instinct that had been branded in his bones.

After a while, colorful clouds appeared under his feet, and thunder and lightning loomed behind him.

Lilith looked surprised, she had never seen such magic before.

Suddenly, Zhang Hao rose into the sky, and his eyes were opened.

The wings of thunder and lightning on the back became more and more solid, and the colorful clouds became more and more stable.

Instincts cultivated in illusions have successfully manifested in reality.

Zhang Hao, can fly!

He is like a brilliant meteor, flying around in the night sky.

In terms of speed, the new magic has surpassed the broomstick.

After a long time, Zhang Hao slowly fell to the ground.

He panted heavily and said, "It's alright, there's no accident."

Lilith's eyes were full of brilliance, and she praised without hesitation: "It's a very beautiful magic, is this your own creation?"

"Of course," Zhang Hao felt that the magic riot was coming again, this time even more ferocious than when he created the solar flare. He reluctantly raised his strength and said, "I've spent a lot of effort!"

"You have strong magical power fluctuations, is that okay?" Lilith apparently found the same on Zhang Hao, and the worry in her eyes disappeared in a flash.

"I may be dying, can you hug me?" Zhang Hao pretended to say, "Let me die in a warm embrace, so that I probably won't become a ghost."

As he spoke, he rushed towards Lilith, his eyes full of desire for warmth.

However, Lily stepped aside without mercy. She said nonchalantly: "I think you should die in the arms of the earth - this will give you a new life in another form."

Zhang Hao is exhausted!

Lilith dodged like this, and he threw himself directly to the ground.

He decided to lie down for a while where he fell, and he wouldn't be able to get up anyway.

The flowerbed was overwhelmed, and two goblins were under him. They were the demolition households who settled here after Lilith left, and Lilith drove them away during the day—and apparently, they came back.

The suppressed goblin desperately beat Zhang Hao with a small fist, but this had no effect at all.

Zhang Hao was too tired to move, and he didn't bother to fight back.

And Lilith lost interest in him when she saw that he could still fool around.

After a long time, Zhang Hao finally regained his strength, and he felt that his magic power had risen a lot.

It's hard to say how much it has risen, but it is certain that the harvest this time is absolutely gratifying.

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