Harry Potter and Master of Magic

Chapter 4 I Don't Teach You Black Magic

In the mysterious illusion, Zhang Hao stepped on colorful auspicious clouds, and the wings of thunder and lightning were brilliant.

Sometimes he looks like a monkey; sometimes he looks like Lei Zhenzi.

The sky is like a vast stage, allowing him to fly freely like a bird.

Since that day, he has completely let go of himself.

Now, flying is like an instinct etched in his bones.

In a fantasy world, as long as your mind moves, you can rush to the sky.

After a long time, he slowly landed on the ground and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"It's almost time, and the magic power consumed is still a bit big! But if we can usher in the fourth magic power rampage, it will be fine if you want to use it at a low frequency."

The newly created magic still has certain flaws. The consumption of magic power is the first point, and the lack of protection during flight is the second point.

Magic is like strength. If a person can only lift a stone, he will have little energy to do other things when he lifts the stone.

But if this person can lift a mountain, then he will have spare energy to do other things while lifting the stone.

Zhang Hao is currently subject to this limitation. As long as he uses other magic while flying, his skull will ache like a needle stick.

This is a manifestation of insufficient magic power. Forcibly using magic beyond the ability, maybe it will become a mental retardation.

So for now, it is difficult to balance flight and protection.

But if there are a few more magic power rampages, there will be no problem.

The sky was bright, and the illusion was shattered.

Draco hasn't woken up yet, this guy's sleeping position is so ecstatic!

He rolled the quilt into a stick, on which his legs were coiled.

Zhang Hao took out his camera and quietly took a few pictures of him.

He intends to show these photos to everyone at the right time.

Watching roommates embarrassing is also a kind of fun in student life!

After taking the photo, Zhang Hao woke Draco with a loudspeaker spell.

The kid seemed to have the urge to get up, and he angrily shouted: "Bastard! Can you be quieter next time? My ears are going to be deafened by you!"

"Don't worry, even if your ear is deafened, Madam Pomfrey can cure it." Zhang Hao shrugged: "Get up! Today's first class is potions class, you know the consequences of being late."

"Don't come!" Draco glanced at the alarm clock and said angrily: "It's only after seven o'clock, and it's still early before class!"

Blue veins can almost be seen on his forehead, and he is obviously dissatisfied to the extreme.

"If you are still so lazy, I promise you will never catch up with me in any way." Zhang Hao sighed: "In addition, I hope the dean will not ask you questions by name today, I guess you must not have previewed your textbooks. "

With that said, Draco panicked immediately.

He put on his clothes as quickly as possible, and cursed in his mouth: "You crow's mouth, if the dean calls me today, I will not finish with you!"

Don't finish with me? How can you take me?

Zhang Hao smiled disapprovingly, and then left the dormitory first.

There is no one in the common room, and most of the students are still sleeping under the covers!

Hogwarts follows the routine of ordinary high schools in the United Kingdom. Students start their first class at nine o'clock in the morning, and a class is only forty minutes.

It's not even twelve o'clock after the two classes in the morning, compared to Huaxia's work and rest time, it's really loose!

But even so, the students complained that they had no choice but to use the class.

From this point of view, Huaxia people are worthy of the title of the most industrious in the world.

Zhang Hao casually took out a book from his pocket, which was Principal Edson's collection.

After translating several books in succession, Zhang Hao can finally read these ancient books fluently.

The book in his hand,

Some ancient black magic is recorded.

This is useful to him, because to defend against black magic, one must understand black magic.

If you expect to learn about black magic on the battlefield, you will probably die many times.

Generally books related to black magic are very strange, and this one in Zhang Hao's hands is no exception.

As long as you open the book, you can hear some mournful wailing.

Even outsiders could hear it, for example now - Draco was drawn to the sound of the book.

"What book are you reading?" Draco frowned. "I think I heard some strange noises, weird!"

"It's nothing, just a magic book." Zhang Hao said casually: "A black magic book, we always have to understand what we will face in the future."

"You dare to learn black magic now?" Draco said in surprise: "I thought you only liked white magic! This doesn't fit your hypocritical character, the sun is really coming out of the west!"

"Black magic is not a beast of a flood. As long as it is not used recklessly, it will not cause too serious impact." Zhang Hao suddenly frowned as he spoke. He found something remarkable in the book.

This book actually records how the Horcrux is made!

"Is there any magic in your book suitable for me to learn?" Draco became curious about the book in Zhang Hao's hand, and he asked with a smile, "Let me learn two spells, and the past will be forgotten, how about it?"

Zhang Hao quietly closed the magic book, and refused righteously: "I'd rather teach you about sun flare than black magic!"

He didn't expect that when Draco heard this, his eyes gleamed!

The kind of thief bright thief bright!

"Really? Sunflame flares aren't bad either, so that's the decision."

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