Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 571: Law Weapon (33)

call out.

Lei Luo flickered and appeared on the side of the real octopus swaying in the turbulent flames.

In the real body of Antonio, Antonio raised his wand, and the turbulent edge hardly supported the real body to prevent the structure from collapsing.

"Master, how is it going?"

In the turbulent turbulence, even Rello can't perceive the situation of devouring the demon **** with the beating star meteor strike, but according to the various information of the devouring demon **** in the past few days, such a degree of attack is obviously far from exceeding the fission-level radiation weapon The level of qualitative change is naturally difficult to cause a devastating attack on this demon god.

He glanced at Lei Luo.

"This technique has indeed reached the fourth level."

He first made an affirmative voice, and then said again: "But if you want to cause it to be irreversibly destroyed, the intensity is still much worse, this technique still has a lot of room for improvement!"

Rello knows clearly that there is huge room for improvement in star meteorology.

Nowadays he uses the gravitational structure to try to affect the synchronous orbit floating island guide debris, but it is just some small debris with a diameter of 20-30, 45-50 meters, which is almost his limit. The created gravitational strength makes it difficult to reduce its speed to the speed range of the gravitational traction of the star screen world.

And debris of this size, once close to the star screen world, will first be burned by the protection of the world's natural rules for more than half of the world.

There is only a small part left, and the crash in this world will cause a big explosion. The energy produced is only a small part after it is offset by natural energy.

But if it can induce some large debris with a diameter of more than 100 meters to fall into this world, or even a super debris with a diameter of more than a kilometer, then an energy explosion will be caused. , Even on the side impact of ancient superbody stars, causing enough to cause changes in the ecological environment of the entire world!


Lei Luo stared closely at the area where the flames burst into the core, trying to perceive the situation inside, and said lowly: "At least interrupted its swallowing power."

"You have successfully caught its attention now. Next, you have to be careful, protect yourself, and fight against god-level creatures, but the degree of danger is not comparable to those of lower-level creatures, so it is best not to leave me too far, First think of a way to spend tonight and wait for the good news from your majesty. "


After silently responding, the twisted light and darkness around Relo's body surface restored the basic vortex structure again, and the dark green runes on the cloak of Doom gradually calmed down.

Rumble, Rumble ...

Although the violent energy generated by the explosion of the star meteoric core cannot be like a radiation weapon, the energy of several consecutive hours of hourglass pouring, like a small sun, lasts for about half a minute before reaching its peak. , Then gradually calmed down.

In this way, Relo and Antonio, who are closest to the core area of ​​the explosion, also took the lead in sensing some of the breath inside.

But what the two first sensed was not the breath of life.

It's like the power of faith that the storm eyes are gathering!

"Sure enough! Be careful!"

Antonio's reminder also made Rello respond in the first time.

The surrounding air pressure almost suddenly increased dozens of times.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Rello looks no different around him, but in Rello, who has been exposed to the power of the law, the lines of law and law between heaven and earth have changed dramatically, and the density has been changed. Threads with inexplicable power of unknown laws, they are as fine as a spider's silk, and they are converging around their bodies, twisted into a strand, forming something like a silk cocoon, wrapping themselves around the imprisonment.


Lei Luo's use of the law is still at a very preliminary stage. He instinctively used the law of gravity to fight, which actually contributed to the convergence speed of this silk cocoon around the body, and more and more unknown silk threads wrapped around his body.

"This is the essence of the law of its swallowing power?"

With the increasing power of the converging laws, the influenced energy gradually began to materialize around Lei Luo, even forming the image of a **** ghost claw, holding him in his claws.


A deep groan.

Lei Luo kept trying to get rid of the pressure around him, but he couldn't get rid of it with brute force.

The terrible oppression, if you want to fight against it with brute force, I am afraid that it is only possible to increase it several times out of thin air. It is almost possible that Lei Luo has completed super-bodyization, and there is still a considerable gap!

Fortunately, the cloak of doom has an extremely amazing defensive nature. Even if these laws of engulfing imprisonment are difficult to break through its protection for a while.

"So, try this!"

Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong, Dong ...

The heart beats like the earth's center of the planet.

That is the beating of the true body from a million kilometers away, simulated in this sentence, based on gravitational high pressure, losing its own material mass, continuously releasing the power of the most basic law of the star, the radiation of Rello Star The power of fire!

On this basis, hundreds of millions of creatures, using radiant flame as the source of life, proliferate, create unlimited possibilities, and cast its complete natural laws.


In an instant, the distorted light and darkness were dissipated, forming a pure fireball. The terrifying high temperature distorted the surrounding air. The original thin body actually called the doomsday cloak because of the continuous eruptive energy. Under the influence of the sun and moon pupils, it gradually became red.

But after all, this is nothing but the energy of representation.

In the eyes of Lei Luo, the silk cocoons wrapped in the porridge of the body, like a burning candle, gradually began to melt, but if you want to break free at this speed, at least one or two hourglasses are possible.

But if the anomaly was first discovered, this method was used as a resistance, maybe it has already gotten away, at least not as embarrassed as it is now, and it is too late to say anything, Relo is still too lacking in the research experience of the power of law, he It just opened the door and took a step, not to mention the face of the devil at the moment, but he was a projection avatar.


In the crater, a giant swarming with flames gradually came out of it.

The lingering black smoke and the crimson flame are intertwined with each other, and tens of thousands of twisted **** ghost claws are in a painful posture, thin and rough, and many ghost claws have been burnt and dead.

"Dirty worm, you have stolen power that should not belong to you ..."

The roaring magic word, which is a special language among certain species in the underground world, exudes a pungent smell of monsters, driving tens of thousands of **** ghost claws. After layers of layers are opened, the center is suddenly opened here. The dark space at the place releases the terrible power of sucking and devouring!


While trying his best to resist the terrible sucking force, Lei Luo concentrated on the point of gravity and gathered the law of gravity to a point, forming a black spot that twisted the space in front of him, toward the center of tens of thousands of squirming bones and arms, The dark crack that gradually opened again shot through.

Whale swallowing all things, singularity was sucked into the dark cracks, but did not cause a trace of waves!

Inside, it seems infinitely vast.

At the same time, Lei Luo, who was imprisoned, was no longer able to absorb this swallowing force. The flaming flames around the body suddenly formed a long comet, twisted and pulled into a silk thread, and was swallowed by a dark crack. .

And it is not controlled by itself, and is rushing towards the crack little by little.

At this moment.

The ancient eight-headed snake had a real body, mastered the head of the hurricane, and spit out a hurricane vortex. The wind eye imprisoned Lei Luo. He tried to **** Lei Luo back. Little one, the hurricane eye is only slightly delayed.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom……

In the turbulent turbulent energy turbulence, the two giant monsters are like wild animals ~ ~ Writhing and biting, tens of millions of ghost claws and snake heads tearing each other.

The real body structure of the giant snake is constantly being destroyed, and the energy is poured to form an afterimage of blood splashing.

The devouring demon who experienced the impact of star meteorology is even worse. After each attack, thousands of dead ghost claws will fall off, which looks like shredded scales. Although the ghost claws fell off, the bare arm growing on the body was still creeping, and the wound was tinged with pale green liquid.

Such a tragic, Antonio can draw a little energy to take care of Rello, is the limit.


In the roar, a giant hand composed of tens of thousands of ghost claws slapped at the head of the hurricane power snake, dragging the snake head trying to rescue Rello back.

"Keep it in, I will rescue you immediately!"

Seeing that Rello had reached the edge of the dark crack uncontrollably, Antonio growled, preventing Rello from already moving his arm.

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