Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 570: Law Weapon (32)

People often associate war with art.

For the war mad people, even if their power is far from that level, joining the crown-like central battlefield battle determines the success or failure of the war, but even just looking, listening, will make every cell in their body All are in a state of extreme excitement, not afraid of death, hysterical crying.

There are many such people in Gran, more Zealand.

Unfortunately, almost every ancient creature that has experienced the brutal survival competition of the underground world is a militant!

If the central battlefield is the crown of war, then the head-on confrontation between the strongest is undoubtedly the pearl on the crown, the most dazzling commanding height.

Rumbling rumbling.

Hundreds of advanced scholars, they represent the culmination of the Gran Royal Science Council, the human beings who have initially got rid of ignorance and search for freedom and truth, represent the belief of human beings to find the truth of the operation of the world universe, and follow the arm who shout The old man gradually fought with the higher monsters all over the world.

In an instant, it became the most tragic death center on the battlefield.

Any creature that dares to break into this death vortex may be wiped out by the aftermath of war at any time in this brutal death killing.

That's a danger zone that everyone can't avoid!

"Hum hum hum hum hum hum ..."

Eerie laughter.

As the mist gradually dispelled by the giant monster gradually disperse, accompanied by the dark red suppressed light, as if from the **** of the devil, a monster composed of tens of thousands of **** claws slowly appeared .

These tens of thousands of **** ghost claws, like floating seaweed, are constantly struggling. This is the prey that they devoured on their way of growth. They are suffering from pain all the time, and at the same time they are suffering from this pain. 'S violent hatred longs to pull others into this sinking hell.

The ghost claws are like waves, converging to the center, leading to the unknown dark hell, and continually sending out the repressive wailing.

A grotesque, thrilling, desperate breath, like a tsunami.

Wherever he passed, there seemed to be a loss of color between heaven and earth, leaving only monotonous black and white. From time to time, a large body of frozen soul creatures fell straight from the sky.

The devouring demon that stands out among the hundreds of millions of ancient creatures in the underground world has accumulated too much war and despair, which is cruelty that the surface creatures simply cannot imagine.

The hundreds of millions of hands of **** seemed to breathe, and the volume continued to expand and contract.


Hundreds of millions of palms slowly opened, exposing hundreds of millions of **** eyes.

It stared at Antonio, the little one who had not transformed.

"You have been suppressing the pure ancient breath, the surface creatures as weak as you, even relying on the breath of these ancient creatures to practice so far, you can barely fight against me, which can't help but make me think of the little guy ... hum It ’s a pity, it seems that the ancient gold giant that it controlled yesterday attacked still hardly reach your level this time. ”

Devouring the devil's point is naturally a sheep-headed bat that has been reduced to a specimen in Lei Luo's hands.

The Doom Cloak keeps flashing dark green runes. They seem to be dense tadpoles. Under the deterrent of this law, they firmly block the danger and complete the design of the extinct civilization, so that people wearing it can survive the doomsday disaster.

But even so, Rello, hiding under the cloak of Doom, stood beside Antonio, but still couldn't help but take a breath.

It seems that he has been targeted by the God of Devouring. At this moment, the twisted air nearby, under the auxiliary observation of the star core, frequently jumps between 300 degrees and 400 degrees. This is enough strength to cause the third-level creatures to be destroyed!

It's no wonder that the Cloak of Doom will reflect this way.

"What a monster!"

Unmoved, Lei Luo avoided the distance of more than 100 meters from Antonio and escaped from this violent space. The terrible oppression gradually weakened.

the other side.

Antonio did not move in place, only to see that his wand was a little lighter, and a black smoke snake was transformed into a circle. After rotating around him for a few times, an isolation layer was formed to isolate the terrible pressure in the air. .

Seeing this, Devon laughed.

Along with its laughter and the sound of "boom", the isolated space drawn by the smoky snake is constantly being compressed. Unexpectedly, Antonio originally seemed to be old and thin, and with a slight bow, he suddenly turned into a bear. Although he didn't turn on his real body, a remnant of the real body suddenly appeared, and the roaring Hydra instantly dispelled this ubiquitous pressure.

One two three four five six seven eight nine, complete Hydra!

He really hid a snake head!

"Hahahaha, today you still have several layers of molting opportunities! Failure and demise will be your irresistible destiny, and we will once again become masters of this land !!"

In the roar, the Demon God approached, and he first attacked.

Under the mouth of the dark hell, under the terrible sucking force, everything on the earth and the sky seemed to have lost gravity, and it rushed uncontrollably to the mouth of hell, even Rello, who was hiding behind Antonio, was no exception!

Suddenly, the wind surged.

The magic clouds in all directions seemed to form a huge storm vortex eye, and everything in the vortex eye began to **** into the large black mouth where millions of **** ghost claws gathered.

"The ancient Hydra is real, open!"

Antonio also opened the ancient real body, which is still an ancient eight-headed snake hidden under the snake skin.

With a roaring roar, it looks slightly smaller than the Demon God, but its brutality is not inferior. While trying its best to resist this ubiquitous terrible sucking force, it breathes terrible energy attacks, but most of them are Sucked by the terrible hell, only a small part fell on the **** body, but it didn't help.


At the center battlefield, anthropologists and paleontologists shrouded in vortexes tried their best to escape far away from this terrible sucking force, but there were still some guys who were closer, sucked little by little by the devil In the past, and as I gradually approached the center, the speed became faster and faster, and a horrified cry was made.

With the real gravity of the astral body, resisting the terrible sucking force of Lei Luo, he quickly pulled the female scholar over.

"go with!"

With a fierce shot by Reiluo, the female scholar was able to escape from Reeluo's power, and Hongyu struggled to escape from the vortex of suction.

"Thank you Master!"

She couldn't see the twisted light and darkness, Relo's face.

However, under the influence of devouring the demon, even if the law of gravity spreading around Lei Luo, an irregular distortion was formed, and part of the light distorted by the law of gravity actually escaped, and was sucked in by the terrible mouth of hell.

"Master, what should I do!"

Level 4 Creature, God Level Creature!

This devouring **** has not only reached the fourth level, but has also reached the stage of the median god, and even the strongest among the median gods, plus the identity of its underground monster, long-term war baptism, the strength is also higher than that of the senior gods Not much concession.

In this way, a face-to-face, showed that Lei Luo caught off guard by strength, which is also a matter of course.

Otherwise, with the talents of scholars in the Grand Duchy, how could it be difficult for Antonio to continue?

At this level of strength, even the average royal academician can hardly be self-protected, let alone assisted.

"This is just its early warm-up exercise, and it is likely to be one of its talents, in order to obtain energy first, supplementing the power of faith, we do n’t need to pay attention to this, or we can carry out regular attacks to accelerate its collection process. , But want to cause damage to it in this state ... Even my highest-strength attack is difficult to do, you can try it with the technique that you guided yesterday! "

Antonio has obviously experienced this situation many times, quite experienced.

Star Meteorology?

Clenching his teeth, Ray Rosensen said: "Okay, please ask the master to buy me some time. I must focus on this technique and launch it with all my strength!"

"it is good!"

The process is no longer mentioned.

When the horizon sky again appeared a slight dark red, as if suppressed by the doomsday light, the meteorite with a diameter of more than 50 meters continuously disintegrated and burned during the friction with the atmosphere, and finally formed a more than ten meters. The meteorite fell at an angle of 24.5 degrees from the horizon.

But what disappointed Lei Luo was that this star meteor guide failed.

The distance between the location of the fall and its estimated coordinates is approximately 1,500 meters.

From a macro point of view, this distance is almost sticking together, but from a human point of view, it is enough to allow the subject to get out of the range of the star meteor strike, and even involve himself in destruction!

Raylow's face was pale.

For such a large-scale academic, it is natural to produce a certain probability of failure. He can only do his best to adjust the orbit angle at the end of the academic as much as possible, but according to Relo ’s estimate, it is at most about 500 meters away. Let the devour devourer reluctantly get involved in the fringe of the explosion center.

Rumble, Rumble ...

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared!

Originally, Rello had no hope of star meteorology. After Rello had done his best to adjust the orbit angle, as he entered the devouring devour range of devouring the devil ~ ~ This is a domain rule Devoured, although it cannot be ubiquitous and endless like the law of gravity, it can concentrate its power within a certain range of space, and once launched, it cannot be stopped!

Affected by this, even the end of the star meteorite was also pulled, and the orbit changed greatly.

"That's ... no !!"

boom! ! ! !

The short, dazzling light blooms in the central store where the two celestial bodies meet.

The violent energy is accompanied by glaring glare, and the engulfing vortex has reached the limit in less than a second, and then comes the force of the celestial bodies colliding with the eruption.

Silence suppressed.

With the sound of "boom", the creatures still struggling to swallow and **** at the last moment, like the wind blowing down the leaves at the next moment, just like a piece of paper, were blown away by this violent aftermath.

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