Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 611 [First Experience of Commercial Landing]


Ariel Horner from North America has been in this city for the fourth year. He was attracted by the food here. Ariel Horner, a foodie with a head iron, came to China when he came to China. When he was in China, he threatened to eat a dish with different tastes every day, and eat it all over the country within three years.

As a result, three years have passed, and now it is the fourth year, and he still hasn't come out in Rongcheng...

People are stupid.

His deeds have also become popular in China. There are also some media reports that a foreign guy threatened to eat all over the country's food for three years. After three years, he is still "trapped" in the city where he started - Rongcheng.

In the years after Horner came to China, he also felt the country's rapid development. From the perspective of a foreigner, it was incredible.

This is the complete opposite of what he thought was a backward country when he first arrived, and even in many places, especially in urban infrastructure and life, there was an air of technological life everywhere.

For example, high-speed rail, mobile payment, urban logistics, etc., these things that are commonplace in the country, even taken for granted, are very advanced and advanced in the eyes of a foreigner.

The level of development of some big cities, even New York is difficult to match, such as subway facilities, New York subway facilities are outdated, and it has stayed in the last century.

This morning, Ariel Horner came to the Darunfa supermarket near Dujiangyan. The supermarket has a total area of ​​30,000 to 40,000 square meters in a four-story building, and another three-story building is still under construction. The area is about 10,000 square meters. If it is also used as a store, the entire supermarket will have about 50,000 square meters. This is undoubtedly the largest supermarket in Rongcheng.

The supermarket's intermittent business upgrade some time ago caused some inconvenience to local consumers, but it didn't last long.

Today, the supermarket reopened.

Anyone who pays attention to online news knows that this supermarket has now been incorporated into the Bluestar technology system. Ariel Horner was the first to learn about the news on the Internet. This supermarket is LiFi One of the 40 commercial landing tests of the technology, and the only one in Rongcheng.

It opened today, and Horner came here immediately to experience what this so-called "smart supermarket" feels like.

"Wow, there are so many people today..."

Horner is standing at the gate of the supermarket. He is shooting a vlog. He is the UP owner of BV Video Network and Bluestar Video.

However, he recently decided to give up the operation of the BV video network and instead fully operate Bluestar Video.

Because the BV video website has only a meager 10,000 fans, and on the Blue Star video, Horner, as a foreigner, has set up his popularity in the country with the goal of eating all over the country in three years. Now he has more than 5 million followers on Blue Star Video.

No wonder it will give up operating BV video network.

"First download a LiFi-specific APP software..." Horner spoke in a slightly Sichuan-like Chinese. He was not very fluent in Chinese, and when he was in a hurry, he would suddenly speak English.

"Downloaded, waiting for installation."

Horner looked at the Azure-4 in his hand, and after a while, the installation was completed, and then clicked on the APP to enter the application, and he could directly associate with each other through social accounts such as WeChat or Blue Space for authorization, or email registration and the like.

"Oh Clay Dog!"

Horner chose to use his WeChat account for authorization, and after that, he entered the supermarket.

It opened again today, and the popularity of the supermarket is very hot, and there are many people like Horner who come here.

Wandering inside for a while, he looked at the phone screen again.

"Wow, there's a stereo mode?"

Horner looked very curious at the information on the mobile phone screen, and decisively switched from the two-dimensional mode to the three-dimensional mode. The information on the screen displayed the information inside the supermarket, which can be said to be unobstructed.

The commodity information on the shelves and the live flow of people are all displayed on one screen, and you can clearly see where there is a lot of people, where there are few people, and many other useful information.

There are also some problems with the goods on the shelves, so for the customer, if the goods he wants are out of stock at this time, and there is no more, there is no need to waste time on a wasteful trip, saving this part of the time cost.

The screen shows that there is a huge flow of people in the vegetable, fruit and meat area, but the biggest is the cashier area.

Horner immediately clicked and entered "hot pot delivery" through the search box built into the app, and soon the artificial intelligence assistant popped up a message prompting him whether he was looking for "hot pot base".

The artificial intelligence technology of this APP is technical support provided by Cote d'Azur. This error correction is trivial. At present, most AI can do it, but the real power is the speech recognition ability, and in speech recognition, it can even "understand" AI Riel Horner's heavily out-of-tune Chinese voice input.

However, Horner did not use voice input. After he clicked to confirm the "Hot Pot Bottom Material", the APP immediately jumped to a new page information smoothly, just like map navigation, there was a clear route, and according to Huo Na The most time-saving travel route to the destination is calculated based on the combination of factors such as the current location of the customer and the density of people inside the supermarket.

But the actual situation is that the flow of the entire supermarket is messy and disorderly, and it is never possible to predict the route of a customer in the next second, so this is actually a chaotic system, and the original route may not be the best after more than ten seconds. When the route is completed, the APP will optimize and change the route accordingly.

These operations are based on saving customers' time as the first priority. Of course, customers are also intelligent and autonomous, and there are also hard-headed people like Horner, who may not follow the APP's navigation.

This indexing is a level of precision that current map navigation lacks, especially indoors and how intelligent it is, but that's not what surprises Horner the most.

What really surprised him was that on the path he walked on the screen, the images of the product shelves along the way were not decorations, but all provided clear product information. Clicking on a specific product on the shelf would further display the content information of the product. .

Language barrier, foreigners can't understand local characters when they see physical goods?

It doesn't matter, now this supermarket has solved this problem. Foreigners like Horner can click on the relevant products through the shelf information in the APP, and a list of English information can be floated. Currently, more than 20 languages ​​are supported.

Horner successfully arrived at the destination according to the route of travel, and he saw that the shelves were filled with all kinds of hot pot ingredients.

"It's so good to use this app. With it, I don't have to worry about buying the wrong hot pot base. The user experience is full."

Horner made an embarrassed face at the camera after speaking. He couldn't understand text messages before, and he bought all kinds of wrong tastes.

But with this APP, it is very friendly to foreigners like him, because it can support language switching, but I can't understand the real thing, but I can always understand my native language through the APP, right?

Horner didn't really want to buy hot pot ingredients. The purpose of his visit to the supermarket today was to experience this new technology application scenario.

After the whole process, he felt like he was playing a game. There was a dazzling array of information, which could be retrieved and viewed at will. The APP was like an open game world, and more than 95% of the content in it could be clicked to view.

You can even see relevant information by clicking on some real-time corresponding passerby models. The most basic information is male or female, but further information requires passersby to open their privacy authorization. The amount of information depends on the degree of the object’s privacy authorization. The model, you can even see some of his social accounts that he found in his self-introduction. If you don't allow this, you can also chat privately.

This is a bit of a show.

However, these contents are hidden, which requires users to explore by themselves, because the positioning is a smart supermarket, and the customers who come here are here to buy things, not to socialize. The operator is very clear about this.

Forced promotion and putting these contents in front of users will make users feel that this product is bloated.

Therefore, although the actual content is extremely rich, it looks minimalist, easy to use and straight to the destination, so as to achieve the best user experience.

Another advantage is to give some idle people who eat melons the joy of exploration. If you are bored, you can discover many new elements, which improves user stickiness and fun, so as to achieve the corresponding balance.

In this way, it can also attract the interest of more users through the tap water effect.

"This app appeared three years ago, and I wouldn't have been so miserable in China."

Horner sighed to the camera, even in his fourth year in China, except for some dish names that he can say very authentically and fluently, it is still difficult to communicate normally. As for reading text messages, his eyes are still confused. lock up.

He recognizes a lot of individual words, but the meanings they represent when they are combined, Ariel Horner is immediately dumbfounded at first glance, and reading the meaning feels like letting her decipher the secret... I don't understand it at all.

There are no worries now, at least there will be no similar troubles when shopping in this supermarket.

Horner finally bought a lot of snacks and left the supermarket. He was very satisfied with this shopping experience. He used to close his eyes and look at pictures to buy and buy.

Today's shopping experience gave him a completely different feeling. He bought every item after he understood what it was.

The popularity of the supermarket is hot, and there are also some market researchers in the industry.

On the third floor of the supermarket, two middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes were watching the behavior of the shoppers, and one of them suddenly said: "I can see that there are not many people who use it, and most people don't even know about it. , is still dominated by traditional shopping methods.”

Another man said immediately: "But this is a trend. Luo Sheng not only made the brand-new LiFi technology commercialized, but more importantly, has mastered the huge offline entrance. It will be another situation in a few years. It's a whole new outlet."

His colleague added again: "I bet that some overseas supermarket merchants must have seen the magical effect, especially merchants in regions like South Korea and Japan, don't forget how many Chinese people go abroad to buy goods every year? If I were a local businessman, I would definitely look for Cote d'Azur to connect them with LiFi technology and make the supermarket smarter, which is equivalent to embracing both enterprise-level customers and users, tsk tsk tsk..."

You must know that during the holidays, the number of domestic tourists traveling abroad is tens of thousands. Many people are taking advantage of the trip abroad to bring goods. Overseas merchants are struggling to meet tourists from China. For example, ten On such a day as the National Day, the island country also followed it with celebrations, discounts, and promotions, with the aim of attracting customers from China.

But after all, the language barrier is a big problem, and after connecting to LiFi, these offline problems can be solved perfectly. The LiFi application in the supermarket alone has a huge room for imagination.


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