Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 610 [Sudden big move, LiFi initial commercial landing pilot]

On January 20, when the outside world was focusing on the Riviera and the tide of technological change in the semiconductor industry, Bluestar Technology completed a major layout move in a low-key manner at this time.

After the news came out, people paid attention.

The changes in the semiconductor industry have attracted too many people's attention recently, so that the news of Bluestar Technology has not attracted much attention.

On this day, Bluestar Technology Group, Oushan Retail and Luntai Group announced that they have reached a strategic cooperation agreement. Bluestar Technology will invest 20 billion yuan to directly and indirectly hold 39.61% of the shares of Gaoxing Retail, thus becoming the latter's first The second largest shareholder, Gaoxing Retail has two major brands, Oushan and Darunfa. This year's revenue is expected to exceed 100 billion yuan.

As an Internet giant, Bluestar Technology Group has fascinated a lot of people with this operation, and they can't understand it. Why did you, a high-tech company, go to the traditional retail market to play?

However, someone understood part of it.

That is Ali.

This incident has caused a huge shock within Ali. Although most people's vision has been taken away by the changes in the semiconductor industry, the domestic competition between Bluestar Technology and Ali is becoming more and more fierce, and Bluestar Technology is generally on the active side, and its competitors are quite passive.

This incident is definitely not good news for Ali.

The outside world could not understand the operation of Bluestar Technology's entry into the traditional retail market, but Ali's people could see at a glance the purpose of Zhang Bowen, the number two person of Bluestar Technology, to focus on offline payment.

Today, online payment competition is becoming increasingly fierce, especially for Ali, it is also very important to find a new way to deploy a huge offline payment portal.

This year, Bluestar Technology has occupied a large number of online portals by relying on the advantages of its social products, so that the share of Zhifubao in the mobile payment market has dropped sharply from the highest 75% to the current 52%. Facing the competition of Bluestar Technology To snatch the entrance, Luo Sheng also blocked Mr. Ma and invested in Jingdong, and the competition between the two sides became increasingly fierce.

In the case of losing the online payment window, Ali began to discuss the issue of offline entrance, but never imagined that when they were discussing, competitors had already entered the field in large numbers.

Obviously, at this point, Bluestar Technology has a longer-term vision and a larger pattern than Ali, at least it has a faster response.

Ali was really in a hurry this time.

No need to argue any more.

Directly find companies related to offline entrances such as supermarkets and department stores that Bluestar Technology has not been targeting.

In this era of fast fish eating slow fish, one step later may be gone.

This matter has been analyzed and interpreted by many people in the industry, and the result is unanimous that Bluestar Technology occupies the offline entrance in the overall situation. This is actually true. It is Zhang Bowen's layout, but they never thought that Luo Sheng would use this. Layout plan for the first batch of commercial applications of LiFi.

Large shopping malls and supermarkets can use the light signals emitted by indoor LED lights to locate customers, push the information of products on nearby shelves to customers, and customers can also use smartphones to determine their indoor location.

The current smart phone does not have the support of LiFi technology, but the information can be transferred through the corresponding switch, and then sent to the current smart phone terminal. Users only need to download a corresponding APP.

This is a supplement in the transitional stage. When future mobile phones can directly support LiFi technology, this link can be removed.


Science and Technology Complex Building.

"... I always say that Bluestar Technology's investment layout is like playing Go. It has to be on the ground, but also to take advantage of the situation, and make long-term and short-term layouts. Everyone slowly starts to see some connections, which requires a process. We It is a gradual penetration and sinking, not a one-step implementation. Offline companies hand over the online part to us Bluestar Technology, and we help them develop the offline part better, which is the principle of all cooperation. "

"For example, Yingtai, the digitization of members has basically been completed. Gaoxing is an industry leader in the field of fast-moving consumer goods and food. With a nationwide network, the future four to five billion consumers can benefit..."

The screen playing on the TV news is of Zhang Bowen when he was interviewed by reporters. He appeared in HK today. Also attending the press conference were directors of Runtai Group, CEO of Ou Shan Retail, William Hubble, and Gao Xing. Retail CEO and Executive Director Rudovich Hollinier.

The appearance of Zhang Bowen in HK is Bluestar Technology's itinerary for the strategic investment or acquisition of traditional retail business companies.

"Old Zhang Huyou's skills are getting better and better." Luo Sheng looked at Zhang Bowen in the news screen and couldn't help but tease, and then he put a piece of dessert into his mouth.

"Roger, Professor Hyland Haas said that they have completed the development of the LiFi APP and completed the trial operation. Mr. Zhang selected 40 commercial LiFi pilots, and six major commercial scenarios were discussed within the group. For details, please refer to the report. "

An Qingxue walked over and handed a document to Luo Sheng. The latter gave a "yes" and gave the snack plate in his hand to him. After clapping his hands, he picked up the document and opened it.

"It's pretty good, let's move forward with this."

Luo Sheng nodded with satisfaction after watching it for a while. This internal comprehensive research report lists six application scenarios of LiFi visible light communication.

One is indoor network access: In the future, the number of LED lights in the world will reach tens of billions. Visible light communication can achieve ubiquitous network access through LED lights. This can be done slowly, and new standards must be formulated and established. Manufacturer cooperation.

The second is mobile payment: use the LED flash and camera of the smartphone to realize the mobile payment function.

The third is indoor positioning: large shopping malls and supermarkets use the light signals emitted by indoor LED lights to locate customers, which is also the first application of this 40 commercial landing pilots. One of the purposes of Bluestar Technology's entry into the traditional retail market is to rapidly promote LiFi Commercial implementation of technology.

The fourth is the Internet of Things: configure LED lights and light detectors in intelligent hardware, and realize network connection with other hardware through visible light communication technology.

The fifth is the Industrial Internet: through the LED lights in the factory and the light detectors of the machinery and equipment manufacturers, the remote control and operation status monitoring of the machinery and equipment are realized, and the interconnection between the machines is realized.

Sixth, intelligent networked vehicles: use LED lights and image sensors on the vehicle to transmit vehicle information, or use LED traffic lights to broadcast traffic conditions and emergencies on nearby roads for vehicles.

Of these six application scenarios, the first three already have the conditions for initial commercial landing, while the latter three still require the advancement of other infrastructure and related technologies, but the final trend will not change.

All the plans have been arranged clearly.

40 commercial supermarkets and commercial landing pilot branches are located in major cities across the country. A Darunfa supermarket in Sioux City has been selected for the pilot project. It has closed its doors and closed its doors. The announcement posted to the outside world is that the mall is carrying out hardware for about 10 days. upgrade.

The speed of progress can be said to be rapid, and the major pilots are all carrying out hardware upgrades in three shifts.

The happiest person is Hyland Haas. PureLiFi’s overall relocation from Europe to China was the right decision. Luo Sheng didn’t break his promise and devoted a lot of resources to the project. Sloppy.

After Hyland Haas came to China, he was also amazed at the efficiency here. If it is placed in Europe, I am afraid that such a large-scale pilot commercial landing will not be possible in two or three years.

He is also the head of a company, and he knows how laborious it is to schedule and coordinate various departments. Launching a product does not mean that if the technical pain points are solved, it can immediately provide services to the market.

Solving the technical pain points is only the premise of solving the market supply.

Being backed by the Côte d'Azur makes Hyland Haas realize that his company, his technology and his products will embrace the entire Greater China market. Just think of Luo Sheng's influence here and the size of this market. Hyland Haas was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

PureLiFi relies closely on the Greater China market, and already has the potential to grow into a giant with a market value of $100 billion.

As the days passed, the time came to February.

Cote d'Azur, Bluestar Technology, PureLiFi, Gaoxing Retail, and Runtai Group jointly announced the news of the "smart supermarket" pilot. 40 commercial indoor shopping malls and supermarkets that have applied LiFi technology support have completed the upgrade and opened the experience to customers.

Suddenly, everyone was caught off guard.

It feels as if LiFi technology was only exposed yesterday, and it is commercialized today?

Luo Sheng also has this purpose in laying out the traditional retail market. Everyone suddenly realized that for a while, these 40 commercial landing pilot supermarkets and shopping malls have become the focus of attention nowadays, and industry professionals have gone to the field to inspect the pilot nearby. Ordinary melon eaters The masses and consumers also come here.

This unexpected big move was too sudden, and SIA was stunned.


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