Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 496 [New Year, Continuing the Past and Forging the Future]

Before leaving the Science and Technology Complex, Liu Jianwei wrote a handwritten letter, of course, to recommend that his old friend taught at Harbin Institute of Technology and led the nano-robot science team to join Star Arrow International.

This kind of research that is far from the application stage, except for the support of national scientific research institutions, there is really no capital willing to invest, and the state's funding is limited, and it is more inclined to give priority to investing in technologies that can be quickly applied. field.

But Luo Sheng is undoubtedly an exception. Not only does he like to invest in these basic research fields, but the key point is that he is the richest man in the world.

Luo Sheng is also very happy to be able to know a top nanotechnology research team unexpectedly, and it is even possible to join Star Arrow International.

This is an invisible invisible benefit. God knows if Liu Jianwei's old friend will have another old friend who he recommended him to come over?

A fact that has to be admitted is that even if it is academic, it is divided into circles, and even the atmosphere of circles is stronger.

There is no need to think too much about the space ladder project in the short term. In the next ten to fifteen years, there may be breakthroughs and precipitation of cutting-edge technologies. To truly advance the space ladder plan to the substantive stage, there are four key technical pain points. must be resolved.

The first is the technological breakthrough of new material carbon fiber nanotubes, the second is also the technological breakthrough of new material normal temperature superconductors, and the third is the breakthrough of nanotechnology.

And the fourth is the issue of air-to-space transportation.

Luo Sheng chose recyclable rocket technology. In addition to the commercial space launch, the construction of the Starlink project and the unmanned autonomous driving, a major vision of Star Arrow International's establishment, the space ladder will be the biggest mission of Star Arrow International.

As long as these four technical pain points are solved, the space ladder can definitely enter the actual planning stage.

As for the infrastructure of the space station, ground base station, and space launch port that this ladder has, human beings have already had long-term technological precipitation. The biggest problem with these problems is the incredible amount of engineering and the budget scale of the project.

Century project is not just a literal meaning, it means a huge investment of human and material resources.

It is impossible to complete this project without a budget of several trillion, but as long as it is completed, human beings will no longer be limited to the cradle of the earth. At least the expansion of the scope of activities to the periphery of the earth's orbit will become the norm. This is the existence of the space ladder. the greatest significance.

Such a super project of the century is not accomplished overnight. It took more than three months to build a model figure.

Planning for the future is important, but focusing on the present is even more important.

Luo Sheng needs money and needs to make a lot of money.

Only by earning enough money now can Star Arrow International become the major shareholder of the space ladder project and gain control in the future. In ten or twenty years, the space ladder project cannot be achieved by Luo Sheng alone. , it must be a multinational cooperation project, and the participating giant groups are not one or two, and national capital will also participate.

Even if there is such a capital to carry out this project alone, Luo Sheng will not do it, the risk is too great.

As soon as Liu Jianwei left, Luo Sheng collected the recommendation letter he wrote, returned to the private office, put the envelope aside, and immediately opened the list of work emails, and found two emails that he had not checked.

It is the 2012 financial report information of Bluestar Technology sent by Zhang Bowen, and the 2012 financial report information of the Azure Coast sent by Yao Jianhong.

Luo Sheng immediately clicked in and took a look.

In 2012, the annual revenue of Bluestar Technology Group was 115.97 billion US dollars, which was almost halved compared with the brilliant performance of 203 billion US dollars in the previous year; Its about 28%.

This financial report is also in line with the expectations of Wall Street analysts. At the same time, because Bluestar Technology has stabilized the European market, Blackstone Group previously predicted that Bluestar Technology's annual revenue will be less than 100 billion US dollars, but then supplemented the risk report and adjusted it to 1128. billion dollars, which is very close to the real data.

Although the performance is not as good as the previous year, it is still a multinational technology giant with an annual revenue of more than 100 billion US dollars. Taking last year's data as an example, a company that can reach an annual revenue of 100 billion US dollars has thousands of companies worldwide. Only 65 companies out of 100 companies have done so, and the number of companies in the world is measured in units of 10,000.

A company with hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue, any company that takes it out casually is either a giant or an industry overlord, and the entire industry catches a cold when it sneezes.

The turbulence of Bluestar Technology last year is the best explanation, followed by countless "sick" companies.

Because last year's revenue was almost halved, Bluestar fell to No. 40 on the Fortune Global 500 list, second only to French retailer giant Carrefour.

Although profits have plummeted, when it still sits firmly in the top five in the world, it is still one of the most profitable companies in the world.

After reading the content of the email, Luo Sheng edited a paragraph manually and sent it to Zhang Bowen, then clicked Yao Jianhong's email.

In the past year, Côte d'Azur's annual sales reached 175 billion US dollars, an increase of 27% compared to the previous year. Last year, the brother company Bluestar Technology suffered badly, but the Côte d'Azur did not suffer much. The contagion, that is, was forced to adjust the company's asset allocation by Wall Street once again, but it did not have a substantial impact on the company's operations.

North America did not strike at the same time, and now I am fortunate that they did not strike at the same time. Just attacking Bluestar Technology has caused so many moths.

Cote d'Azur recorded a net profit of US$100 million last year, an increase of % from the previous year. The net profit margin is a bit low compared to its high technology, only about 11.5%.

But it can’t hold up the huge bottom line. Cote d’Azur broke the net profit of 20 billion US dollars for the first time last year. Even if it is crazy to spend money on research and development, high human resource costs and enterprise operating costs, it is still so profitable.

From this perspective, the high-tech industry is indeed the most profitable.

It is worth mentioning that Côte d’Azur did not release new products last year. Smartphones are still selling Azure-3, which is still a best-seller. The continued sales of ieP tablets have further driven the sales of Azure-3 mobile phones.

In January of this year, the cumulative sales of the console exceeded 100 million units, and it has undoubtedly become another phenomenal product for home game consoles.

Hardware sales are the bulk of the Côte d'Azur, but the more profitable software business is growing at a good rate, with the AOS ecosystem contributing $16.5 billion in sales.

The game sales commission on the console platform is also quite gratifying. In the third quarter of last year, the platform revenue and the amount of subsidies paid to third parties not only broke even, and finally made a profit of 170 million US dollars for the whole year.

This means that from the beginning of this year, the host began to be fully profitable.

But to say the biggest bright spot, or the company's smart phone open source system WOS.

After the Cote d'Azur has completed the bottom layer of the system, it will be used by friends and merchants for free. Now domestic smartphone brands such as Xiaomi, Huaweihui, Coolpad, Apple's iPhone and other mobile phone brands all use the WOS ecosystem.

However, there is still a relatively independent company. Lianxiang's mobile phone business chose the Android system. The explanation given by the other party was to do global business, so it chose the relatively suitable global Android system.

There are always misfits.

It is worth mentioning that there are also six or seven foreign mobile phone brands using the WOS operating system, which are basically small brands that are dispensable, but the biggest brand is not the iPhone owned by Apple.

Last year, the iPhone's annual shipments ranked third in the world, second only to ung (Samsung). It has to be said that Cook, who has been in charge of Apple for two years, is indeed a marketing master.

The WOS open source system is free, but it has brought quite an astonishing amount of advertising revenue to the Côte d'Azur, with WOS contributing 15 billion yuan ($2.2 billion) in advertising revenue over the course of last year.

Today's global smartphone market pattern is that the Azure brand under the Cote d'Azur is standing at the top of the food chain and is in the first echelon.

The second echelon is a situation in which the two camps are facing each other. The WOS camp, which is dominated by domestic brands, is the most representative brand of iPhone. Although it is an American company, Luo Sheng decisively pinned down the crisis when Apple faced a crisis. , also killed the birth of iOS.

The competitor of WOS is the Android camp, the most representative brand is Samsung mobile phone, HTC has been overtaken.

The second echelon is the competition between the two major open source systems.

The third echelon is "others", such as Microsoft's mobile phone business, Sony's mobile phone business, and traditional old-fashioned manufacturers such as Nokia. Not to mention these, in the wave of the mobile Internet, they even seem to be struggling.

After reading the content of the email, Luo Sheng also sent a message back to Yao Jianhong.

It's Chinese New Year, but most executives at both companies don't have time to go home for the New Year.

The executives of Bluestar Technology worked overtime collectively. Last year's crisis was over, but there were a lot of problems that had to be dealt with properly, otherwise it would affect the operation plan for the new year.

The next day, Bluestar Technology Group publicly disclosed its 2012 financial report. This annual report, which met the expectations of Wall Street analysts, still drove the market.

After the financing last year, the total share capital of Bluestar Technology reached 1.95 billion shares. After the market, the stock price per share was USD, the net income per share was USD, and the company's total market value was USD 100 million. The current market value has stabilized at USD 700 billion and fluctuated slightly. .

In February of the new year, the market finally stabilized, and with Buffett's rare heavy holding of BTC stocks, small and medium investors, fund companies, and even retail investors also dispelled their doubts.

Make up your positions and build up your positions!

Well, what happened before, let it go.

The important thing is to seize the present and build on the past.


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