Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1133: Coming to the trend (wanking for subscription)

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In May, the four seas rose.

The war on the top is not visible.

On the human side, the combat power is also increasing.

Su Yun’s Su Yunfei, the sword king’s nephew, has already witnessed the trend and began to retreat. Only the last step can officially enter the shackles.

Among the six holy places, the other five holy places, the ancient Buddhist holy land also has an old monk who walks out of the retreat.

On the day of entering the cave, the old monk made a letter to Fang Ping. After the testimony, he came to China to see the king.

Obviously, the old monk has already had a great grasp of the success of this sermon.

The kingdom of the gods, the descendants of the sun god, Fang Ping’s grandfather who had dealt with Roths at the beginning, this time also walked out of the retreat and entered the cave. Without the letter to the Chinese side, Fang Ping was not too concerned.

Obviously, this descendant of the sun **** has the hope of sermon.

The leaders of the six holy places, except for the town of Zhenxing, the strongest of the last five holy places.

Nowadays, the descendants of these most powerful people, or the doormen, have the hope of proof.

This is the power!

The ancestors fell, these people all breathed a sigh of relief. On the same day, Fang Ping returned, saying that he would reinforce the Tianyu grave after half a year. All parties responded that they must be in the first half of the year.

Today, many people in China have witnessed success.

Tian Mu has even entered the false grave and started to participate in the war. The parties are also anxious.

The seeds of those sermons have stepped out of the land of cultivation, and they want to fight a perfect battle.

In humans, very few people will always close their doors to break through.

At the checkpoint, the grottoes are their best choice.


Just when the parties are silent.

When Fang Ping returned to retreat, he was called back by Wu Kuishan.


Magic capital.

Sky Island.

Today's Tiandao is really a holy place for cultivation.

Tianmu is rooted in Tiandao, and after the return of the cat tree, it is also rooted in Tiandao. Together with dozens of nine-necked demon plants rooted in Tiandao, Tiandao has become a holy place for cultivation.

The energy in all directions began to gather in the island.

Not only that, Fang Ping is still under the island of Tian, ​​buried a large number of cultivation energy stone.

Entering the island of heaven, you can even touch the energy with your hands, which has turned into substance.

Here, people who are not great at the moment are not allowed to enter.

On the island.

Fang Ping just broke out and saw the familiar figure.


Fang Ping shouted, and Chen Yunqi, who was in a hurry, heard a side and glanced and said: "Is it back?"


Fang Ping’s voice just fell, Chen Yunxiao hurriedly said: “Then I will go first, the caves are in a hurry...”

Dropping this, Chen Yunxi ran in a hurry.

Fang Ping stunned!

what's the situation?

Am I being left behind?

I just thought about it here, and the next moment, another person came.

Seeing Fang Ping, Fu Changding took a long gun and hurriedly said: "Come back? You are busy, I am leaving!"


Fang Ping stunned again.

This is not over yet, and some people continue to pass by him. As a result, one by one is like a desperate, running fast and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Fang Ping was shocked!

I am back!

I rarely come back now, you see me... just for me?

My king has no cards?

My king is in the cave, in the Three Realms, whoever sees it, that is also respectful and addictive, you just ignore me?

Fang Ping is still in a daze. There, Lu Fengrou hastily passed, and this time he did not even say hello.

Fang Ping is sluggish!

Behind him, Tang Feng, who followed, said hello, but he said very quickly: "You have sinned Lao Lu!"

Tang Feng joked: "Do you know what the outside world is saying? Li Changsheng, the teacher of the king, Changsheng sword! Lu Fengrou... Who is Lu Fengrou? Some guys also said that the teacher of the king is the king of Wu... Anyway, she did not.

Lao Lu last time provoked the other side in Yuhaishan, claiming to be the teacher of the king... Hey, he was mocked for a long time..."

Fang Ping can't laugh.

Can this blame me?

This teacher... I have a feeling of coughing.

But this can't blame me.

Lu Fengrou's last incident, he seems to have heard people say, stimulating the other side to fight with her, said that it is Fang Ping teacher ... The result of the eight corners of the cave do not know whether it is intentional or really do not know, casually say: " Is the teacher of Fang Ping not a longevity sword?"

In this sentence, Lu Fengrou let the other party know what is crazy about women.

Finally, Lu Fengrou was killed alive, punching and punching!

Fang Ping said innocently: "This has nothing to do with me..."

"It's not about you. Isn't she disgusted with her weakness? I said a few days ago, I don't know you, I don't know you later. Isn't that not knowing you?"

Fang Ping was speechless, then laughed and said: "So how do you still know me?"

Tang Feng smiled and said: "Why don't I know you? It's my two students... I don't know them now!"

He is talking about Zhao Lei and Yang Xiaoman. These two people are now together, and both of them are seven martial artists.

However, Fang Ping raised the strength of the magical strongman several times. After his own testimony, the two men also benefited, and this time they have improved a lot.

A few days ago, several masters and apprentices learned and joined forces. They accidentally beat Tang Feng’s nose. Tang Feng now said that the students are bullying and destroying their ancestors. In fact, they secretly told others that they would tell others. I have a lot of high quality products!

His daughter Tang Wen also advanced to the seven-category situation, and his age is still small. If it is not Zhang family and brothers and sisters, Tang Feng can blow his daughter more than Fang Ping.

Looking at Tang Fengle's appearance, Fang Ping laughed again, looked at Tang Feng and smiled: "Tang teacher's progress is also very fast, the golden body is actually eight products and three forging..."

"so so!"

Tang Feng is not too busy, smiles and said: "And, Chen Yunxuan and Ji Yao are both consumed! The two have been in the Yuhaishan area, have been playing more than 20 games, just returned to be repaired, the appointment Fighting again in the afternoon... so rushing to the past."


Fang Ping stunned. "She isn't Ji Yao's opponent? Ji Yao has nine products, and Yun Hao has eight products and three forgings. The gap is not small."

"Plus your teacher, the two fight her, almost."

Tang Feng smiled and said: "There are not many female warriors. Both sides have their own wins and losses. We rarely intervene in their battles now. The caves are also training troops, Fang Ping. Now it is much better than before. I mean the cave."

Speaking of this, Tang Feng still has some dignity: "The cave is now no more than before. I was afraid of death. Now I am not afraid of death... But the pressure from the top, plus some strong fighters from the outer domain have entered the restricted area, now Fighting, it’s also fighting hard!

I am trying to say a few words about this. If this continues, there will probably be a younger generation to prove the cave.

Some of the descendants of the true king, now there is no real king to protect, killing, it is also extraordinarily desperate.

The descendant of Hua Wang’s ancestor, Wu Qi, also entered the nine-category situation. For him, we don’t know whether it’s the killing or the fight. It’s a bit of a fight...”

Fang Ping Shen Sheng: "In the midst of the war, there is a feeling of love! Kill it, don't think too much!"

Tang Feng nodded and said: "There is also Li Wei's son Li Wei, who also advanced to the nine-category environment, and also began to participate in some border battles. The former Tian Zhi Wang Ting left handsome flowers, in just a short time, advanced There are nine products and nine paragraphs, I am afraid there is hope for proof."

"Flower Qidao..."

Fang Ping’s eyes changed slightly, and he quickly said: “Is the flower Qidao to prove it?”

Tang Feng Shen Sheng: "Yes! This matter has been reported to President Wu, the principal said, will arrange a few people to ambush him! Perhaps the second ancestor of the Su family will go out of the mountain, killing the flowers Qidao!

I am afraid that Hua Qidao will not avoid the war. If he defeats Su Laozu, there may be hopes to prove success! ”

Su Yun's second ancestor Su Yunfei, this is strong, the previous ranking is much higher than Wu Kuishan.

Now only the last step, there is a strong one in the same order.

At this time, Qi Qidao was so prosperous that Wu Kuishan arranged for Su Yunfei to murder him... The two may be born out of one, and the other...the probability of death is enormous.

Fang Ping had no idea to continue chatting, and he smiled and nodded slightly.

The next moment, bid farewell to Tang Feng, and quickly went to the parliamentary office of the heavens.


Large meeting room.

Only three people are here at the moment.

Wu Kuishan, Li Laotou, Li Deyong.

Fang Ping entered the door and waited for them to speak. He said: "Schedule Su Yunfei to kill the flowers?"

Wu Kuishan looked at him and saw it for a long time: "Yes! The two ancestors of the Su family killed the Qiqi Road, and the probability of the Zhengdao is extremely high!"

Fang Ping frowned, low: "You know!"

"I know!"

Wu Kuishan Shen Sheng said: "What can I do? Let the flowers grow up. How can it be! Flower Qidao is tossing in the depths of the restricted area. Now he is involved in the battle of Yuhaishan. Yesterday, Hua Qidao is in the royal family. Haishan and Fang Yu Grand Master battle!

Fang Yu lost, and was cut off by the flowers, and defeated the golden body. If it was not the head of the North Palace, he would be killed in Yuhaishan this time!

Fang Ping, this is the old master of the Terran, guarding the Xishan Grotto for decades, the battle of the king battle, almost stepped on the footsteps of Fan Lao!

Fan Laozhan died in the land of Wang Zhan. He could not see the glory of mankind. It was something that I have always regretted and it is difficult to accept.

Nowadays, these great masters who sit in the town's caves have finally seen hope!

Fang Ping... Sitting in the town for decades, one person alone faces more than a dozen nine strong enemy, who are not worthy of respect?

Almost died!

Since Hua Qidao wants to kill Fang Yu, then I will let Su Yunfei's predecessors go to murder him! ”

Li Deyong has a complex face and does not speak.

Li Laotou is also rare and not decisive.

Fang Ping Shen Sheng: "You know his situation! He and the Soviet Union's predecessors, the biggest possibility is to be killed by the Soviet predecessors, the Soviet Union's predecessors, he died!"

Fang Ping exhaled: "If you don't know, you know..."

"Do you know how?"

Wu Kuishan calmly said: "Let him grow up, this is not what humans should do! The meaning of the caves is also to let him advance in the battle, knowing that killing Fang Yu will definitely cause human revenge, he also did, which means this It is the will of the cave!

On the human side, arrange for people to murder him, and the caves are clearly clear.

They just want to raise a donkey, live it... that is the next one!

Dead, then it’s dead.

At this time, the Terran did not have a strong person to go to the war... Fang Ping, would you like to send someone else to die? ”

Wu Kuishan cold channel: "Voice kills Qidao, at least the strongest of nine products and nine paragraphs, who do you want to send to die?"

Fang Ping gritted his teeth and said: "Take him back!"


Wu Kuishan said: "Even if he is killed, he can't pick it up now! This is arranged by Minister Zhang. You pick him up. To tell the truth, what is his situation, except for Minister Zhang, are you clear?"

If he hasn't betrayed yet... If he succeeds, he will prove his conviction and enter the enemy, that is our greatest success! ”

Fang Ping didn't have a good airway: "Do I use it? How do you get inside? If you die, you know some secrets, you can die, you can kill an emperor, and I will die. Is there a chance to kill the emperor?"

Wu Kuishan calmly said: "The killing of the emperor... When he first entered, the purpose of Minister Zhang is probably only for some absolute reasons. If you can kill the emperor, then it is the greatest success! What's more, there are some things that really need him to do... ..."

"Then kill him now, what to do?"

"He may not die."

"When the old man is dead, are you responsible?"

Wu Kuishan frowned: "What do you say?"

If you let go, you will soon have a strong family of nine people who will die in the hands of Hua Qidao.

If you don’t let it go, you have to fight.

Fang Ping thought for a moment, and then he said: "Is Zhang Peng not advanced to nine products?"

"You are crazy!"

Wu Kuishan didn't sigh with relief. Li Laotou couldn't help but scream: "Then you might as well take him back! Zhang Penggang is promoted, if it can fight the flowers and the road... Do you believe? If the flowers are smashed, the righteousness will be destroyed. I really killed him... I can kill you when I come back!"

Losing this guy dare to think!

Send the son of the family!

Zhang Peng really wants to die in the hands of Hua Qidao, Lao Zhang is back, and will definitely not be happy with Fang Pingshan!

Fang Ping indulged for a moment and thought about it: "It is also... If Zhang Zhang knows, I will probably find me trouble. Forget it... I can't do it myself... I can't do it. I pretend to be a strong nine. Go to fight him!"

"This is a good idea!"

Wu Kuishan nodded, and Fang Ping pretended to be a nine-strong person. He went to war-fighting, and Fang Ping, no matter what strength, no one knows.

Even if you don't pretend to die, you can beat the flowers and the other side will not be difficult.

Wu Kuishan did not continue this topic, and soon said: "Today, I am looking for you, not to say that he is. It is forbidden to have a movement on the sea!"

"What is moving."

Wu Kuishan called him to sit down and said: "Someone gave the Terran a gauntlet to challenge Lao Li."

Wu Kuishan took a look at Li Changsheng and quickly said: "The strength of the other party is not weak, it is the emperor-level powerhouse! Ask for a unique war..."

Fang Ping said: "Roll his uncle! Who, I am going to kill the thing, the emperor is also dare to condemn it? Also the war... Li Laotou only broke through for a few days, gave him a face?"

Wu Kuishan whispered: "The other side said that naturally, there are some capitals. This time, there are news that there are many people in the other party, there are many emperors, although they have not expressed their attitude... It is very clear, not alone, That Terran will have more enemies!

Not only that, but the other party claimed to be from the same day, just a descendant of this generation.

Behind... At least stand the saint, even... the king! ”

Wu Kuishan also has some grievances, but he has no choice but to say: "If you don't fight, you may have one more king-level enemy! Nowadays, the Terran is not a Uranus opponent, unless you say that the **** of casting is coming out of the mountain.

This is a conspiracy of the other party, the war is also a battle, and there is no war to fight! ”

Fang Ping's face is cold and cold. "When did the Terran have been threatened? How old is he? How is the king? I have seen more kings, even if they are not, then dare to fight!

What **** seals the sky, I am afraid to kill the nine empresses, not to mention the shit!

Taboo the sea is it... I found a time tonight, hiding the breath, and smashed him in the past!

Uranus... Is a king dare to come out now?

I called a few people and killed him! ”

Fang Ping began to calculate, and Wang Wang, I don’t know if it’s a broken king.

The six kings who broke the six, the five saints have hope to overcome, killing... that may need a little more.

I, Jiang Wei, Tian Mu, Yu Wei, Feng Yun, and then call Lin Hai, Long Yu, and the colorful butterfly to try, eight sage-level powerhouses, to kill a broken six king, there should be hope.

"Do not impulse!"

Wu Kuishan reluctantly said: "Have you ignored the nine saints in the cave? At this stage, there was a conflict with the other party. Once the cave was suddenly killed... Have you considered the consequences?"

Fang Ping cold and cold road: "Considered! Can not open this case, this is the same as the caves of the year, with their three times five times the strong to fight our human power, you also have to fight, do not fight also have to fight !

Compromise today, Li old man lost, was killed on the spot!

Tomorrow, some people dare to come out to fight you alone, you are not good, and then killed, blunt knives cut meat, I am so easy to let people stand up, and immediately have to go down!

Treat this kind of person, just one word, kill!

Even if the loss is big, you have to kill him!

At this time, only fight, do not compromise, do not recognize, do not bow!

Even if the war is dead, then you must fight him! ”

"I know I know!"

Wu Kuishan sighed: "I really want to be so simple, then I will not find you, Lao Li will not have an idea, go to the appointment."

Wu Kuishan thought for a moment: "It’s a complicated day... It’s a bit complicated. The sages of the Shendao Island are rarely connected with us. Today, it’s a messenger... It’s a bit of a hassle.”

"Lin Hai saint?"

"Not bad."

Wu Kuishan gently exhaled the air: "It is the sage of Linhai! He said that the relationship between Feng Tian and the pulse of the road is very complicated. He is ... I am afraid that he will not fight alongside the Terran. The Terran really has an idea... Don't go looking for him.

Also, let me tell you, it is best to break the mind of the people who are rumored to kill the heavens. If the man is still there, smother each other... Maybe the Terran is going to perish. "

The square plane is gloomy and self-destructive?

Lin Hai will not deliberately scare himself. He said before that he only helped the Terran once, and that time he spared no effort to participate in the war.

The passer of the pulse is not small.

I also know the situation of Fang Ping, knowing that Fang Ping may be able to draw a lot of saints, but still said this sentence, and even cast the gods are ignored!

what is this?

What is the situation of this sudden explosion of the sky?

Many emperors suddenly came out!

There is really not much difference between the emperor and the saint, the top emperor and the saint.

It is also very difficult for the saint to kill the emperor.

On the same day, the moon spirit is about to advance to the king, and with the artifact, killing the unnamed emperor, the emperor, is unexpected, and spent a lot of effort, which killed the success.

The other side easily sent a number of emperor-level powerhouses, and this power is not weak.

On the side, Li Laotou said: "Fang Ping, let me go to the appointment, fight him! Although I am not an emperor, it is not so simple to kill me."

Fang Ping didn't have a good airway: "Know what! Can't kill you, the other side killed you! After the killing, they said they are strong, you are killed if you are killed, but if you kill each other... Run out, say you dare to kill me, kill you!

I know too much about the character of these old turtles!

Kill others, and people who kill them can't.

Hit the small, old ones soon!

These people are not as good as the warriors of the caves. Although the caves are also overbearing, they can also talk about rules. They are the only ones who are used to me! So in the end, if you die, humans will not pursue it, or if it is old, it must come out.

Just because I know their character, I will not compromise!

Solo, single-handedly... ”

Fang Ping calculated it and said: "I am going to ask the situation. If the strength is too strong, I will go to flicker for a while and see if I can live with it. If the strength is weak, if only the strength is broken, I will try to kill him. !

Look at the dish, the hostility really needs to be deep... I think about it again. ”

After all, Fang Ping knocked on the table. "Look at whether it can be a disaster. This new one is a hegemonic one. If you dare to say this, it is not self-confidence or madness!

I have experience dealing with such people. ”

Fang Ping has a set of guys who deal with these strong backgrounds.

After that, Fang Ping asked: "Is there anything else?"

He added: "Wait for me, don't act without permission! Warn you, you must tell me the actions above the top! Acting without authorization, I am also a member of the rebellious list!"

Wu Kuishan and Li Laotou are helpless and laugh, not to mention.

Li Deyong said: "There is still something. Now there is more fighting in the south of the country. Minister Wu and I mean to let some people settle in the other three major domains and help humans in other areas fight."


Fang Ping nodded. This time he visited the four major domains. It is indeed the least fighting in the southern region. He was killed!

The strongest in the southern region was almost killed by Fang Ping.

Some of the remaining people also fled to the restricted area.

The other three major domains, the loss is not big, but now they still have an absolute advantage, the Terran can only defend, the attack is very rare, it is easy to be surrounded.

Seeing him nod, Wu Kuishan was relieved. "You are now a measure of the king. I thought you would refuse."

Fang Ping said without words: "How come! On the day when the leaders of the six holy places are fused, I will know that there is any guilt inside the Terran, I am afraid that the Terran is really defeated!

The parties who can kill now are chilling, because we are working together, or else... long ago! ”

Wu Kuishan laughed and quickly said: "This time, be careful, don't act recklessly! Minister Zhang did not come back. At this time, I really want to provoke the king... The trouble is too big!"

Fang Ping nodded, he also knows about this.

Nothing to say, soon, Fang Ping tore the void and left the place.

As soon as he left, Li Laoshen said: "I am still ready. I will close the two days! The other side is coming to the forefront and dare to call me to fight alone. I am sure."

Wu Kuishan nodded and sighed: "Fang Ping is very good. It is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing. It is easy to be impulsive. Human beings do not say that they have to compromise, but sometimes... have to do it!

At this stage, once you really provoke the king, join hands and caves, do you think there are still a few saints who will help us?

Try to save your life!

You and I are older than him, sometimes... think more, he can be strong, we can't, the king can't be defeated, we can, know? Li Laotou nodded, faintly said: "I really can't refuse, then I go to war alone, find a place where no one... fight him!" When the war is dead, I say that I am acting without authorization. ”

"Don't worry too much, wait for Fang Ping to have a message and say, that god, I don't know if I can shoot this time."


The two talked, one side, Li Deyong sighed, just sighed, Wu Kuishan suddenly slapped out and beat him.

Li Deyong is stunned!

Wu Kuishan sighed: "Sigh, sigh, get out! Lao Li six products, you nine products, he absolutely swears you nine products, you nine products Fangping has not martial arts, the old nine products, is Li Shiling's rumor student, Minister Zhang Grandson is nine products, you are even worse than his grandson!

No, you are not as good as the multi-generation grandsons of the King of War.

Jiang Chao, who eats and eats dead, I heard that I have arrived at eight products and three forgings. What about you?

Also the Minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs... wake up to you!

We are negotiating big things, you guys who are nine products for a few years are still sighing, watching sulking! ”


Li Deyong almost died.

Can this blame me?

You are too abnormal!

I haven't had a few years of nine products. It looks like a decade. It's very good.

You have to take me and metamorphosis!

Still, he beat me... I am shameless?

Li Deyong looked around in a circle, but fortunately, no one saw it, or else he would fight with Wu Kuishan today. When I was nine, you were only seven products...

Forget it, don't mention it, and raise your heart.

Li Deyong is also helpless. He is Li Zhen's rumor. The half student of the old Zhang Kong Yuanyuan has been promoted to the top. The grandson of Lao Zhang has advanced to Jiu Pin, his son... This time, there is hope for promotion.

Compared to Li Zhen, this pulse seems to be a successor.

It is Li Yiming, the grandson of Li Zhen, who has made rapid progress in the past two years, but he has not advanced to the nine products, which is a lot worse.

Li Deyong is helpless, and he is wronged in his heart. He has to take me and a group of metamorphosis.

What can I do?

Wu Kuishan was angry with him and he was in a good mood. This is what he said: "What are you doing? You can top it up when you are on the other side of the road. It’s not so easy to be killed. Try not to kill it first, hold it first, wait. Fang Ping has time to say it again."

Li Deyong reluctantly said: "I am also the leader of the military..."

Wu Kuishan gave him a look and directly ignored him.

If you are not perfect, then get out of the way and waste something.

Li Deyong is more and more helpless, and the magic weapon is in power. Now it is very arrogant. Li Shiling does not give strength. You have proved the king, and we have followed it!


at the same time.

Fang Ping once again entered the small world of Zhenxingcheng.

Casting God made some impatient, this kid knows this place, three days and two ends, no trouble!

Really take this as a zoo?

Come visit every day?

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