Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1132: select

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In the broken hall.

Wang Jinyang’s flesh shines, shatters, repairs, breaks, repairs...

Soon, the hair was completely broken.

Wang Jinyang sighed softly and his face was slightly pale.

He is different from others. He has a golden bone after eight others, but he has never forged a golden bone.

However, at this moment his white bone is also a jade color, not a jade bone, but it is not weaker than the golden bone.

"The way of blood..."

Inducted his own blood, Wang Jinyang laughed, the polar road... The reason why the polar road is the polar road, it is because other roads are difficult to walk, give up other roads, go for one.

Is the pole the right thing?

Yes, why did the Emperor of Heaven not prove the Emperor?

"War, are you really dead?"

Wang Jinyang whispered softly, no one answered. Soon, Wang Jinyang smiled and said: "Actually, I hope that you are not dead. So you are you, I am me, and I am not your sustenance!"

Still silent.

Wang Jinyang did not care, gently exhaled, walked out of the hall, looked at the broken void, muttered: "Maybe... I should go deeper, if it can meet some of the legacy of the Emperor, it would be better. ”

Deep, very dangerous.

Taboo in the depths of the sea, the deeper you go, the more likely you will encounter great horror.

In the depths of the taboo, there may even be some demon people in the early Wu era.

Those demon people, isolated from the world, may not have repaired the original source, more similar to the beginning of the martial arts, the horror is boundless.

Not only that, but deeper, there is still a big horror!

"Heavenly grave..."

Wang Jinyang whispered.

Heavenly grave, it is in the depths of the sea!

In the core area of ​​the war of the year, countless strong men fell, that is the place where danger is boundless, and even the emperor is lingering and living in it.

A few people from Tengu and Shouquan went there, and now they don’t know what the situation is.

Wang Jinyang thought for a moment and smiled.

The Ten Dogs have gone, even if they can’t, they can also confuse the Tian Tomb for a while, so that the Tian Tomb will not be spread to the Three Realms.

Otherwise, at this stage, some people in the graves of the heavens will come out, and the three worlds will be in chaos.

Stepping out of the debris of the heavens.

In the rear, I lost the statue and lost the hair of the Emperor. It also seems to have lost the last strength to support this piece of heaven and earth. When the air bangs, the void bursts open and the small world disappears completely.

Wang Jinyang did not return, and I wonder if there is any sadness in my heart.

This is the legacy of one of the few gatekeepers of the Emperor of Heaven, and the disciples of other emperors in the same year have recovered a lot. Four emperors, how many others can recover?

I am afraid that I will die!

The Four Emperors... After all, they are somewhat different from the Emperor.

Some of them, even the road of the beginning of the martial arts, have no source, how to recover?

Dead, it is really dead.

After flying a distance in the sea, Wang Jinyang suddenly looked back and whispered: "The earth is against you, I am afraid I will not return for a long time, you can... hold it!"

The earth is much stronger than before.

very many!

However, Wang Jinyang knows that this is only the beginning.

At this juncture, the person who appears should appear.

This time, it is more dangerous than any time, those who are alive, dead, kings, saints, and martial artists...

Without exception, they will all show up one by one.

Earth, the center of the storm.

When the last channel was opened, it was also the most dangerous time of the earth. It was completely exposed to the eyes of the three realms and completely lost the barrier. In all directions, it may be a strong enemy.

You must fight back before that day!

Participate in the battle!

Participate in the battle of guards and participate in the war of the rise and fall of the Terran.

Wang Jinyang left a sentence, and the figure quickly disappeared into place.

time to go!




Fang Ping converges on the breath and reappears in the outer domain.

On the Yuhai Mountain, Fang Ping stood alone, looked at the grottoes, and looked at the new world where there was a film between the two places.

Looking back, look at the outfield and look at the human city.

Fang Ping is getting more and more lonely.

Lao Zhang, they are not here, this Yuhai Mountain, only himself.

At the moment, he is too lonely.

Who used to fight with him?

all gone!

Now, only you can stand here and defend this long and boundless human defense.

"I will wait for you to come back!"

Fang Ping whispers softly, I am alone, I can defend this long line of defense, you can fight the Quartet, you can come back soon.


No one is fighting with me.

At this moment, there was a sudden breath behind him, and Fang Pingtou did not return. He said: "Let's go, read that you helped the Terran several times, I will not kill you!"

Behind, a cold and incomparable youth, looks a bit like Mo Wenjian deity, looking at Fang Ping's back, for a long time without words.

I don't know how long I have stood, my voice is cold and the tone is complicated: "You... really not a demon..."

"I'm not."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "I am Fangping, unique! Devil... Is the devil very strong?"

"You are not the master..."

Master... This person, not a person, is a demon, a demon swordsman!

Yuhai Mountain, the demon overlord, the nine top strong demon swordsman!

Nowadays, it is a metamorphosis. This is an absolute symbol.

It ranks in the top ten of the nine products, and now it is absolutely perfect.

Commanded the Yuhai Mountain million demon family, self-contained, inhabited in the Yuhai Mountain, a self-contained.

"That day... that person... is it the master?"

A cold youth, like an abandoned child, has some expectations and some sadness.

Fang Ping lied to it!

He is not a demon, not a master.

But the person who fought side by side with the king of the day, it vaguely felt familiar, is it the master?

Fang Ping turned back and smiled: "Maybe it is! You are not stupid, the card is absolutely perfect, you should understand something. Since you are here today, I ask you, if one day, I am the enemy, you are helping. He, still... help me?"

The demon swordsman looked at him, half a sigh, Shen Sheng: "The master helped me to enlighten, if the master has orders, the demon will die!"

"Stupid guy!"

Fang Ping laughed and waved his hand: "Go! It won't conflict with your master for the time being. It's really time for me to spare you once, not to kill you! This world, there are not many people who can keep their hearts." There are a lot of fools... but you are a demon, maybe not the same."

Say, and said: "Take the demon of your majesty, leave the Yuhai Mountain area as soon as possible! This place will soon become a battlefield between the two worlds! Third-party forces... Although you have proved that it is a must, it can match Are there two strong players?"

The demon swordsman is silent, silent for a while: "The demon has contacted the Quartet, and may set up another forbidden place in the sea. The Yuhai Mountain Yaozu... Although it is not worthy of the parties, it will not let the parties bully!"

"The idea is good and the results may be sad."

"The demon family..." Fang Ping said with a smile: "The demon people of this era may not have much room for survival, unless the beasts show their strength."

After all, Fang Ping no longer cares about it and continues to inspect along Yuhai Mountain.

Today, Yuhaishan, only he can inspect the parties unscrupulously.

Wu Kuishan will not work!

When he first entered the game, Fang Ping was also worried that he was surrounded by Yuhaishan.

In the rear, the demon swordsman did not follow, watching Fang Ping leave, his eyes are also very complicated, although he was deceived several times by Fang Ping, but it can not talk about hate, only a little pity.

Unfortunately, the king is not the master!

The overbearing king of the king, the powerful enemy of the Quartet, one person alone in the world, the human rises because of him, such a character, if it is the master ... how good.


On the sea of ​​the sea.

Fang Ping continued to walk, and soon, a land bounded by a large array was presented.

The next moment, a figure emerges.


The strong man from Xuande Dongtian, when he first came out of the mountain, vowed to find Fang Ping to discuss, let Fang Ping pay the price, who let Fang Ping take Xuan Dejing to empty.

In the battle of the land of Wang Zhan, Xuan Dedi’s Xuan Ji Di Zun also shot.

For the human race!

Because of this, the strength of Xuande Cave is not strong, but it still exists at the moment, and it dominates the foreign domain because the Terran is supporting it.


Xuanhua grew older. At the beginning of the nine-character list, many people have proved that he has not.

When I first saw Fang Ping, Fang Ping was only eight characters.

Today, Fang Ping is a saint, and he is only a nine-story strength.

Can't be the same as the original, Zhangkou is Fang Ping's kid.

"Xuanhua seniors!"

Fang Ping laughed, and Xuanhua quickly said: "The predecessors did not dare to be! The king is inspecting Yuhaishan?"


Fang Ping smiled and said: "This is okay, there is Xuande Cave sitting in the town, it is not a problem. In the past few days, the caves rebuilt the heavens, this side has not been greatly affected?"

Xuanhua immediately said: "Nothing has been affected... but..."

Xuanhua hesitated a bit, or said: "But the caves have messengers to come, to seal the Xuande Dongtian! Covered the king of the king, asking Xuande Cave to return to the heavens..."

“How do seniors look?”

Fang Ping is not angry, smiled: "Predecessors rest assured, Xuan Ji Di Zun before the war for the Terran, this is the love! Now, when the choice, the cave has nine saints after all, I can understand the choice of the predecessors ""

Xuande Cave Day, in fact, there is a true God sitting in the town.

However, today did not sense the true God's breath, Fang Ping did not know where the other party went, did not ask.

Xuanhua gently exhaled, and soon said: "The old way is naturally inclined to the human race, including the sovereigns! But now... the Terran is in the cave, after all, it is not as good as the cave... Now if it is rejected, the brothers worry that they will suffer revenge from the cave.

The meaning of the brothers is that they do not express their attitude and do not refuse.

People Wang... Please forgive me! ”

Fang Ping nodded slightly: "I understand, in fact... the last time the war, Xuanqi's predecessors did not shoot, I guessed."

In that battle, several people in Wu Kuishan fought against the strongest of the caves.

In fact, the Terran is still helpful.

The people of Xuande Cave Heaven, the true God of the Dragon, the two forces, their emperors have entered the war on the same day.

But this time, the two strong players did not play.

Fang Ping is understandable, but how much disappointment.

They... did not stand firmly on the Terran side.

Of course, in that case, the two true gods are not enough to change anything. After the humanity is destroyed, they are also defeated and directly destroyed. It is actually understandable.

Fang Ping’s mentality is much better now than before. If you change it, you may be dissatisfied.

Now, it is a bit more understanding.

The human situation is unclear, and dare to stand up easily.

It has not been easy to pass on for many years, and it is a little careless.

After Fang Ping finished, he smiled: "The predecessors don't have to worry about it, so it's good, then I continue to inspect the various fields, and the predecessors are free."

A little more guests, a little less intimacy.

Xuanhua felt it.

In fact, before Fang Ping was very different from Xuande Dongtian, he was here, and Xuan Jidi Zun taught him the method of tempering the golden body and solved the big problem of Li Laotou. Fang Ping also took away many treasures.

Moreover, a few monsters were put into it, which caused a lot of trouble for Xuan Dejing.

In the land of the precinct, Fang Ping is the closest to this side.

And Xuan Dejing is still the birthplace of Chen.

Chen Jia, a two-door squad, fighting for humanity, is different.

Looking at Fang Ping, he continued to walk along Yuhai Mountain, watching his figure gradually drift away, Xuanhua struggling with his face, suddenly sighed and said: "The king is slow!"

Fang Ping turned back.

Xuanhua's face changed and changed again. Suddenly said: "The world of great struggle! You can't argue! Great change, big chaos, most avoiding both ends. Xuante's strength is not strong, the sovereign is not, but before the sovereign left, since the choice The Terran... Today is no exception!"

The words fall, Xuanhua's voice is grand, and the loud voice: "Taibai Mountain Xuande Cave Day, willing to be the people of the South Town!"

When the words came out, the hole in the sky, a moment of sensation.

When the cave dweller arrives, Xuande Cave Day is to be enshrined.

In order to get along with the mud, the true **** who sat in the town chose to go far and drag the cave, and was unwilling to give a reply.

On the side of the Terran, no one came, nor did he say how to make Xuande Cave.

At this moment, Xuanhua, the non-genuine powerhouse, is the answer given by Xuan Dejing!

This old nine products, the gas machine broke out at this moment, the momentum is like a rainbow, not enough, once again violently said: "Taibai Mountain Xuande Cave days, willing to be the human south of the town!"

The sound echoes in all directions!

Above the Temple of Heaven, people in Xuande have come out.

There are old and young.

Some people are worried, some people are boiling.

Some people want to talk and stop, and some people are relaxed.

This time, Xuanhua made a decision. With a choice, it clearly defined the affiliation of Xuande. In this way, when the war resurfaces, Xuande will be regarded as a human race. Perhaps... will be the first to be destroyed. in!

They are in the outer domain!

They don't have a top-ranking strongman sitting in the town, unlike the Wangwu vein, there is a strong force of the North Emperor to suppress the Quartet.

It is not like the one of the village of Eunuch, and there is no clear attitude of the committee, but now Jiang Yan of the village of Yuhan has also proved the absolute, and the former strongest Jiang Xu, one of the two must-have, does not express the situation. Still quite sure.

Moreover, the younger emperor, before the walk, also revealed the strength of the suspected sage level.

As a result, Xuande Cave is the weakest, but it is the first choice, and it will easily become the target of all parties.

Below, there are young warriors, biting their teeth and whispering: "When you do it, you will do it! You won't be defeated, but now you are afraid of offending, and you are afraid of offending that!"

In the distance, Fang Ping looked at the increasingly old nine products, and suddenly smiled: "Don't discuss with Xuanqi predecessors?"

Xuanhua's air-powered machine is grand, loudly: "No! Brothers are not there, Xuandedong Tiandao Road has the final say! Xuande Dongtian is not strong, but I also want to fight!"

After all, I sighed again: "The king is relieved. If there is a cave messenger to come again, Xuande Cave will smash its head and send it into the world!"

Fang Ping smiled and looked at him and said slowly: "So, the Terran is willing to join hands with Xuande Dongtian! Today, Xuande Cave Day, the first hole of the Terran!"

Fang Ping's voice is grand, and the breath has also erupted. The sound is shocking. "Xuande Dongtian, the first cave of the Terran! The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty revered, and then seal it!"

As soon as this was said, several spiritual strengths came.

There are strong people from the caves, and there are also strong people from the villages of Mount Yu and Wangwushan.

Xuande Dongtian, today, under the decision of a nine-piece, has a choice.

Join hands with the Terran!

No one spoke, no one spoke, and they all observed quietly.

Xuanhua, the nine-armed warrior, is now straight.

Over there, it seems that there is still a gas machine spreading from the sea, some eager, some confused.

Xuande Dongtian is the only true **** strongman Xuanqi.

This veteran is absolutely perfect. I didn't expect him to say that he did not mix. The younger brother made a choice after he left. From today, Xuande Dongtian is afraid to be dragged into the quagmire of war.

However, at this time, he is already helpless.

Xuanhua announced the Three Realms, and the King gave a promise.

At this moment, he dares to say remorse, just talk about it, then completely offend the Terran...


How many grievances in my heart, I am afraid that this strong person knows it.


Fang Ping continued to travel far and did not stay in Xuan Dejing for a long time.

However, at this moment, Fang Ping no longer hides the breath, broke out the air machine, and continued to inspect along the Yuhai Mountain.

Soon, passing through the village of Mount Yu.

On the side of the village of Eunuch, the two strongest vacant people vacated, did not speak, did not say anything to join hands, and Yu Hanshan did not easily express his position.

Fang Ping nodded slightly, and the two men bent to indicate.

Fang Ping turned away instantly. Jiang Yan glanced at the direction he left and looked at his uncle, Jiang Xu. The tone was complicated: "Uncle, really don't choose?"

Jiang Xu Shen said: "Now, there are nine holy places in the cave! The world... only Fang Ping can fight the saints! As for other people, they may not always join forces with Fang Ping. As a result, it is easy to express their views and the Yushan Mountain is dangerous! The lord has not returned, and it is not easy to drag the mountain into the quagmire."

Jiang Yan sighed: "But... Fang Ping has pressed the three worlds and joined hands with the Terran. Maybe it is our chance!"

"Not urgent!"

Jiang Xu whispered: "Now... in fact, it may not be the beginning. When the strong men in the false graves return, it is the time for the parties to shuffle! Before this, the Terran was also the most stormy time, full of uncertainty.

At that time, the Sovereign returned, with the strength and wisdom of the Sovereign, I think the Sovereign will have a good choice. ”

Jiang Yan no longer said anything, he just hopes that the lord, that is, his ancestors, can have a good choice.

The Terran... Although there may not be other powerful forces, Jiang Yan and Fang Ping have dealt with each other many times, and they still feel that they should choose the Terran.

Although the caves are now extremely powerful, the nine saints suppress the three realms, but the strength of Fangping is progressing rapidly. Who can guarantee that the caves have always been stronger than the human race?


On this day, Fang Ping inspected the Yuhai Mountain Defense Line.

Passing through Wangwushan, although the Wangwu vein did not express its position, the Yuwei sage had participated in the war before, and it already represented something.

Fang Ping crossed the southern domain and entered other foreign domains for the first time.

First is the Western Region.

Inspecting the Western Regions, the strongest in the West 27th field, went to Yuhaishan to accompany the king to inspect the Quartet.

Nowhere to sit!

However, there are many nine martial arts martial artists. Every time Fang Ping arrives in a domain, there must be a strong person to come to greet, accompanied by Fang Ping to inspect the Quartet, and the foreigners are strong, no one dares to show up.

After patrolling the Western Region, soon, Fang Ping entered the Northern Region.

In the northern region, the gods and gods, these holy places, have also visited the Yuhai Mountain.

The king of the king, began to radiate the entire outer domain, radiating the entire human race.

Wherever he went, the strong people of the grottoes avoided.

For a time, Fang Ping has no two.

Three days!

It took a full three days for Fang Ping to inspect the entire outer domain Yuhaishan defense line.

Halfway through, there was a spiritual power of the saint, and it was shattered by Fang Ping!

Fang Ping is also a saint who dares to explore, without exception, all shattering mental power, overbearing, but no sage appearance.


At the time, after Fang Ping inspected the foreign domain, he also entered Wuyu silently.

The false grave was opened for just two months.


at the same time.

Taboo in the sea.

Wushan Mountain.

The East Emperor is located.

The sage-level powerhouse under the East Emperor Gate, vacated at this moment, looked at the annihilation outside the endless mountains, slightly squinting, and his face was somewhat solemn.

“A person with a pulse?”

The annihilation smiled: "No, I am from the sky!"

"After the day..."

The old sage once again squinted, and half a sigh: "The ancients, there is no seal in the sky! Are you inheriting the polar road, or inheriting the first martial arts?"

Very strong spirit!

Not weaker than him.

Such a strong person is not from the bottom of the road, or from the power of the first martial arts.

Must be associated with them.

The annihilation smiled: "The sky is sealed, passed down for eight thousand years, not from the ancient times!"

When I fell, I looked at Luo Yu, who had just vacated, and looked at his golden body. He shook his head slightly: "It is weaker than I expected... Luo Yu... Three thousand years ago, the Tianjiao of overseas Xiandao, now only proves the true God... ..."

He was a little disappointed, and Luo Yu didn't feel too strong for him.

Of course, after all, it is also the nine products of the eight forging gold body, and later it is tempered to the nine forging, with the body of the nine forged to prove the true God, the strength is stronger than the general true God.

The body is also very strong!

But it depends on who compares with it. The annihilation has already entered the emperor level, and the spiritual strength is comparable to that of the saint. For a time, naturally, Luo Yu is weak.

Luo Yu squinted and looked at him without any sound.

"This seat gives you time!"

The annihilation smiled: "Now you are not enough! I hope you can catch up... Otherwise, this world will have no chance for you!"

Luo Yu gas machine broke out, eyes cold, "Are you provoking?"

"Not provocative."

The annihilation faintly said: "Time arrogance, not the case... you... after all, it is still worse."

The old saint from the East Gate, eyes deep, look around, half awkward, faint: "The sky is a pulse... The old man may know your origin! But... under the East Emperor, not afraid of any power!"

The annihilation squats: "The predecessors are not the ones chosen by the younger generation... If the seniors want to fight, the teachers will come out."

The old man's face changed slightly, then he snorted and his eyes sharpened. Then he suddenly recovered his calmness. "You came out of the mountain and came for the battle of contemporary arrogance?"

"Not bad."

The old man smiled, like watching the dead, faintly said: "I wish you a good trip! Fang Pinggang inspected Yuhaishan, if you want to find him, go to the outer domain to kill some people..."

The annihilation smiled: "The square person Wang Weiming, the younger generation also heard about it. Although Fang Renwang is the goal of the younger generation, but... the younger generation wants to fight the Terran Longevity Sword first, I am afraid... the strength is not enough, the younger generation will be disappointed again!"

The old man smiled and said nothing, faintly said: "Then you can go!"

Say, no matter what, he landed directly.

Longevity sword... Want to slowly accumulate momentum?

It depends on Fang Ping’s answer!

Eight monsters, very strong, of which three emperors, five top real gods, the difference between the emperor and the saint is not as big as the imagination, eight monsters, I am afraid enough to fight the top saints.

This person is also very strong, this pedestrian, comparable to the two saints.

But what about it?

I hope this guy can go back alive and he should pray for him.

The saint from the East Gate, at this moment, has some mentality to watch the show.

"After the day...Is that guy that year?"

The old man seems to think of something, some taboos, and some contempt.

Very strong!

It is indeed very powerful, even in that era, the nine emperors and four emperors are still there, the guy is also powerful and terrible, called the chief of the pulse, the pulse of the pulse, not the pulse.

But some people are worthy of respect, some people... are a little worse.

The war has also worshipped the various parties, and the one is also like the war.

You can have your own way, your own ethics, that person... is missing.

Now it’s a self-contained one. Is this going to be done in ancient times?

"This pulse is powerful enough! Fang Ping... How will it respond?"

The old man talks to himself and may be surprised by his own expectations.

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