"Raise, in two"

In Game 3, I bet all the chips I had right after the card was exchanged.

Boost cards are wind again, and my handbills are for two winds, including crystals.

If you want to play two crystals, you can choose one of the attributes on the bill.

Well, this time there's no hand where the boost card doesn't pick the wind at the point in the wind.

"Hey, don't you see the cards you pulled?

"Oh, you don't have to."

That's what provokes Leonard to pull his cheek.

"Cole, you don't have any more chips to bet on, so just open your hand."

Me and Leonard open their bills at the same time.

Leonard plays two pieces of water. I win with three unfavourable roles.

"... Shit, Lucky Yamezu"

Now the chip is 4-for-6.

The last two fights in the shortest time?

"What the hell, you're too used to fighting"

Leonard tells me like he's stunned, especially as he collects and shuffles his cards without changing his expression.

"For me, gambling and everyday conversation just don't change. Maybe you're right in that sense."

What they think, what they hide, how they react to my words.

Even if I'm not willing to do that, I have a scumbag that I would observe if people were in front of me.

Gambling or conversation doesn't change that.

"... 10 or so years old, not very, but incredible"

"I don't know the exact age because it sounds like a dump, but I guess that's about it"

Leonard frowns at me for telling me to be nothing.

"Sorry, I said something extra"

"Nothing's fine. It's not uncommon around here, dumping kids."

"Just because it's not uncommon doesn't mean you can take it lightly!

My gaze gathers on Leonard, who inadvertently bares his voice.

A voice of such momentum that it passes well in the noise.

Leonard, who returned to me all the time, once he licked his lips, looked down as if one of them looked bad.

"... oh, I see you have something inseparable against the discarder. It's just that this is a casino. If you're going to lecture me on the reign, why don't you do it in the king's capital?"

"You must be a victim. How can you be so indifferent?"

It's not supposed to be about me, but it's a voice I'm going to sincerely regret.

I sigh again at the look of anger pushing me to death.

"Unfortunate because you're a deserter? Is that all you'd be happy about if you had a family? Your horizons are too narrow, boy."


"If you ever beat me in the future, I'll reconsider. I'm in a game right now, so I need you to focus on the game."

Hand out the card for WW4 without waiting for a response because it's going to be a long story.

Boost cards are flames.

Two handbills for dirt and one for wind.

I do not hesitate to exchange the wind.

The opposing Leonard put out two pieces of soil and wind to exchange.

"I got one, you got two."

The card I pulled is dirt.

Now I have three roles.

Unless Leonard has three flames or wind, I won't lose.

The wind also disappears from the fact that one sheet is exchanged.

Nah, the truth is, I've already decided to win.

I don't know how to put him on the battle later, but he lacks calm right now.

If you put a strong card in your hand...

"Raise, four chips."

Look, here's what happens.

"You seem more confident than you were earlier. Fine, it's Cole."

Again, I pile up four chips, which are all property.

"Showdown, I'm three pieces of dirt."

"... Damn!

Leonard throws down the bills.

I don't even need to see it anymore. He plays three pieces of water, my soil is a favorable attribute, so my win.

Now the situation is reversed.

Chip went 8-for-2.

"Well, I don't know what else to do this time. If I hadn't seen a flame card once with all three waters that are a boost card favorable attribute, I wouldn't be forced to think my hand would be flame."

We will no longer be able to afford to doubt Squid Sama.

Besides not even being calm, there are three roles in it for me as well as myself. Currently, I just don't think I was lucky enough.


And, for the first time ever, Riesha opened her mouth watching the game go by.

When I gently punched him in the ear, the sweet smell tickled his nostrils.

"... when I redistributed the card, I didn't pull it from the top."

Did you find out?

Well, I can't help but notice that squid sama in this hand is easier to notice from the side.

The behavior of 'pulling cards from mountain bills' has unconsciously led most humans to think 'what pulls cards from the top of the mountain bills'.

So, if it's much the same behavior as when you pull from the top, your brain rewrites the perception at will, saying, "I pulled from the top," even as I pulled from the second.

It's hard to see through if you're not so vigilant and watchful.

It's a lower move as a squid sama on the card, but if you disturb his mind, it'll work well enough.

"If we lose this place, we're in trouble, right?

Reesha snorts cocklessly.

Grab my shoulder and go around. Right, when I was suspicious, it wasn't good, so I waved straight away and drove away.

"Well, this is going to be the last time. Have you finished packing?

"Idiot, even you rolled back from two sheets"

"Yes, life is the same. I have a chance to be happy as long as I have the chips left. Conversely, just because you have a lot of chips, there's no guarantee it won't go away."

"... what are you trying to say"

"In the end, we all have to live in a world where we can't see ahead."

I started handing out the last cards, mocking myself that it wasn't in my heart.

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