Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 784:

David and Burke left, leaving the technology crystallization company with full of grief.

The original shock that Liao originally walked into the technology crystallization company disappeared at this time. They escaped from the company's resident just as they escaped the devil.

没有 There was no fierce dispute during the negotiation process. Cheng Yuan's words became a must-have clause.

For such a situation, David and Burke did not dare to argue for reason, so Cheng Yuan was fearless, but they were limited by various factors.

"Burke, I'm going to go back immediately to make preparations, take a step!" David said to Burke at the entrance of the technology crystal company, and went straight to the car regardless of the other party's answer.

At this time, Burke's face was also not good-looking, because he had never accepted the results of such aggrieved negotiations, but because of the situation, he had to accept it.

"Okay, I need to deal with a lot of things, so let's go first." Burke was equally happy. He waved his hand and took his team into the car and left.

After seeing Burke leaving, David sat in the car and called Rockefeller Jr.

The phone beeped and was connected, the holographic screen popped out, and Rockefeller Jr. appeared calmly on the screen. He asked in a calm tone: "The negotiations are over? What is the result?"

David quickly recounted the contents of the negotiations with Rockefeller Jr.

After hearing that, Rockefeller Jr. frowned, but he didn't say anything, and looked at David indifferently: "Just follow Cheng Yuan's conditions, there is not much time left for us."

Little Rockefeller, who wanted to hang up directly, looked at David's expectant face. He paused and said, "You can rest assured that I will also give you some support. Although it is not comparable to the technology crystallization company, but It will also allow us to rebuild the US faster than other countries! "

He comforted David, and Rockefeller Jr. hung up the phone and convened members of the family for a second meeting.

As soon as everyone arrived, he immediately said, "Everyone, things have changed, and I plan to change our plan."

怎么 "What's wrong, John, isn't David talking about it?" The aged Lawrence still had sharp eyes, but when he looked at Rockefeller Jr., his eyes were very gentle.

"The talk was successful for Grandpa, but the technology crystallization company is preparing to infiltrate the reconstruction work in all aspects. I think that if we participate in it alone, we may have unexpected results." Rockefeller Jr. glanced at everyone and thought: "I Decided to follow in the footsteps of Cheng Yuan. "

Lawrence's white eyebrows frowned, and he looked carefully at Rockefeller Jr .: "Are you sure? John? It is dangerous to give your own destiny to others, John!" Lawrence emphasized.

Rockefeller Jr. shrugged, and said frankly: "Yes, I understand the consequences that will be faced, but this will undoubtedly allow our family to continue, we have come to China from the United States, life changes in the past three years, Doesn't it say everything? "

Lawrence was silent. Although he was a little uncomfortable, Rockefeller Jr. was right. Because of his cooperation with Cheng Yuan, their family would not fall into the street after they came to Huaxia.

Compared with other members of the consortium, their family is the most beautiful.

好 "Well, the whole family will support you, I hope you can lead us Rockefeller back to glory." Lawrence sighed.

There was a confident smile on the corner of Little Rockefeller's mouth, and he said, "I will do it!"

Although Rockefeller Jr.'s self-confidence is indeed easy to relax, but the family's goals have been determined, and the concrete implementation methods still need everyone to plan together.

"John, now that we have set a goal, how can we get involved in this matter, just relying on David will not allow us to join Cheng Yuan's pace." Lawrence frowned and worried.

This problem also made other members of the family worry.

Little Rockefeller groaned. He also considered this problem, and it was indeed a very difficult problem. After all, this time is different from before.

The reason why he could join Lanyin Technology at the beginning was that Cheng Yuan was optimistic about the influence of their Rockefeller family abroad and the good foundation for cooperation.

But the current reconstruction plan, but he can not use the previous human feelings as a weight, this will only disappoint Cheng Yuan, even if he participates in it, maybe Cheng Yuan swallowed it completely.

It's not that he thinks Cheng Yuan is insidious. Even if Cheng Yuan wouldn't do it, wouldn't the people under his hands do it?

利益 Driven by interests, many people will make a choice that is beneficial to them. And even if Cheng Yuan knew about it, he might pretend not to see it.

After all, he belongs to the beneficiary, and no one will be silly with his own interests.

要 Is it necessary to give up some of the benefits of Lanyin Technology?

This idea just came out of his heart and was directly rejected by Rockefeller Jr. Compared to the benefits brought by rebuilding the United States, he hopes to hold the shares of Lanyin Technology stably.

Because Lanyin's shares are the only source that he can guarantee sufficient financial support for the Rockefeller family, he cannot cut off the family's main economic source for an adventure.

Although many people who have been successful will say something, as long as you work hard and walk boldly, you will be able to reap your own success.

But Rockefeller, who has received elite education since he was a child, expresses extreme disdain for this poisonous chicken soup. If he is not more than 70% sure, he will rush forward to meet you with only one pit filled with mud.

The result is that you step into the pit desperately, and then be completely eaten by your competitors or the market!

However, this time the reconstruction plan, to be honest, Rockefeller Jr. did not have 50% confidence.

After all, the scope involved this time is too wide!

Whether it is their Rockefeller family, or the top of other countries, or the top of Huaxia, none of them is a fool.

为什么 Why did Huaxia agree to the reconstruction plans of all countries?

I was not worried that after rejection, the senior officials of various countries would publicize the matter and make the immigrants feel uneasy.

He seems to continue to stay in Huaxia, he will be locked in a cage.

So Huaxia agreed, but is China really so kind? Tigers never make sense with sheep, nor do adults and children have conditions!

In the current global situation, Huaxia is a well-deserved boss. Why can he talk to these high-level leaders who have nothing?

资格 What qualifications do they have?

Everything is just for China to take care of the overall situation. There is a reconstruction plan, but how many years will it take to complete this plan?

At the beginning, the immigrants heard that Huaxia would help them rebuild the country. They were naturally very happy and grateful, and thanked Huaxia for their assistance, so that they could also feel the goodwill of Huaxia. Coupled with their years of living in China, they also feel that they have a stable environment.

Having experienced China ’s good, and then let them run abroad in a sinister country, is this possible? It is the nature of mankind to seek advantage and avoid harm, and this is not a bad nature, but a natural phenomenon!

Perhaps these immigrants will have a patriotic fist in the beginning and think that if the country is rebuilt, then they will definitely choose to go back.

But with the passage of time, after one year, the country has not been rebuilt, and the immigrants may still be waiting; but after two years, the reconstruction is still underway, and occasionally there are scattered intelligent machines. Hesitation began to appear.

After all, two years have passed. Their family in Huaxia has completely settled down. They have a decent job, have enough wages to support their family, and have a good food for the children. Educational environment.

After three years, most people will be able to dispel the desire to return to China. After all, they have been in China for almost six years!

If the reconstruction progress is slower, what will happen after five or six years?

Rockefeller Jr. can be sure that 99% of people will choose to refuse to go back because they have rebuilt a stable, stable and beautiful family in China.

No one wants their family to experience a life of chaos once again!

Although with the progress of reconstruction, there will still be a batch of immigrants returning to their country during this period, but what can these people bring back?

All they can do is to use their own work to pay down the debt owed to Huaxia for the entire country. Not only that, because of the shortage of personnel, Huaxia will definitely send a large number of associates to the past.

Moreover, it is impossible for Huaxia to hand over the command of the robot force to others, so these people will be installed in the offices of various countries!

It can be said that the leaders of the rebuilt countries are the same as those of their original country, but in fact, most of the middle and bottom people are arranged by Huaxia!

出现 The emergence of an overhead leadership system is the most terrifying thing!

This is also that Rockefeller Jr. did not think about entering the political system from the beginning, but directly thought about participating in the American economy!

Of course, this is also Rockefeller Jr.'s unilateral conjecture. After all, this involves things from dozens of countries. How can China have so many personnel?

If this can be done, it will be even more terrifying! This shows what? It shows that Huaxia had already calculated it a few years ago!

And the leaders of the countries are like marionettes in their hands, step by step following the line prepared by Huaxia!

一 As soon as this idea appeared, Rockefeller Jerks shuddered. He quickly suppressed these ridiculous and horrible ideas ~ ~ and regained his mind to solve the only problem that needs attention now.

That's how to catch Cheng Yuan's ship on the American Reconstruction Plan!

I felt my heart pounding, and Rockefeller Jr. tried to calm his emotions. "John, what's the matter with you?" Lawrence, who had always been concerned about his grandson, saw that Rockefeller Jr. suddenly turned pale, and asked with concern.

Rockefeller Jr. looked up at his grandpa. He didn't dare to speak out the ideas that had just come out of his brain. After all, people are talkative. Although they are all members of a family, they are not afraid of 10,000. If their ideas leak After being noticed by Huaxia, it was really sad.

By then, even Cheng Yuan could not protect himself, after all, Cheng Yuan could not offend Huaxia for him, and the relationship between the two was not good enough to cut his sword!

"Nothing, I have to think about how to cooperate with Cheng Yuan in this matter, I will go back first." After a vague explanation, Rockefeller Jr. got up and left in a hurry.

His hurried appearance made many members of the family face to face each other, totally unaware of what happened to Little Rockefeller.

"Let him be alone. After all, this matter is very important. It has nothing to do with the future of our Rockefeller family!" Lawrence explained the Rockefeller Jr.'s misbehavior: "And he may not want to be because of this. Broke the family's interests in China. "

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