Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 783:

David and Burke, with their respective teams, led by the employees of the Technology Crystal Company, walked towards the conference room on the 26th floor of the cutting-edge laboratory.

As early as at the entrance of the Technology Crystal Company, Burke and David could see the white tall tower-shaped building from a distance.

他们 When they led by the staff and bypassed the former headquarters building of the technology crystallization company, they stopped.

Hundred-meter-high minaret building shape, the tower tip soars into the clouds, looks up as if you can't see the top, the entire building surface, like a circuit board, etch this clearly visible line.

What shocked them most was that, around this white building, blocks of cuboids moved around freely.

There is no special pattern in the trajectory of movement, no trace can be found.

"You, this is the current central building of our technology crystallization company." To the shock of outsiders, employees of technology crystallization company proudly introduced: "Here, we have the most advanced cutting-edge technology in the world, including top physics laboratories, Biological laboratories, electromechanical laboratories, and high-tech materials laboratories. "

"We have the best people from all walks of life. Here they have the best working environment and the best living treatment."

The voice of this employee made everyone turn their attention back. Watching everyone's eyes shift from the state-of-the-art laboratory building to herself, she proudly said, "Of course, the most important thing is that this place has the world's most precious materials!"

"Next, we will take the anti-gravity suspension elevator directly to the 26th floor conference room. The chairman of our company is already there waiting for you."

No more nonsense, this employee turned around and led the way.

When a group of more than 20 people stepped into the anti-gravity suspension elevator, they were surprised again.

Anti-gravity technology itself is a cutting-edge technology, which has been tightly blocked by Huaxia, and the rest of the country has no chance to contact.

The industrial products exhibited by anti-gravity technology have never appeared abroad, and only Huaxia can see them.

As for the anti-gravity suspension elevator, this kind of thing, they still saw it for the first time!

The fully transparent rectangular elevator car is very spacious, even if nearly thirty people stand up, there is no problem.

"No. 1, meeting room on the 26th floor!" The female employee said with a smile after everyone got on the elevator.

"Checking identity, Wang Yingying, ID: 01126645, information check is correct." A mechanical synthesizer sounded, and the elevator started.

瞬间 The moment the elevator started, the sudden weightlessness once again erupted into the crowd, even if the professionalism of these people is even better, at this time they can't help but look around.

"Really amazing technology. How does it work without Range Rover and power supply?" One person was amazed again and again, with deep curiosity in his expression.

"Is this the wireless energy transmission that has appeared in science fiction movies? If this technology really exists, it will reduce the overall construction cost of the entire country to a horrible level!"

"Technology Crystal Company Is Amazing!"

电梯 While everyone was talking, the elevator slowly stopped on a protruding platform.

"Follow me, please follow up. Each threshold will have a corresponding verification procedure. Once you leave the team without identification, you will be considered an intruder. The security robots in the building will be dispatched at any time, so please be sure Don't walk around at will! "The female employee walked out of the elevator first, and said to the crowd cautiously.

Everyone nodded quickly. They came here to ask for something, but not to pick things up. No one dares to make trouble at such a critical moment.

Seeing these people being so obedient, Wang Yingying nodded with satisfaction, and then led everyone toward the conference room.

For about three minutes, under the leadership of Wang Yingying, the people crossed the round corridor outside the building and came to a white electronic door.

"Here, the chairman is waiting for you in there." Wang Yingying said to the crowd, and then signaled to the smart one to open the door.

The electronic door opened horizontally, and the two leaders, David and Burke, saw the appearance of the conference room as soon as the electronic door opened.

The first thing I saw was the floor-to-ceiling windows that formed obtuse angles on the sides. The sunlight shined through the transparent window to the entire meeting room.

The floor is paved with an unknown material, which is light-readable, and in the center of the conference room is a rectangular white table. The edges and corners are very rounded. At the end of the white table, a smiling man and three full-hearted ladies are looking at them.

When I saw the Lord, David and Burke didn't dare to carelessly, they quickly entered the meeting room.

Seeing the two and a group of followers behind him, Cheng Yuan flashed a smile in his eyes: "Dear everyone, welcome to the Technology Crystal Company."

"Mr. Cheng, you're welcome." David and Rockefeller Jr. had an exchange, and he knew the temper of the young man in front of him.

Usually looks easy-going, but in some ways he is very persistent, and after certain things, he will hardly change!

Burke also looked at Cheng Yuan. This young man, now only 23 years old, has the best technology in the world and the largest company in the world!

"We have also learned about John's visit through John, so we negotiated out a condition that is very reasonable for me. You can check it out." Cheng Yuan had almost no courtesy. Once seated, go straight to the theme.

David and Burke looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes.

"Please, Mr. Cheng."

Cheng Chengyuan glanced at Guo Xiaolian next to her. Guo Xiaolian knew, a smile appeared on her face, and said to them, "For assistance, there is naturally nothing wrong with us."

Guo Xiaolian's first sentence pleased David and Burke. Even though it was long known that the technology crystallization company would agree, they did not feel relieved until the other party officially confirmed.

However, although the two were at ease, but the look on their faces became cautious. Burke pursed his lips, depressed the joy in his heart, and kept his face a dull look. He asked, "Thank you for your help What about your conditions? "

晓 Guo Xiaolian glanced at Burke, and the calm performance of the two of them made her feel a little outside, and at the same time made her feel that these people were really not good to deal with.

第一 "First, our company will grant assistance quotas according to your respective circumstances." Guo Xiaolian said.

But her words frowned David and Burke at the same time. The word 'quota' had been heard once at the federal conference, and it was not expected to appear again in the technology crystallization company!

The two looked at each other and did not immediately discuss the details, but continued to ask, "What else?"

第二 "Second, we will establish a branch in your country to provide you with sufficient jobs!"

This one surprised both Burke and David. Since the establishment of the technology crystallization company, it has never established any branch abroad!

But now they suddenly raised it, which should not allow them not to be surprised, but at the same time they began to think quickly, the purpose of the technology crystallization company to do so.

However, Guo Xiaolian did not give them time to think, and she immediately stated the third condition: "Also, the last point, of all the projects assisted by our company, all projects involving public facilities, we have to charge 100% of the net profit. Forty percent of the revenue, including industrial projects such as roads, railways, ships, aircraft, and electronic information networks. "

After listening to David and Burke, they were silent for a long time, but Guo Xiaolian ignored them and smiled calmly at them: "We have so many requests."

At the same time, the requirements of the technology crystallization company gave David and Burke both headaches at the same time. At first, they thought that the technology crystallization company would focus on the mineral resources of their country.

As a result, the other party didn't mention anything in this aspect, which made them feel a sense of confusion.

However, the technology crystal company is too harsh to start, this condition is equivalent to controlling the entire economic lifeline of their country in disguise!

It makes them a little unacceptable for a while.

If it is Huaxia, it's okay. After all, Huaxia represents an entire country, but the technology crystallization company is just one company!

They want to control the economic line of their entire country!

They want to refuse, but find that they really ca n’t refuse these conditions!

Especially the second condition proposed by the technology crystallization company.

If the name of the technology crystallization company is in it, their immigration will surely be smoother and their lives in China for several years.

Everyone knows how well the technology crystallization company works. No one can easily refuse a job at this company.

However, the job of Huaxia's technology crystallization company has been saturated for a long time, and it has not been recruiting new employees for a long time. If the news of the branch is spread, it will definitely make people rush.

But when they thought of the third condition, they couldn't bear it immediately, and David immediately retorted: "The forty percent income is too much, Mr. Cheng!"

He looked at Cheng Yuan, his brows frowned. Obviously he was very entangled in his heart when he was talking.

"No, no, my requirements are not excessive. You think about it, we are responsible for providing you with security, helping to rebuild various facilities, buildings, roads, railway tracks, power junctions, line distribution and so on. And you don't need to pay a tiny bit of it at all. "

Cheng Chengyuan looked at David with a gloomy face and talked bluntly: "The cooperation given by Hua Xia will certainly not meet your requirements. Only I can help you, right?"

"How long would it take you to rebuild your country without my help? Three years? Five years or even longer! I said before that my conditions are what I think are the most reasonable, if you do n’t want to , Then there is no need to talk. "

Wu Chengyuan's mouth provoked a cold smile. He knew the situation in various countries and was not afraid of these people disagreeing.

If he doesn't agree, he can choose to refuse to help.

Anyway, the longer the time is, the worse it is for them. Huaxia is not a vegetarian. As time goes by, those who settle in Huaxia are less willing to leave ~ ~ At that time, they still need to rebuild ?

Of course, if the other party agrees, that's better. After all, Cheng Yuan can't just grab resources from Huaxia's senior management, so he can only control from the economic line.

Wu Chengyuan's words directly poked at the key points of the two. David and Burke both spoke silently. Although they were angry, they felt a sadness at the same time.

Is this what Huaxia calls Tiger Luoping Pingyang?

这个 At this moment, David suddenly thought of Rockefeller, "Maybe he can do it!" Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and promised to come down.

However, Burke had no way to refuse Cheng Yuan at this time, because Cheng Yuan was telling the truth, it took too long to rebuild a country.

"I agree!"

After they both agreed, Cheng Yuan laughed. Cheng Yuan was an activist. He immediately said to Zheng Jia, "General Zheng, regarding the quota, please discuss with the two. Responsible for the planning of the reconstruction, Fang Jing, prepare for it, and then announce the news. "

Cheng Chengyuan smiled very happily. He can already see that the economic lifeline of most countries on the planet will be in his own hands.

As for whether the other party is slowing down, will they be restricted by policies? Cheng Yuan said ‘haha’.

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