Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 683:

Trans-galaxy power technology, although Cheng Yuan knows that there must be countless kinds of technological crystals in his mind, and more advanced than the civilization of Centaur galaxy. ???

However, what makes Cheng Yuan helpless is that these advanced power technologies require materials that Cheng Yuan can't make today.

The most direct manifestation is the concubine materials and related technologies that he obtained from several cosmic science fiction movies such as Star Wars.

No matter which of these technologies is taken out, Cheng Yuan feels that the technology of the Centaur galaxy is higher.

But many things in the movie are too fantasy, and maybe the product of fantasy can be transformed into realistic scientific and technological materials in the crystal of technology.

But in Cheng Yuan's hands, it felt a bit impossible to start.

In the simplest analogy, he obtained a dark matter engine from Star Wars, all technical information is available, and the engine is made in very detailed way.

From the most basic material production to the process synthesis, step by step, just like teaching you hand in hand.

But even so, Cheng Yuan couldn't make it.

The reason is simple, there is no original material!

What a dark matter engine has to do is to save dark matter. However, according to the current level of science and technology on earth, dark matter does not collide with any matter.

In other words, the current technology of the earth has nothing to capture dark matter. Perhaps some devices can detect the existence of dark matter, but they cannot capture it.

Cheng Yuan can clearly know from the data in his mind that capturing a dark matter requires a crystal, a natural crystal.

And this crystal, Cheng Yuan has never heard of it.

In addition to dark matter engines, there are many first-grade engines, but there are also many problems. The only nuclear power engine technology that Cheng Yuan can use immediately, the energy is still fission energy!

It is not known how the brain holes of the film writers are opened. Although nuclear power is also very strong, it is also the current mainstream energy.

However, the technology of nuclear fission, whether here in Cheng Yuan or in Huaxia today, is the second-grade energy technology.

Regarding that engine, no matter how far Cheng Cheng looked, he couldn't tell that it was an engine capable of leaping into the galaxy. Cheng Yuan also sorted out the data for this, and let zero calculate once.

The calculation results are embarrassing. The slow flight speed of this engine is terrifying. It takes three months to fly from Earth to Mars!

Such a degree is inferior to Cheng Yuan's current transport ship, and I don't know how it was forced to come over in the movie.

No process is just a few talks about this engine technology, not too serious, after all, according to the year of the movie, nuclear fission technology was the highest technology at that time, and the shadow of nuclear fusion had not yet appeared.

And this present also makes Cheng Yuan understand that the crystallization of science and technology is an auxiliary magical thing, and it is also relatively rigid.

How to describe it in the movie, it will build materials based on the description in the movie.

If the process is not far, there is not much extravagance. Everything he can have today is because of the crystallization of science and technology. Otherwise, he should still be studying honestly in school, and then do some part-time work outside.

That kind of life and today's life, Cheng Yuan will choose the latter directly with almost no consideration. After all, he is also a person and needs.

Leaving aside some chaotic thoughts in his mind, Cheng Yuan instructed Zero: "Zero, send the spaceship to [Hong Nong] first, it should solve many of our problems."

The problems mentioned by Cheng Yuan, naturally, do not refer to those technical problems, but material problems!

Since the spacecraft from the Centaurus galaxy is capable of intergalactic flight, this not only reflects that their power engines are higher than Earth.

There is also the basic material, which is also incomparable with earth technology.

Because flying across galaxies is definitely not a matter of mere flight, it also involves some technologies similar to space jumping.

And even if this technology can be realized, then what kind of materials can do it, and can it be kept intact in this similar subspace?

Or, in a place similar to subspace, the environment inside is the same as the ordinary environment of the universe?

Cheng Yuan was unclear because the relevant information was completely absent.

Even if zero occupies everything in the sphere, and also controls the spacecraft in Phobos, there is also nothing to find.

But now, Cheng Yuan doesn't have to worry. He has a mechanical nanoworm. As long as he can get a part of the sample, he can quickly imitate and make the same material.

And that spaceship is a perfect example!

With the materials, a technology similar to 'space jump' can naturally be tried.

He was a little bit enthusiastic when he thought that he could finally try a flight similar to a space jump.

The main thing is that since the possession of quantum technology, the distance is no longer a short board that limits Cheng Yuan, and the test machine that originally tested the flight will not lose contact.

Cheng Yuan was very impressed. At that time, in order to test the degree of pulse power, the results were not perfect. Although the degree was tested and the stability of the test machine was very good, it did n’t take long for the test machine to lose contact due to signal problems. .

This is the most failing point.

Seeing Cheng Yuan's enthusiastic appearance, he nodded and said, "Okay, sir, I have changed the coordinates of the spacecraft's purpose, but the material of the spacecraft itself is very common, except for a crank engine similar to what we described. A spaceship is not of much value. "

Zero's voice was very dull, and he reduced the value of the main ship in an instant by countless levels.

In this case, while leaving Cheng Yuan a little speechless, the look on his face was also a shock.

Although he also thinks that some of the technology of the Centaur galaxy is of little value to him, but if this is handed over to Huaxia, Huaxia executives will definitely provide this spaceship as a baby, and then research it day and night .

"You say, the material itself is ordinary?" Cheng Yuan is concerned about this issue. If the material of this spaceship is completely worthless according to zero, it is definitely the biggest bad news for Cheng Yuan.

He doesn't lack technology ~ ~ He only lacks materials!

The technology that this spacecraft brought to him was only of reference value. Material is what he wants most! But the zero answer shattered Cheng Yuan's previous good ideas.

But as he shattered, his heart moved, "Zero, is the material of this ship really ordinary?"

"Yes, there is not much difference in density with the manufacturing materials used in our transport spacecraft, except that a magnetic field surround device is added to the spacecraft. It may be the magnetic force on the surrounding force field when the curved engine is flying. Shield interference to protect the spacecraft itself, "explained Zero.

Cheng Yuan heard that with his eyes brightened, if it was a magnetic field, it would really be possible! The magnetic field itself is a force field, a force field that can produce gravity.

If the magnetic field is strong enough, the generated gravitational field will also be very strong. As long as the gravitational field is strong enough and then controlled to cause it to surround the spacecraft, it is really possible to form a special protective layer! (To be continued.) 8 () "Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the viewpoint of the author's rushing black ants. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position is only to provide health Reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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