Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 682:

In modern warfare, the most important thing is to establish the situation of equal information between the two sides.

For smart machines, in addition to the existence of threats and pressure, the lack of information is also one of the reasons why they dare not go too far.

As the only master of intelligent machinery, God has very high intelligence, and his intelligence is almost no worse than that of humans, but this is not enough.

Because he needs progress, only by making his technology stronger, can he achieve the goal in his heart. But if you want to progress, you can't do without innovation!

Innovation, the word seems very simple to humans, but to God, the word is like an insulator, he can only use the existing technology of human beings, and then make some adjustments and changes to the existing technology.

Although this method of improvement is somewhat similar to innovation, God understands that this is only improvement, not innovation!

What is innovation?

The most intuitive way to innovate is to create new things, elements, and methods.

These are very, very simple for human beings with whimsy, but there is a difference between actual and impractical.

But for intelligent machinery, he is powerless. He can remember all material elements, trace elements, and can clearly and clearly explain the role of each element. What will happen when they are combined.

Things like this may be a bit difficult for humans, after all, the periodic table of elements is more than just those in junior high school textbooks.

Perhaps intelligent machines can clearly understand each of the known elements, and then arrange and combine them countless times, and then find something special from them.

But this is not really innovation, it is just a new phenomenon. Innovation is an essential breakthrough, which gradually evolved from human curiosity and exploration of the unknown.

And this "curiosity" is exactly what God does not have, and at the same time, God lacks some related imagination.

Because of curiosity, then I began to explore, wield my imagination, and finally created a brand new substance. This is a general innovation statement, but even so general, only humans have it.

And this is exactly what God wants most.

Because, although he knows a lot, the first reaction to seeing anything is to analyze from the existing database. Once the results cannot be analyzed, he will stagnate.

This is an endless loop.


The response of intelligent machines is also the most important thing for Huaxia executives, because their actions here are not small. If such intelligent actions are not noticed, they will be ghosts.

After all, satellites are flying all over the sky, and satellites without intelligent machinery above their heads are simply impossible.

Although I know that there are satellites on the other side, Huaxia is helpless. After all, it is not easy to trace a satellite, and even if it is traced, what can it do, can it still reason with intelligent machinery?

If it makes sense, it won't happen today.

As for hitting, it is even more difficult. Although there are many weapons that can be launched into space now, it is difficult to say whether it can accurately hit the target.

So using force is even more undesirable.

But what made them feel strange was that the intelligent machinery did not seem to have any response to Huaxia's move. In satellite monitoring, the other party was still the same as before, and it seemed that they did not know it at all.

This made Huaxia executives' notice of confusion more serious. After all, it was so indifferent to know that the other party was acting, but it was so indifferent!

On the side of Huaxia, while secretly guarding against smart machinery's possible attack at any time, it also quietly accelerated the process.

In a month, a total of 15 million recruits were recruited. For these recruits, Huaxia not only required the most rigorous training, but also prepared a large number of reinforcements to strengthen these soldiers in batches.

Of course, the target of reinforcement is also strictly selected.

The first choice is of course authentic Chinese people. As long as their identity is clean, there is no bad record, and those who can pass the training normally are all targets for reinforcement.

Secondly, those people who are not in good physical condition, and those who have passed the identity verification and joined Huaxia abroad.

Some of these people are inherently inferior in physical conditions, so when training, they will naturally not keep up.

However, this is a trivial matter for the military, and it can be cultivated slowly with the recovery liquid.

And those foreigners who have joined Huaxia are also in the second batch of lists, and their identities need to be intelligently checked.

Especially some enlisted soldiers with special skills. They have been soldiers before and have also been mercenaries.

These people's identities need to be scrutinized in detail, and they will not be strengthened until it is determined that there are no problems.

Finally, there are some unidentified people. Although a large number of these people are ordinary people, some people are actually ordinary people, but because of their place of birth, it is difficult to determine their identity.

Just like some very backward places, the original information there is backward, and the household registration management system is also very poor. Those who escaped from these places are naturally difficult to identify in terms of identity.

For this kind of people, it is basically difficult for them to get a chance to strengthen. After all, there are no dead people on the battlefield! Moreover, Huaxia is not a charitable organization. It is enough to save so many people.

Although the outcome of the last type of soldiers is a bit cruel, it is not unacceptable. Besides, although they cannot accept reinforcement, at least when they enter the battlefield, Huaxia will not lack them.

With the protection of the Warframe, as long as you have the ability, you can also survive.

This can be regarded as Huaxia giving them a hope to survive.

Next, there is a series of intensive standard training procedures for soldiers, as well as new intelligent control application training.

This time, the people at the Academy of Sciences did not let the senior staff wait at least. After Cheng Yuan passed the relevant information of the Warframe, they spent a week, with the intelligent fast calculation, soon launched several sets of corresponding simulation programs, using Simulated training for soldiers ~ ~ In addition to soldier training, on the other hand, Hua Xia is also working hard to increase the production line of armors. Now the military uses intelligent pipelines for confidentiality.

Although this approach has caused a large number of workers in military enterprises to lose their jobs, Huaxia has also resettled them for work.

After all, China ’s land has increased a lot, and as the land has increased, many more jobs have been created.

This can also be regarded as alleviating the pressure on the transformation of some domestic industries.

When Huaxia was nervously mobilizing, Cheng Yuan was not idle. The spacecraft in Phobos had been salvaged. Except for the energy system in the spacecraft, all other technologies were eye-catching.

For example, the power technology that can make a galaxy leap in it! (To be continued.)

: Visiting the website () "Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the point of view of the author's rushing black ants. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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