Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 612:

"You can think about it carefully. If you have a decision, you can contact me at any time." Cheng Yuan smiled slightly at everyone and then left the conference room.

Cheng Yuan smiled with a smile on his face. He didn't worry that the tangled, struggling and hesitant people would reject his proposal.

Although my own requirements have been too much, we can't go too far!

But they have absolutely no conditions of refusal.

If technology crystallization companies are not allowed to help re-establish the information channel, then they will go back to the 1960s, the time when information was delivered by mail.

In the era when the news was closed, blocked, and backward.

Because of his self-confidence, Cheng Yuan did not hesitate to leave the issue to his own consideration. Only with ‘willingness’ would they not toss more.

Cheng Yuan came out of the conference room with a smile on his face, and was surprised to see Fang Jing and his sister Cheng Xin waiting at the door.

Cheng Yuan was a little surprised: "Xiao Xin, aren't you going to class today?"

Cheng Xin pursed his lips and said very dissatisfied: "Brother, what else do you say, it's already several months now, is the school closed?"

"Er." Cheng Yuan was suddenly told by Cheng Xin that he suddenly found out that it is indeed August now. In these months, attention has been focused on the construction of Hongnong and the development of artificial intelligence technology in various countries. I did n’t notice the passage of time.

With a bitter smile, he said, "Well, what are you doing?"

Cheng Xin twisted his fingers and said shyly, "Brother, can I also go to space to play?"

Although Cheng Xin did not know the specific situation of the development of her brother's company, when she went to space with Guo Yuan and Guo Xiaolian, she was very envious.

Moreover, Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian did not hide anything in this operation. As Cheng Yuan's relatives, Cheng Xin naturally knew more.

She also understands that going to outer space for ordinary people is nothing short of magical. But for her, wanting to go to outer space is a breeze!

Today, part of the technology crystallization company's transport ships travel between the earth and space, dozens of times a day, very convenient and fast, and most importantly, very safe!

Therefore, Cheng Xin had such an idea.

Especially when Cheng Yuan announced high-profilely that he would take Guo Xiaolian for a space tour, she was naturally envious, so she told her several students who were good at school.

However, she seemed to take this for granted, but was laughed by her own little sisters, thinking she was whimsical.

Although the jokes of these little sisters are of a joke nature, there is no meaning of irony or ridicule, but Cheng Xin is not willing.

It's just a space trip. It's very simple. It's an unrealistic fantasy in their eyes.

She couldn't figure it out, so she bet with the little sisters and said that they would take them to a space tour to prove that she was not talking whimsical.

With such a mentality, she came to Chengyuan, a technology crystallization company.

Although Cheng Xinlai Technology Crystal Co., Ltd. rarely and rarely at this time, she could not hold her identity. The security system at the door was a green light under her ID card.

However, even if the green light was all the way, Cheng Yuan could not be found, so she could only find Fang Jing, who had a better relationship with her. As for Guo Xiaolian, the sister-in-law.

I still hug my little niece at home.

And let her find Cheng Yuan, Guo Xiaolian also gave her the idea.

For Cheng Xin's request, Cheng Yuan had no reason to refuse, he asked with a smile: "Are you alone?"

"No, there are still some good classmates." Cheng Xin said quickly, shaking his head.

"No problem, let me tell you, you are ready, call your classmates, but it is best to let your classmates do some checks before coming, after all, the environment of the universe and the earth are different, you are different from them, Do you understand? "Cheng Yuan reminded earnestly.

After returning, Cheng Yuan arranged a reinforcement for the whole family. This reinforcement was not only for parents, but also for Cheng Zhipeng, Cheng Yueying, Cheng Yueming, and Uncle Erbo.

After strengthening, Cheng Yuan naturally does not worry that her sister's physical fitness will not be able to adapt to the space environment, but her classmates are not necessarily. After all, everyone's physical fitness will be different. Some people who do not meet the standard must have some inspections. And exercise.

Of course, Cheng Yuan has been a lot easier to get into space here. Although the science and technology of aerospace are advancing very fast, various work training in a gravity-free environment is still unavoidable.

Therefore, countries have made great strides in science and technology in spaceflight, but the people in heaven still have to undergo rigorous training.

But he is not the same here. With gravity adjustment technology, the environment inside the spacecraft is no different from that of the earth. It only needs the personal fitness of the spacecraft to meet the standards, and it is very casual to fly to the universe!

Cheng Xin nodded heavily, his face full of joy, "I know, I'll prepare it now, but how do my classmates check it and where to check it?"

"Uh ..." Cheng Yuan froze, and suddenly thought that it might not be possible for a general hospital in this area to be too comprehensive. He thought about it and said, "Let ’s take them to the company ’s satellite base. There is a full range of inspections. "

"Okay, thank you, brother." Cheng Xin smiled eagerly, turned and ran away with cheerful little steps.

Looking at his sister's happy appearance, Cheng Yuan shook his head with amusement, then looked at Fang Jing: "How is the situation over the South China Sea?"

"It is methodical. Although it was interrupted for a few days because of intelligent machinery, the order was restored later, and I also used the excuse of intelligent machinery to consider their life safety and replaced many workers with our company's own robots. "Fang Jing smiled sweetly and replied.

Cheng Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly and took Fang Jing towards the elevator. "The public on the other side of the South China Sea did not say anything?"

However, Cheng Yuan knew that when the dock was built there, in order to reassure them and their own confidentiality plan, they intentionally slowed down the construction progress, so they used manual labor.

It is also because of the use of labor that can solve many local employment problems, so the green light has been kept there.

But now it will be replaced manually. How can the public in the South China Sea not respond?

Fang Jing smiled confidently and resolutely said, "They have no objection, and they support our approach. After all, although it is safe there, but the war is not small, you have sent me back. Do you think the workers will not worry?"

"That's right." The two took the elevator and returned to the top floor. Fang Jing naturally took care of everything in life for Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan began to consider the development plans that followed. The emergence of intelligent machinery has broken today's world structure. Whether it is the economic system or industry, the military, and the country, all are chaotic under the offensive of intelligent machinery.

Some big countries are okay, and some of the surviving resistance forces can be preserved, but some countries are annihilated directly in the intelligent machinery crisis that erupted in less than a month.

It's like the country in the east of Huaxia.

Today, except for Huaxia, which maintains the original order, other countries are in a mess, whether or not they have been attacked by intelligent machines.

After all, the economies of many countries can only be sustained by the support of other countries. Like those countries that rely on tourism, when the war swept the world, they instantly became depressed and became precarious.

The economic pillars of many countries burst instantly because it was a war that swept the world, although Huaxia resisted the attack of intelligent machines.

Now intelligent machines have also suspended their offensive because of their own development. However, the suspension of the offensive does not mean that there is no war. In China's various seas, sporadic battles continue to occur.

This is also the reason why Cheng Yuan's project in the South China Sea did not have any objection after switching to intelligent robots. After all, compared with life, money naturally moves backwards.

And when Fang Jing raised it, no one would object, because even if you want to continue working, we can't afford it.

If the war spreads and kills people, shouldn't our technology crystallization company be responsible?

Therefore, for the sake of safety, even if Huaxia can defeat intelligent machines, no one will dare to say arbitrarily that nothing will happen.

No one can refuse such a reason, even if the workers are protesting, it is useless in social opinion.

And the Hainan government naturally did not dare to take the liberty. This is a joke about the lives of ordinary people. Do they dare to say?

In addition, the fact is the same. Many rich people along the coast have moved their inland with their own properties, which has slightly affected Huaxia's economy ~ ~ However, there are disadvantages and benefits, because the war spreads and the communication is interrupted. The international tourism industry is considered to have collapsed as a whole, and a large number of people who travel abroad each year cannot go out.

There is no way, you ca n’t travel outside, you can always do it in the country, so many people who are idle are turning their eyes to domestic tourist cities.

In addition, since the past few months, the company's network has covered the whole of China, and the real situation in any place can be known at any time, anywhere.

Coupled with intelligent traffic guidance and no traffic jams on the roads, the domestic tourism industry began to flourish.

And it should be a full coverage network, even if you run into the ravine and ditch, you can connect to the city network, which makes those places where the traffic is extremely inconvenient, but the scenery is very beautiful, and there are many more tourists.

Tourism drives consumption. Huaxia's economy is not too big a problem, and part of the industry contraction has also led to many economic industries that could not be started before. Nowadays, drastic changes have been made.

Of course, the network industry is hit hardest today.

Foreign-listed companies, Chinese-foreign joint ventures, and other companies listed abroad have collapsed almost instantly.

What Cheng Yuan has to do now is to take advantage of this "black light blind stage" to plunder the global mineral resources! Because those things are now ownerless! He can take it for granted, and then use nano-manufacturing technology for rapid mining!

Cheng Yuan's idea today is simple, that is to use the resources of the earth and a part of outer space to develop a technology crystallization company.

The rest of the outer space resources are directly used in the development of outer space, and the resources of the earth will not be transferred to outer space! (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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