Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 611:

Because of the requirements of these countries, the development of the technology crystallization company in the recent period of time has suddenly expanded from the mainland of China to the international scope.

This was absolutely impossible for the former technology crystallization company!

Before the outbreak of the intelligent crisis, no matter what development Cheng Cheng made, it was almost a forbidden word to go abroad to develop business.

This is also something that company executives dare not say.

Because the senior management of the technology crystallization company understands that the company's international status, as the company's chairman Cheng Yuan, and the company's own technology.

All of these are rampant in the country, if the branch company is going to other countries or some high-end equipment is installed in other countries.

It won't be long before everyone knows who might get it.

But this time is different. Now that the smart crisis is ahead, even if Cheng Yuan establishes a branch abroad and puts some precious equipment in the branch, no one will dare to take notice.

The reason is that it's messy now!

Very messy!

It's so messy that even if he does something that can be condemned by international law 100% in peacetime, no one will say anything now!

In addition to the reasons for the poor information, more threats come from intelligent machinery.

It is for this reason that Cheng Yuan dared to attack Indian laboratories before. Because he was very clear, even if he did such an action, not only would a force help him, but no one would come out to blame him in the current situation.

His behavior will naturally be 'indulgent'.

Because there is no so-called international public criticism, and there is no so-called "Boss" of the United States who will stand on the so-called moral high ground to criticize you!


The chill gradually passed and the temperature began to rise.

This day, the sky is cloudless, like a blue mirror, very clear.

Anhe City, large conference room of cutting-edge laboratory.

It brings together representatives from various countries.

They came together for the purpose of discussing how to re-establish information channels.

After having enjoyed unimpeded information, although losing this information habit has only a short period of two weeks, all countries cannot tolerate such a situation of blocked information.

It's like going from frugality to luxury, but from frugality to frugality. So change and compromise are necessary!

Because facing the envoys of various countries, based on the request of senior Huaxia, the reception was hosted by Cheng Yuan himself.

Of course, Cheng Yuan will appear on such an occasion. Not only the above request, he also has his own consideration. Since the establishment of a cutting-edge laboratory, he has never let anyone irrelevant.

Therefore, this can be regarded as a show for all countries.

And in Cheng Yuan's opinion, it was very successful! Because when these old people saw the towering science fiction building in the distance from the cutting-edge laboratory, they yelled in surprise.

And when they enjoyed the anti-gravity intelligent elevator of the cutting-edge laboratory, they were shocked on their faces. And the envy and yearning of the holographic projection and surround sound that surrounds them all the time after they enter.

This makes Cheng Yuan feel very cool! The countless pores in Shuang's body are like breathing fresh air!

In two words, that's Shutan!

Although in the capacity of Cheng Yuan, the performance of these people has given him such a sense of accomplishment and vanity, which is indeed a big deal.

But it wasn't the shock of these people that made Cheng Yuan feel this way, but that they could better kill them for a while, and the other party had no room for bargaining.

Not only that, but also played a key role in his global layout!

Therefore, the arrival of these people and the performance of these people will make Cheng Yuan very comfortable!

Standing on the stage of the conference room, Cheng Yuan smiled and looked at the envoys of various countries with tense expressions below, politely: "Welcome everyone from afar, I also know your thoughts."

As soon as Cheng Yuan spoke, the tight faces of the envoys of various countries also relaxed slightly. If they are kept in peacetime, they can still use Cheng smile to cooperate with Cheng Yuan.

But when they think of the domestic situation, they can't even laugh if they want to laugh.

Cheng Yuan looked at the expressions of these people and didn't care. After all, people in China are almost messing up into a pot of porridge. Maybe they are happy?

If we can still talk about laughter now, if it is recorded by Huaxia reporters, and when domestic information channels are reopened, their current position will be lost.

"Regarding the re-establishment of information channels, this is a very complicated and huge task." Cheng Yuan glanced at everyone with a heavy tone.

An envoy assured nervously: "Mr. Cheng, as long as you agree to re-establish the channels of information and communication, we think that no matter how difficult or complicated it is, we can solve it."

Cheng Yuan took a closer look at the national emblem on the opponent's collar and yellow cross stripes on a blue background. He smiled gently: "This ambassador from Sweden, can you be sure, any request you and the country behind you will agree?"

Cheng Yuan's tone and how he looked at this moment made the Swedish ambassador immediately beat his drum. He hesitated, "This ... this should be OK!"

"Should it be possible?" Cheng Yuan asked back with a smile. Although it didn't seem to be forced, he actually pressed the other side tightly.

As soon as the Swedish ambassador asked Cheng Yuan, it was natural that he could not answer an answer that made Cheng Yuan unsatisfied. He knew it before he came to Huaxia. At this time, all information engineering and channels of Huaxia were made by science and technology. Crystal company is supporting and controlling!

Even the Chinese government did not intervene!

And he did not have the confidence to refuse, after all, Huaxia is like this, let alone them. Besides, he also kept in mind the domestic account, no matter what Cheng Yuan asked, he promised him first!

So the Swedish ambassador gritted his teeth and nodded, "Yes ... definitely!"

Cheng Yuan smiled with satisfaction: "Very well, my requirements are simple. Everyone knows that traditional networks and communications have been controlled by intelligent machines. To get out of this dilemma, we need a new way of information exchange."

"That's quantum!"

Cheng Yuan spoke a word that shocked everyone!

Quantum information!

Although before, many enterprises and national scientific research institutions were studying quantum information, but it did not have any effect at all. Even if artificial intelligence was added in the later period, there was no feasible way to do it because of insufficient basic data technology.

And now, Cheng Yuan even proposed the word [quantum information], and looking at his appearance, it is obviously saying that he already has very mature technology and can be promoted and applied!

"Mr. Cheng, are you talking about quantum information?" An ambassador asked stuttering uncertainly.

Cheng Yuan nodded and confirmed: "Yes, quantum information, only quantum information can build a perfect information network and information channel that is not threatened by intelligent machinery!"

"Is Huaxia using this kind of technology?" One can't wait to ask.

"No, because there is very good artificial intelligence in Huaxia, intelligent machines cannot invade our country. Even so, I am also working hard to replace all Huaxia networks into quantum networks." Cheng Yuan replied.

"Mr. Cheng, although we also know the power of the quantum network, its efficiency, and its confidentiality, but intelligent machinery is also very powerful. We don't have the powerful artificial intelligence like Huaxia. How can you guarantee that your quantum network is out of Huaxia? Will not be captured by intelligent machines? "One person raised his doubts, his expression was very tense.

His doubts made all the ambassadors talk about it, and many people agreed with this ambassador's words. Indeed, the strength of the quantum network has been described by countless scientists.

No matter how powerful a quantum network is, it is always a 'channel'. As long as it is a channel, how can it avoid being invaded by intelligent machines?

Cheng Yuan explained: "Everyone, you may know the efficiency of the quantum network, or you may not know, but what I want to tell you is that the speed of the quantum network is more than ten thousand times the network we use today!"

"With such an efficient speed, I can completely protect and counterattack our defense forces at the moment when the other party just invaded ~ ~ even if he is in China!"

After explaining a sentence, Cheng Yuan said again: "In addition, the quantum network no longer needs submarine optical cables to connect. It has almost got rid of the physical information connection. It only needs the satellite above it to exchange information."

"And the satellite is in Huaxia!"

Cheng Yuan finally spoke the key points, and his words calmed down the entire large conference room instantly. All the ambassadors frowned and looked very entangled.

The meaning in Cheng Yuan's words is very simple. After listening, these ambassadors understood Cheng Yuan's meaning, and also knew the reason why Cheng Yuan was confident that the quantum network would not be attacked by intelligent machines.

Because all quantum networks are under his control, and it happens that intelligent machines are networks that cannot invade Cheng Yuan!

But wouldn't that just let Cheng Yuan have all the information in their country?

Not only the communication between ordinary people, but also the national information security!

Everything about the deployment of political, economic, cultural, and military arrangements will be under the supervision of Cheng Yuan. In this way, it is equivalent to everything in the entire country being clearly seen by Cheng Yuan.

This result makes them tangled, very tangled, very tangled!

And they ca n’t contact the country to ask what they should do, promise or not? Although seniors from different countries also knew that this trip would cost a lot, and they were also psychologically prepared to bear the price.

Ke Chengyuan's words now make it clear that he wants to control everything! Everything in their country!

If this is promised, wouldn't it become a sinner in the history of their country?

So the ambassadors were silent, they didn't know how to answer. (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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