The working speed of the robot is very fast. The stage construction of the exhibition hall and the installation of the holographic projection equipment were completed in just one night, and there was no trace of mistakes.

At the same time, Cheng Yuan also conducted a test in the exhibition hall.

Basically, there is no need to watch the stage. What he tests is the operation of holographic projection equipment.

Cheng Yuan came to a booth, which was a two-square-meter booth. The whole place was separated by special display glass.

Their sizes are not the same, and related booths are established according to the size of the products displayed.

At this point, Cheng Yuan was standing in front of the big white booth. Although there is no magnification white here, holographic projection equipment can be used. As soon as Cheng Yuan walked to the front, he didn't need to open his mouth. A series of text messages.

In the information, the name of Dabai, height and size, and functions possessed are all listed.

And as needed, the viewer can also operate on it, and click the corresponding option to view more detailed information.

After simple operation for a while and found that there were no problems, Cheng Yuan left this booth and looked at the next booth.

The shape of the second booth is a cylinder with a diameter of only 80 centimeters. The pure white cylinder is only one meter high. The top is empty. Next to the cylinder, there is a basin-sized glass stand. Information for this booth.

"Future miniature fusion reactor demonstration."

Cheng Yuan looked at the name and smiled slightly. "This description is appropriate. Use the word" future "to solve the doubts of others!"

In the following days, Cheng Yuan spent in the company. Every day, except to go to the nursing home to see the situation of Professor Yan Zhongchen's granddaughter, Yan Xueling, she put her energy into the laboratory.

As time goes by, more and more graphene phones are being used. Cheng Yuan now uses this phone himself.

Unlike others, the graphene phone in his hand is the most complete phone in his mind. Not the kind of castrated version that is coming next.

In fact, the gap between the two is small. Except that there is no holographic screen function and no more advanced intelligent matching, basically there is not much difference in software. The only difference is the internal hardware facilities.

The graphene phone in Cheng Yuan's mind is the most advanced and complete version, but Cheng Yuan will not directly make this version for sale. After all, this graphene phone is very strong, and the battery life of the phone is very long.

Graphene materials, lithium batteries can be found in countless grades in terms of charging efficiency and usage time.

Such a mobile phone, it is impossible for current users to change frequently, so Cheng Yuan can only minimize the internal hardware configuration. And then improve a little bit every year. This will maximize the benefits of this phone.

After all, those who can afford a graphene phone are not short of money. As long as Cheng Yuan makes a new model, and adds a little software and hardware to it, these people will naturally be willing to replace their phones.

This is just like Apple. It is launched every year, and people will replace it every year. In addition to the impact of the battery, the more important thing is the pursuit of new things and the mentality of personal comparison.

Of course, there may be other reasons.

But this is not something Cheng Yuan should pay attention to. The only thing he has to do is consider how to make money!

Obviously, this method is indeed very profitable.

He made ten copies of the phone with the same function as Cheng Yuan's. In addition to his parents and sisters, as well as the Guo Xiaolian family, two were given to Zheng Jia and Fang Jing.

Several people's phones are the same as Cheng Yuan's, and they have all the functions!

Except for the graphene mobile phone, the only thing that can distract Cheng Yuan slightly now is two things. One is the presence of the company's employees three days later. Some time ago, Zheng Jia had moved all the finished things. The only thing is to let people come directly.

The second thing is about Song Zhi on the Internet. At first Cheng Yuan didn't care about this villain at all, but things went to an unexpected place!

Just in the past few days, the news about him and Song Zhi has changed from a normal 'battle' to a dead one!

What makes Cheng Yuan most depressing is that those who discredited him may be Song Zhi who asked for money to create public opinion on the Internet. But those who attacked Song Zhi had nothing to do with him. I don't know who is hated by Song Zhi. When this matter attracted the attention of the majority of netizens, that person dug out Song Zhi's dark history!

What kind of malicious acquisition is in order to crack down on the opponent ’s home, and the female students who use drugs to force the female students are forced to jump. Moreover, he was seduced by the opponent against him. This pile of mess was justified and well-founded.

Even more exaggerated is that even the evidence is on the table. Nowadays, there are videos of Song Zhi's female workers and female students circulating on the Internet!

If that was the case, Cheng Yuan wouldn't care, but on the Internet, almost 90% of the people thought that this was Song Zhi's outrage. All the dark history of Zhi is dug out!

Suddenly he became the ‘true’ protagonist. Can Cheng Yuan not be depressed?

He didn't do anything!

While Cheng Yuan felt inexplicable, Song Zhi, who had returned to the capital early, was sitting in his own home with a gloomy face. Opposite him, a middle-aged couple sat there. The man was expressionless, but his eyes were extremely annoyed.

He stared at Song Zhi fiercely, holding back his anger and asking, "Song Zhi, what's in your mind? Is it all right to trouble the technology crystallization company? Do you know how much this company has People are watching? Do n’t you investigate before you do anything? ”

"Dad, I only started investigating the upstart after investigating. This Cheng Yuan has the same background as Zhang Baizhi. My parents are ordinary migrant workers. How do I know the other party is so powerful?" The fire in my heart was not in front of my father at this time.

Song Hu, who had been watching Song Zhi, easily found that his son was still unwilling at this time, but now that things have reached this point, it is impossible to stop!

If it was only related to Cheng Yuan, it would still be easy to solve with the power of their family, but now Song Zhi's dark history has been turned out, because the impact is too great. The people in the procuratorate have sent someone to investigate the matter!

This is the most annoying thing about Song Hu.

At first, in order to help Song Zhi cover up those broken gongs, they dragged on a lot of relationships. The main thing is that what Song Zhi did was suppressed by his uncle! And his uncle. Today is already the capital city party committee, if you go further, you may enter that circle.

And now ...

Song Hu has dared not think about it.

"Don't I let you destroy all the evidence, why didn't you just listen?" This is where Song Hu is most angry, whether it is Song Zhi or Cheng Yuan. It is also those malicious acquisitions that catch the wind, which he can use as a deliberate slander to get rid of.

However, the videos circulating on the Internet now wipe out all his means directly!

The evidence is already obvious!

The girl in the video jumped off the building three years ago, and their family members did not dare to say anything because of the means of their Song family.

But now, he doesn't know if the family will come out.

When he was thinking about it, the phone in his pants pocket suddenly sounded.

Song Hu hesitated when he heard the ringtone on his mobile phone, and then he connected.

"Brother. You'd better go online now." A tired voice came from the other end of the phone, and Song Hu was familiar with it. It was his brother who was also Song Zhi's uncle.

Hearing his brother's words, Song Hu suddenly hesitated in his heart, and a bad feeling came to his mind.

Hanging up the phone, Song Hu gave Song Zhi a glance. With his wife's worried eyes and Song Zhi's trembling and frightened mentality, he took the mobile phone to the webpage.

The headline of the homepage news is dazzling, "Video Jumping Girl. Family Appears Again for Daughter's Justice

The short words made Song Hu look very eye-catching!

In the past, who would dare offend the Song family to make such news?

But with the popularity of the Internet, and the degree of attention this event has received. No matter what way the villain jumped out in one breath!

Song Hu didn't want to watch the content anymore. He put away the phone, closed his eyes, but clenched his palms tightly, and the phone was creaking and overwhelming.

Song Zhi looked at his father at this time. There was some confusion in his heart, and he asked Ai Aiyi: "Dad, what's wrong?"

As soon as Song Hu heard it, he said nothing, and slammed the phone on Song Zhi's head.

Song Zhi did not expect that his father would hit himself with a mobile phone, so he did not respond at all, and was directly hit by the mobile phone in the middle of his head. Fortunately, the material of the mobile phone today is not heavy metal, and Song Zhi was just hurting.

However, at this time he did not ask his father why he would hit him with a mobile phone, nor did he ask what happened. His father's actions have shown everything!

As Song Zhi thought about it ~ ~ After Song Hu tried his best to smash the phone out, he got up and growled and said, "What's the matter? Isn't it your thing? Me or I really want to cut you now. Head, see if you have dung in your head! "

Song Hu's roar shook the whole family. His wife's eyes were more worried, but he didn't know what to say. Song Zhi's face turned pale, and he bowed his head with nothing to say.

He left this video for a simple reason, just to make it a memorial. When he wanted to come, the other party was an ordinary citizen, and he couldn't turn the sky at all, so he occasionally turned it out to see it, and he felt very fulfilled.

But he never expected it, but it became his lifeline!

Looking at the silent Song Zhi, Song Hu no longer said more, sighed long and coldly: "After a while, you will definitely be arrested, you will explain what you should explain, everything I've got it all on my own! As long as you can keep your uncle, even if you are sentenced to ten or eight years, we can get you out! "

After listening to Song Hu's words, although Song Zhi was unwilling, he knew that he must do so, or his consequences would be even worse!

He nodded and promised to come down ... (To be continued.)

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