As the middle-aged man said, this is just the beginning.

While Song Zhi was still wondering if this was Cheng Yuan's counterattack, another report related to him came out.

The Truth About Restaurant Events

"From the first article about Cheng Yuan instructing the bodyguards to push others in the restaurant, everyone focused on Cheng Yuan, but knew nothing about the identity of the young man who was thrown out. After my in-depth investigation And conducted a detailed survey of the restaurant where the photo is located.

Finally found out that things are not what the public thinks!

Everyone knows the identity of that young man, and the previous report has clearly explained his family background.

I just found out that it ’s nasty, so I spent 3,000 oceans to open a room in the accident hotel in the capital, and then dine in the restaurant as a tenant. Finally, I learned what happened at the restaurant through the waiter thing!

According to the waiter's description, the cause of this incident lies in the young man named Song Zhi in the photo.

The young man named Song Zhi, when he came in, spoke very arrogantly to Cheng Yuan and his party, and threatened that Cheng Yuan must agree to his request for shareholding, otherwise he would use special means to bring down the technology crystallization company! This is not my alarmist, but the fact!

I intercepted the photo from the previous report. As you can see, the clothes Song Zhi wears are of great value. If it is true as most people say, he is an ordinary person bullied by Cheng Yuan, and most people can wear it. Can you afford such a suit?

Through the comparison of photos, I found a friend to search the same clothes online. This is a brand-name Armani. A suit costs 130,000!

Can ordinary people afford such clothes?

Therefore, the argument about Song Zhi being ordinary is different.

So is it true that the waiter said that Song Zhi is threatening Cheng Yuan?

From the previous report on Song Zhi, we can see that not only is his family history amazing, but he also has many companies under his control. Among them is an investment agency called Angel Fund! Someone may not know or even hear about this investment institution, but for those entrepreneurs, it is absolutely thundering!

Many start-ups hope to get investment from this company to expand the company's size.

of course. Those companies that want others to invest in it, plainly speaking, have little potential. The companies with real potential will choose to develop on their own, because they know that there are only companies that they built a little bit. To be alone.

Once financing is accepted, the consequences may not be clear.

You may not find any problems in the early stage, but after the other party becomes a shareholder, gradually increase your investment? Once you don't have enough funds to support, do you still think you can keep your company?

This is how the dove occupies the nest!

Through investigation, I found that since the establishment of the Angel Fund, they have financed more than 50 physical enterprises and technology companies. Those physical enterprises are still the entrepreneurs themselves, but among the 26 technology companies,

Eighteen companies have already become angel fund companies, and they hold more than fifteen-one percent of the shares in the company!

That is. These companies are nominally others, but they are actually in the hands of Angel Funds.

While I was investigating, I also discovered a very shocking thing.

Among the many companies funded by Angel Fund, eleven technology companies have been forced to raise funds!

From this point, it is not difficult to speculate how despicable this fund is under the control of Song Zhi. Now he has also hit his mind on the technology crystallization company, and their purpose is self-evident.

However, Song Zhi may be arrogant and did not see it. The technology crystallization company is not comparable to the angel fund in his hands!

So he suffered a big loss in front of Cheng Yuan and was thrown out by his bodyguard!

If they change to other people, they dare not do anything because they don't know how to resist the means behind Song Zhi. But Cheng Yuan is not afraid!

Cheng Yuan is not only the pride of Huaxia. The company he founded is also the object of careful protection by all departments!

Nothing else, just because the technology crystallization company is Huaxia's first world-class technology company! "

An eloquent report not only directly pointed out Song Zhi's purpose and the funds in his hands, but also praised Cheng Yuan and his technology crystallization company from the side!

Although the article does not say too many key and sensitive things, it is more imaginative.

"I rely! No wonder there are so many people in Huaxia. The level of science and technology is not developed. There is such rat feces mixed in it, and they will grab other people's research results. Who cares to research and develop? I thought this was academic Dirty and nasty things, I did not expect to have them here, is there no pure land in China? "

An angry netizen made his remarks outraged.

And his comments were lifted high as soon as they were sent out, and the following are countless replies!

Many people agree with this netizen's opinion!

After all, there are 1.3 billion people in China. Can't find a few decent R & D personnel?

Although a genius such as Cheng Yuan is likely to have a chance of 1 in 10 million, does not have a slightly lower grade of talents without comparing with the demon evil of Cheng Yuan?

Such people have!

And many more, but it is limited by various conditions!

In Huaxia, a big dye tank that talks about human relations and relationships, unless your talent has exceeded this limit, otherwise you can only walk in this dye tank, and then slowly look at everyone as time goes by.

Some time ago, a graduate student was overwhelmed with a jump because of his own tutor!

The research funding must be turned in. The first signature of his thesis is not his own, and the monthly salary must be handed over to his tutor. Hit and become dazed.

Those with poor mental capacity will naturally choose to resign. For those who are still suffering, their thoughts change a little bit.

Now that everything is going to be taken away, he is still working so hard to study what they are doing. It is better to rest assured, feed the head teacher, and naturally graduate ...

So, how much more can people with such thoughts achieve?

Therefore, it is not that Huaxia has few geniuses, but that the surrounding environment is too restrictive, forcing too many people from genius to ordinary people.

Those who can be admitted to the university have their own wisdom. This is especially true for those who can be admitted to graduate and doctoral programs. Without that head, you would not be able to get it. As for those who say "dead reading, nerd", they simply can't eat grapes and say grape sour.

Although Huaxia's education mechanism has been criticized deeply, the IQ is not bad for those who can stand out from it.

As long as they have a good education environment, they can grow up quickly. This is also a lot of people who have achieved success. They like to study abroad because the study environment abroad is loose and the restrictions are not as extensive as China's.


Regarding the situation on the Internet, Cheng Yuan didn't pay attention to it. After all, regardless of the outcome of this incident, for himself, there were no benefits or disadvantages, and he was not affected by this incident at all.

At this time, he was designing the stage of the press conference with Zero.

As the protection he has in his hands is getting stronger, he need not be careful in many things.

Therefore, he decided to reveal the holographic projection technology in his hands at this press conference!

The holographic projection, combined with the graphene mobile phone, attracted everyone's attention with these two forward-looking technologies, and then threw the smart program of the mobile phone. Although this may seem a bit upside down, Cheng Yuan's approach is actually correct.

First, if Cheng Yuan directly produced the holographic projection technology for mass production, let alone the expensive price, this operation is a problem. Although simple click operation is not a problem, slightly complicated operations must be performed. Match smart.

And this smart program is the mobile smart program Cheng Yuan is preparing to introduce at the conference!

Use smart programs to change the habits of mobile phone users, then launch graphene phones, and then add holographic projection technology based on graphene materials!

This step by step can maximize the benefits of Cheng Yuan.

It won't make users feel awkward, but once you get your phone, you are very used to its operation!

Even if they are holographic projection, they will simply operate after a little adaptation.

"Zero ~ ~ Do you think we should put some samples that have been invented or are preparing to invent for others to watch?" Cheng Yuan looked at the empty virtual exhibition hall, frowning slightly.

"Sir, this is all right. For products that have not yet been developed, we can use samples to replace them, such as micro nuclear fusion reactors and stratospheric solar platforms. We can all use models to replace them. Like V8 engines, we directly make a pendulum. Just inside the showroom. "

"Well." Cheng Yuan nodded, and then commanded: "You make a form to list the science and technology that can be exhibited. There should not be too few things in the exhibition hall, otherwise outsiders think our company can get a big one. Take a shot. "

"Okay, sir."

Zero should be heard, and then go on to do things.

At this time, in the exhibition hall below the office building, six robots are quickly setting up the stage, and eight robots are installing holographic equipment.

All work is in order and construction is being carried out in accordance with Cheng Yuan's vision. (To be continued.)

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