Shengfu Chengchun Hotel.

Du Yingchun's cell phone rang suddenly, and when he saw the caller ID, he quickly connected the phone: "Hello, Chef Liu."

Liu Yongping asked: "Has the batch of seasoning sent by the capital been put into storage?"

Du Yingchun hurriedly said: "The goods arrived in the afternoon, and I haven't had time to take inventory yet."

Liu Yongping ordered: "Okay, think about it, there are two gift boxes for Fu Yu, and they will be sent directly to the Qianlima Hotel in Bei'an tomorrow, do you have Fu Yu's phone number?"

Du Yingchun replied: "Yes, just leave his phone number when the time comes."

After explaining the matter, Liu Yongping asked again: "Old Du, did you watch the news just now?"

Du Yingchun smiled and said, "Yes, I saw it."

Liu Yongping said with emotion: "Xiaofu is really good. I know he is quite capable, but I really didn't expect him to win the championship in one fell swoop, and even broke the previous score record!"

Du Yingchun sighed: "Chef Liu, you told me to pay more attention, pay more attention, Fu Yu is very talented, and his level is very high. I didn't take it to heart at all, and it was too late when I realized it .”

"Now he is the chef of Maxima, and he will definitely be the chef in the future!"

Liu Yongping couldn't help but said: "I can only say that Boss Dong of Maxima is really courageous and lucky! With a capable chef like Fu Yu, the store's business will definitely not have to worry about in the future."

Du Yingchun nodded: "Indeed, but with Fu Yu's ability, I'm afraid Maxima may not be able to keep him. And after he showed his face in this competition, you don't know how many people have passed through our channels during this period and want to Contact Fu Yu and poach him away."

"I don't know about others, but in the two days since I went to the capital to be a judge, there are at least three big hotels in the capital that have started activities to inquire!"

After listening, Liu Yongping smiled: "That's for sure. You must know that Fu Yu has the highest score in the history of the National Chef Competition, and his results in these few games are really excellent. Such an outstanding talent is only 23 years old this year. Who do you think can't grab it if they know?"

Du Yingchun was also quite emotional and couldn't help sighing.

That's right, such a young and talented talent, no matter where he goes, is a shining existence.

No matter how you cultivate it, you can get results, who doesn't want to grab it?

Thinking of this, he shook his head, who would have thought of today?

When Liu Yongping talked about Fu Yu's time at the beginning, he still felt that it was somewhat exaggerated.

Looking at it now, after all, Jiang is still old and hot, and Liu Yongping's ability to get to his current position is due to his extraordinary vision!

The communication that took place in Fu Chengchun also took place in many other places in different forms at the same time.

Fu Yu, together with the Maxima Restaurant where he works, has become a hot topic in the entire gourmet circle.

After lunch time, Fu Yu didn't eat in the back kitchen. He greeted Zhao Meng and took Liu Yuqing to Meimei's spicy hot pot.

Both Fu Yu and Liu Yuqing like to eat heavy oily and spicy food, and it is especially easy to make a choice when they go out on a date.

When two people are together, it is very important to have similar personalities and similar tastes. Being able to eat together actually has a great impact on the relationship.

Fu Yu didn't need to go to Shangshi's private restaurant at night, and Fu Yu stayed in the back kitchen to take charge of the cooking.

When it was time to get off work, he followed Zhao Meng to Liu Ji BBQ on the side street.

When entering the store, Yao Shi had already arrived.

Barbecue, shabu-shabu, ordered a bunch, and directly served a dozen beers.

The three of them sat across the table, chatted affectionately, and drank.

Zhao Meng touched Yao Shi with his wine glass, and said with a smile, "Old Yao, you have finally let go, congratulations!"

The two drank together.

Yao Shi also smiled: "I've been procrastinating on this matter all my life, and now that I've finally stepped down, I actually have complicated feelings in my heart."

The two elder brothers squeezed each other's shoulders and patted their backs. Zhao Meng smiled and said, "I can understand your mood. It will slowly ease over in a few days. You can concentrate on your career in the future."

Yao Shi poured another glass of wine, with a somewhat melancholy expression.

Zhao Meng looked at it, and said with a smile: "Cheer up, you have to take this step sooner or later. Let me tell you, you still have to keep fighting. I'm still waiting to mess with you!"

Yao Shi smiled: "Okay, come and help me after a while."

Zhao Meng put his head together and smiled and said, "Okay, this time it's because I can't bear to change it."

The corner of Yao Shi's mouth twitched: "I see that you are quite stable. You can't shed tears when you leave, right?"

Zhao Meng laughed: "Ah!"

No matter what, Yao Shi came out, and the day when Zhao Meng resigned was not far away.

For Maxima, he must be somewhat reluctant, but Zhao Meng is still looking forward to following Yao Shi to the music restaurant to develop.

Yao Shi had been suffering for a while before, but after going through so many things, he felt somewhat melancholy, but more relaxed.

In the future, I can concentrate on my own business. Thinking about it this way, I feel very at ease in my heart.

Yao Shi turned his head and put Fu Yu's shoulder on his shoulder again: "Xiao Fu, you are really uplifting, you are too embarrassing to me and Lao Zhao, I have answered several calls today, and this is all thanks to you!"

Fu Yu laughed, but he didn't intend to be modest.

Zhao Meng was also quite happy, with the attitude that his own child is promising and shining brightly.

The three of them drank happily, and they had a good relationship at first, but now that Yao Shi has resigned, they have become closer.

Feeling drunk, Zhao Meng patted Fu Yu's back: "In fact, time doesn't pass quickly, the main reason is that you are like a rocket, and the speed of this step is too fast!"

As long as another person is in front of him, it is impossible for Fu Yu to be as embarrassing as he is now: "That must be! Why don't I have to be better than blue!"

Zhao Meng punched Fu Yu, and said with a smile, "You can't be more modest, kid!"

Yao Shi watched the two of them fight, and couldn't help but also smiled.

The scene in front of him felt a sense of familiarity.

In the same place, in the same scene, three people sat around the same table like this.

Half a year ago, Fu Yu was just a small worker who had just been promoted to help Zhao Meng in the kitchen.

Now, they have all become stars in the province.

Yao Shi looked at Fu Yu with a lot of emotion.

Zhao Meng and Fu Yu laughed and quarreled, put their hands on their shoulders, and the smile on their faces deepened a bit.

He was really very happy, happy for Fu Yu, and more importantly, very relieved.

It is actually a very happy thing to be able to see the people whom I have personally promoted develop better and better.

The atmosphere was so good, Fu Yu also drank two more glasses, and took advantage of this slightly drunk energy to sleep well at night.

The next morning, he went to the back kitchen to eat for Zhang Luo's staff as usual, only to find that Zhang Jiaxin had already started cooking.

Seeing Fu Yu coming, Zhang Jiaxin greeted with a smile: "Good morning, Chef Fu!"

Although it is still the same title, the meaning has long since changed.

Fu Yu is now a chef on an equal footing with Zhao Menggu and Yunwu.

Hearing what the leader said before, he would immediately arrange a team for Fu Yu.

Small workers can be recruited at any time, but the kitchen assistants and chefs who can help must be cultivated slowly.

Zhang Jiaxin was thinking that on Zhao Meng's side, Fu Yu became independent, and the key training targets must be Sun Qingning and Zhang Jinyu.

As for Gu Yunwu, Qi Shun is obviously better than him. It's really hard to say who will be promoted in the future.

In contrast, Fu Yu's side has become a rare opportunity.

Zhang Jiaxin originally admired Fu Yu very much, but now he is even more focused on making friends.

In fact, on the back kitchen side, Zhao Meng and Gu Yunwu took turns to prepare meals for the staff.

Every time Gu Yunwu is in charge, Zhang Jiaxin and Qi Shun will be in charge of cooking.

On the contrary, on Zhao Meng's side, as long as it was his turn, Fu Yu prepared almost every breakfast by himself.

Zhang Jiaxin has a stupid mouth and a straightforward personality, but he is not stupid.

He knew that as long as he could follow Fu Yu's subordinates to help the cook, he would be more confident in being promoted to chef.

After figuring it out, Zhang Jiaxin deliberately got up early today and rushed to the back kitchen to help Fu Yu make breakfast together.

Not only can there be more opportunities to get closer, but also a tacit understanding between them can be cultivated in advance.

Fu Yu was taken aback when he saw Zhang Jiaxin having lunch with Zhang Luo's employees.

He almost thought that he drank some wine last night and misremembered the day when he was in charge of the spoon.

After confirming that Zhao Meng's side should be in charge of breakfast today, Fu Yu asked strangely: "Jiaxin, it should be our side cooking today, right? Why are you still busy?"

Zhang Jiaxin smiled: "I got up early, and I can't sleep at this time anyway, so I thought of coming over to help out."

Fu Yu didn't think much about it, and saw that Zhang Jiaxin had fried a dish of hot and sour potato shreds, and the seafood cake brought over by Baian last night was hot in the pot.

Seafood cake is the characteristic staple food of Maxima. Fresh shrimp skin is served with shredded zucchini and carrots and baked with batter to form a soft pancake.

Although it is refrigerated overnight, the taste is definitely not as good as freshly baked ones, but it tastes good after re-frying.

Fu Yu stepped forward and started frying seafood cakes.

He just got started here when he heard someone walk in from the back door.

The purchaser Sun Wei had just finished counting the purchase order with the small workers in the morning shift, and was about to come to the back kitchen to find someone to sign, when he suddenly remembered that there was still a small bucket of snails and mussels from the supplier on the pickup truck.

As the saying goes, "March, snails and April mussels", March and April are the seasons when snails and mussels grow the fattest. At this time, the snail meat is fragrant and plump, and there is no muddy smell. It's a good time to eat.

Maxima is a major customer in the eyes of suppliers. Although Sun Wei is only a purchaser, he usually has quite a lot of power.

In order to maintain a long-term cooperative relationship, suppliers often catch up with the new seafood in the store, and pick up some and give them to Sun Wei.

And Sun Wei sometimes finds it troublesome and doesn't want to take it home for cooking, or people who want to make friends with the back kitchen will deliberately rush to deliver some seafood in the morning to the back kitchen.

Sun Wei didn't keep any of the small buckets of snails and mussels he received this year.

The main reason is that the snails are too troublesome to deal with, and no one in his family can do it.

River mussels are too delicate, and the fishy smell is particularly strong if they are not cooked properly.

On the other hand, the clam soup made by Qianlima's back kitchen is really delicious and delicious.

It is said that drinking a bowl of mussel soup in spring will prevent prickly heat and sores. Sun Wei usually buys aquatic products, but in winter, even if he wears gloves on his hands, he will always suffer from frostbite.

So every time it is the best season to eat mussels, he will specially get some to let the back kitchen help to make a bowl of soup to make up in advance.

Sun Wei was carrying the bucket, thinking in his heart that he wouldn't be going home for a while, and would have a meal in the back kitchen.

He knew that the back chefs were skilled and greedy.

The fresh snails and mussels were sent over, and it is estimated that there will be more vegetables for breakfast.

Thinking about the delicious breakfast, Sun Wei briskly ran to the back door of the hotel. After a busy morning, the man is really hungry!

As a result, he had just taken two steps when he was stopped by someone.

Maxima's business hours are 10:30 in the morning.

The earliest time is more than ten o'clock, and it cannot be earlier. After all, the restaurant does not operate breakfast, and the restaurant does not open before ten o'clock.

Therefore, Fu Yu didn't take it seriously even when he heard Sun Wei say that there were customers who wanted to order food in the store.

Not to mention Fu Yu, even Zhang Jiaxin's first reaction was that the customer wanted to make a reservation.

After all, it is not yet seven o'clock.

Fu Yu asked: "Give him the phone number at the front desk. If you want to book a table, just contact him directly when you get to work."

Sun Wei walked to the kitchen counter with a small bucket, put the bucket down first, and then said: "No, he wants to order a breakfast in our restaurant."

Fu Yu was taken aback, and asked with a frown, "Breakfast? Our store doesn't sell breakfast either? What's the matter?"

Sun Wei is an old man in the store, and now he deliberately conveys a message for the customer, there must be some hidden secrets.

Sun Wei was actually a little helpless, mainly because the customer stopped him, and the reason was really irresistible.

Sun Wei explained: "His wife is pregnant, and the test-tube baby has failed three times. This time, she finally conceived, but because of too much psychological pressure, his wife reacted very badly during pregnancy. She has an unstable temper and is easily emotional. , if you want to eat something, you must eat it right away, otherwise you will toss people to death."

"He wanted to ask our store to help him make a breakfast, because his wife wanted to eat seafood porridge from our store in the early morning. It is not easy to conceive a test-tube baby, and it is just over two months now. At the most dangerous time, he Worried that because he can't eat a delicious breakfast, his wife will be too emotional and affect the fetus."

Speaking of this, Sun Wei was also a little helpless: "You didn't see it, he almost knelt down for me, ouch, there is really no way."

Sun Wei's own sister was also a child of IVF back then, so she understands the hardships involved.

I can't even think about how much the pregnant woman has suffered after failing three times and only succeeding the fourth time.

It is precisely because of understanding and understanding that Sun Wei was moved with compassion.

Whenever a different person makes a request today, he can deal with it very smoothly.

Sun Wei said with empathy: "Fu Chu, can we help here? His situation is indeed very special. My sister was a test-tube baby back then, and she was really under a lot of pressure, and it was really like this when she was pregnant. The pregnant woman suddenly wanted to What do you want to eat, if you can’t eat it, how uncomfortable it is! Really, I can’t bear it at all.” (End of this chapter)

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