First Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 87: the world

What's even weirder is that after the explosion of these hundreds of small zombie animals, it can be said that there is blood everywhere, black blood is flying everywhere, but this scene did not last long... You can see the ceiling, the floor, The blood stains and corpses on the walls are gradually disappearing.

This scene looks like painting glass, wiped with a damp towel, and the dusty glass is quickly cleaned in an area.

The only difference is that the "wet towels" in this room are invisible and transparent.

The most astonishing thing is that the skinny figure was unharmed under the corpse explosion, but a series of "hehehe" laughter came from the ears of the orangutan hunter. This laughter was full of energy! It was from the mouth of the thin figure with his back to the door.

He said three words succinctly:

"not bad....."

Immediately afterwards, the thin figure turned around and smiled mysteriously at the orangutan hunter:

"Your heart seems to be beating fast."

If Fang Linyan was here at this time, he would have found out immediately that this thin figure looked like a big lawsuit, and it was very different from the big lawsuit seen from the drone's perspective.

As soon as these three words were uttered, the orangutan hunter immediately covered his chest with his right hand, because he was shocked to find that his heartbeat was indeed a little faster, and it was like stepping on the accelerator of a car. Continue to continue to accelerate.

Even if it is the powerful digital body of the space warrior, if the heart is beating endlessly and continuously, it will inevitably rupture and lead to death in the end!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

The thin, dry man who was suspected of a big lawsuit let out a series of strange laughter. He stretched out his index finger, and he could see immediately that there was an illusory red silk thread on the tip of his index finger that was connected to the chest of the orangutan hunter!

No matter how the orangutan hunter waved his hand, used drugs, or even used a full recovery potion, it was of no use! That illusory red thread still exists.

"Your life... the countdown begins."

A strange voice came from the dry man's mouth.

The orangutan hunter suddenly saw that in the position of his chest and heart, a red number with a 60-second countdown began to beat. It bared its fangs violently, and then aimed at the enemy in front of it and threw it fiercely. go up...  

The strangest thing is that the strange laughter of "Jie Jie" echoed again:

"By the way, that's it, take all your skills out, if you can't kill me within 60 seconds, then you will be the one who will die after 60 seconds!"


Fang Linyan, who was playing dead next to him, didn't know what happened to the people inside.

He has already watched the third person rush in, but this person, like the two previous killers, just disappeared into the world without a sound.

This scene made Fang Linyan feel that something was wrong. Because before he came, he felt that the Japanese side was acting mysteriously and inexplicably, and there were many unreasonable things, and at this time, the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger...

But at this time, the battle in the distance seemed to be divided. The short fat Sakura was trapped in the eye of a tornado and couldn't move, and then a strange labyrinth illusion appeared behind the whole person and disappeared instantly. not see.

This is a high-level prop displayed by Arteba: the anger of the Minotaur, which directly drags the cherry blossoms into the different-dimensional maze. Even if they return from the maze, they will be randomly teleported to 500 meters to 5,000 meters. outside.

At this time, the old housekeeper Arteba left the Nightmare Beast directly, and his figure began to teleport strangely in the air:

One second he was twenty meters away, the next second he appeared nearby without warning, and another second later flashed behind another building.

During the flickering process, Arteba was also attacked by the shuriken of two Japanese powerhouses, but these shurikens simply penetrated Arteba's body and flew into the distance. Obviously , At this time, Arteba actually has a strange and phantom-like quality!

Or to put it another way, Arteba, who appeared in front of people at this time, is simply an illusion?

The last place where Arteba stopped was at the door of the small building. He actually stopped here. He took a few seconds to straighten his bow tie and stroked his smooth back. , and then slowly walked towards the inside.

After Arteba stepped into the small building, the entire small building suddenly became illusory, and it was still shining along the dotted line, as if the building had stayed on another plane.

It was only after seeing this scene Fang Linyan realized that the Japanese had set up two battles here!

The formation on the surface is an intricate array of puppet formations, but there is still a core illusion formation inside.

Obviously, there are some magical props on this old thing that can interfere with this illusion, so it shows its true shape.

Artba said lightly:

"It really is the inner world."

At this time, Fang Linyan took advantage of the unpreparedness, and hid in the shadows again. Then he opened his eyes and watched the change. Hearing Arteba's words, his heart suddenly trembled.

What he didn't expect was that at this time, Arteba reached out and pressed his hand without looking back!

Fang Linyan's pupils shrank instantly, he actually felt as if he had fallen into an invisible big net, this thing is tough and dense! Immediately afterwards, Arteba let out a long laugh, and he was pulled up involuntarily! Immediately afterward, he threw himself violently towards the front.

Encountering such a thing, Fang Linyan couldn't help but groan in his heart, secretly saying that he underestimated Arteba! Although this is a world of attribute compression, since you can find a way to find loopholes to strengthen yourself, then others can.

Obviously, he has appeared here several times, and no matter how he pretends to cover up, he will inevitably fall into the eyes of those who care. Then the role of Chino's turban will shrink by more than half. At this time, Arteba's intention is very Obviously, he is going to use himself to ask for directions.

Just after realizing this, Fang Linyan felt a severe pain in his head, but his head touched the pillar in front of him, and then he rolled on the ground for a few times and stopped.

At the same time, he had tinnitus and a slight feeling of dizziness, as if he had just taken a plane, Fang Linyan had a clear understanding in his heart, which was that he had entered the inner world.

Next, Fang Linyan shook his head, wiped the blood flowing from his forehead, and saw that he had come to a bright room, behind which was not the entrance of the small building where he was thrown in, the old housekeeper Arteba There is no trace, but a deep passage.

"When you enter this inner world, you will be randomly teleported away!"

Fang Linyan immediately realized something, and then he turned his head to look ahead.

In the middle of the bright room in front, there was a skinny figure sitting cross-legged with his back to him, as if sensing Fang Linyan's sight, he directly made a strange and evil voice:

"Your heart seems to be beating a little faster?"

Then Fang Linyan, like the hunter orangutan, noticed that there was a red thread on his chest, and of course, there was a countdown!

In short, everything was the same as what happened before, of course, the colonizer orangutan was replaced by Fang Linyan.

However, what happened next was completely different... Fang Linyan quietly looked at the countdown in his heart, and then indifferently tried to touch the red line connecting his chest with his hands. road:

"As soon as I came in, you created an atmosphere where time was tense, and my life was in a countdown. In this case, if people with poor psychological quality believed what you said, they would easily be in a state of panic."

"But, you are the enemy, how can you fully believe the enemy's words? Every word the enemy says must be based on his own force field."

"When Arteba rushed in before, it was already clear that this place should be an inner world similar to a fantasy world. Since it is a fantasy world and we are still in a situation where our attributes are compressed, then it is very likely... .Eyes can deceive!"

"That is to say, the red line on my heart does not exist in the countdown in front of me, so no matter what means I use, I can't get rid of it! This is the same as a healthy person who takes more antidote will have no effect. "

Fang Linyan spread his hands and said sarcastically:

"So, since I entered here, all your intentions are actually wanting me to take action against you. Presumably, the two unlucky **** in front of you were caught in this way."

"Then guess now, will I do something to you?"

After hearing Fang Linyan's words, the emaciated figure let out a strange laugh of "Jie Jie":

"It's not easy, it's not easy, it's really rare, I finally got a smart person, but do you know? Often the person who dies the fastest is the smartest person, and those who don't know much can live longer. Some!"

As it spoke, it stood up and limped towards Fang Linyan and walked over.

It can be seen that under the gorgeous priest's robe, there is a thin and terrifying body. At this time, what appears in front of Fang Linyan is a monster that looks like a mummified corpse.

Fang Linyan was not sure if this was the deity of the big lawsuit, but he could vaguely recognize a familiar appearance from his facial features, but since the old housekeeper Artba clearly felt that this was the inner world, it was not uncommon for anything to happen. Because strictly speaking, that small building can only be regarded as the entrance to the inner world.

Now, a doubt in Fang Linyan's heart has also been answered, that is why a big lawsuit needs to stay in one place for a long time, and the reason is that he wants to try to create an inner world.

And wanting to do this is not so easy, it involves a series of esoteric secrets in space cutting.

The principle of the inner world is very simple. The home plane is equivalent to a big bubble, and the inner world is equivalent to creating a small bubble next to the big bubble, and it is still the material of the home plane.

A big lawsuit needs to stay in one place for a fixed time and cannot leave, that is, it is analyzing and collecting relevant data, and it cannot be interrupted in the middle, so as to prepare for the creation of this inner world.

The big lawsuit in front of Fang Linyan seemed to falter slowly, but in fact, it seemed to be slow and real speed, but it came to him in the blink of an eye, and then slapped him and slapped him fiercely.

This guy's fingernails are extremely long, sharp and sharp like a dagger. The key is to give people a very strange feeling when they are drawn, and it is impossible to grasp the specific location of their existence.

It was as if Fang Linyan realized that the slap had been slapped in front of him, so he quickly retreated to the back, but when Fang Linyan took two or three steps back in a row, he realized that the big lawsuit actually kept the action of raising his slap. A strange smile appeared on his dry face.

Such a strange experience really made Fang Linyan have a rather awkward experience! He took a deep breath and was trying to find a way to adapt to this attack from the opponent, but he didn't expect the pain in his chest, and the whole person was shot out!

At this time, Fang Linyan's out-of-the-corner eyes saw the big lawsuit's palm slowly withdraw, but he didn't even notice when he attacked.

At this time, Fang Linyan looked at his chest again, and found that there were five terrifying wounds, two shallow and three deep. You could even see white bones, blood flowing, and the flesh even quickly turned black.

More importantly, the wound caused by ordinary sharp tools is to pull a hole directly into the human body, and if possible, it can be sutured directly. The wound caused by the big lawsuit was torn five pieces of flesh and blood from Fang Linyan's chest. is extremely difficult to sew up.

If it wasn't for Fang Linyan's help with the Mobius mark when he entered this world, he had done some manipulations and gained a boost in health, this slap would have put him in a near-death state!

Seeing that the big lawsuit was about to reach out to attack again, Fang Linyan, who had turned into a frightened bird, suddenly shrank his pupils.

This sword was originally a feint attack and a false move. Fang Linyan, as the owner of the basic swordsmanship of LV7, also has the basic melee support of LV16, and there are even more than a dozen subsequent changes, covering attack, defense, escape and so on.

But what Fang Linyan didn't expect was that this knife actually slashed straight, and the other party didn't mean to dodge at all! Instead, there was a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

At the moment when the knife was hit in the big lawsuit, the real damage attached to Muramasa was activated, and Fang Linyan felt a sense of imminent disaster in his heart. Of course, this feeling is still vague, if he hadn't added those ten points of perception, it would be impossible to obtain.

"Damn, I shouldn't fight back, this bastard's purpose is to make me attack him!"

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