First Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 86: Deep into the enemy's nest

Then the Nightmare Beast sucked hard, and saw a light blue shadow fall into its mouth among the flying ashes. The shadow danced and looked very resistant, but it was useless at all and was swallowed by the Nightmare Beast. go down.

The Nightmare Beast, which was completely out of control at this time, is already a monster that feeds on human souls! It sensed that there was a very high-quality soul in this yard. Once it could eat it, it could even evolve into a higher-level life, so it rushed over.

After swallowing a soul, the Nightmare Beast strode toward it, and without fear, it immediately shattered a lot of puppet silk, which immediately triggered a counterattack from the nearby puppet formation.

Immediately, you can see that the two puppets are like Japanese samurai. They bounced up and raised the long black sword in their hands. As soon as they got close, they were about to slash down in the air!

This dark long knife has a history, it is an ice blade frozen by the rumored water of the Styx! Of course, such a strange river water can condense, but also with the help of the divine power of Susanoo, the **** of water.

Such a weapon cannot be used by a living person, because the living person holds the Blade of Styx, and his vitality will be continuously sucked away.

The kid who was dispatched by Li Ju before was killed by this weapon. The reason is that all the souls will eventually be included in the Styx, so the kid was restrained by it innately.

In the face of the surprise attack, the Nightmare Beast was also unhurried, and directly aimed at a puppet with a spit of fire, and the high temperature directly burned it into a torch.

At the same time, just as the other puppet got close, it was kicked in the chest by the Nightmare Beast's hoof, and the foot armor shattered into several pieces with a "click". flame.

However, these two puppets are actually just bait!

The real killing came from a black shadow thrown out from the leaf next to it. The shadow swept past the back of the Nightmare Beast, and the Nightmare Beast immediately howled in pain, and then turned its head to shoot back fire breath, but that The flames capable of melting gold and wrought iron swept through the air in vain, and ended up being completely lost.

It wasn't until the black shadow fell on the tree next to it that everyone could see its appearance clearly. It turned out to be a giant spider. The body of this thing was the size of a washbasin. Rice, with peculiar patterns on the body surface, and covered with bristles two or three inches long.

Fang Linyan took a few more glances and found that although this thing exudes a strong sense of danger, it is not a living thing.

No wonder Li San said "every wood is fierce", it turns out that this thing is hidden on the tree! Recalling the speed of its attack, it is really like thunder and lightning, it is really suffocating!

Suddenly, the puppet spider rushed out again, and what was even more terrifying was that there were also two other black shadows at the same time. These were the two newly arrived puppet spiders, and the three heads cooperated together.

At this time, a rotten pit the size of a bowl has clearly appeared on the back of the nightmare beast, where the flesh and blood have been corroded, and the puppet spider injects the water of the Styx into its body. , will be extremely restrained by this thing.

The three puppet spiders attacked together, and the nightmare beast was hit again, screaming in pain, but one of the puppet spiders was also kicked away.

This time Fang Linyan could see it very clearly. When the puppet spider approaches, a pair of stingers will pop out of its mouth. This thing is a terrifying weapon!

Those were two terrifying fangs as thick as a wine glass. They seemed to be made of pig iron, with a cold light. The Nightmare Beast's hooves kicked on the mouthparts of a puppet spider, causing one of the fangs to be crooked and broken. Only a few copper wires and steel wires were left to connect in pieces. But the tip of the front foot still looked cold and gleaming, as sharp as a knife.

The battle on this side is in full swing, and there is a scream from the other side!

Fang Linyan's heart moved after hearing this, and he immediately understood that this was someone fishing in troubled waters! Maybe the nightmare beast was attracted by this person, and then he sneaked in.

However, this guy obviously didn't have the skills to hide at home, and at the same time, he didn't have the nerve to hold his own, so it was estimated that he had triggered the mechanism in this battle, and hearing the scream was not light.

But at this time, Fang Linyan continued to keep his composure and suppressed the urge to touch it. He repeatedly warned himself in his heart:

Safety first, safety first! I rushed in alone, and in the end, I only had one chance to shoot.

Not only that, this time the action is just raking grass and fighting rabbits. His ultimate goal is to revive his teammates. If there is no good opportunity, then he would rather not do it! !

After that, Fang Linyan saw many people appearing one after another, and even the severely damaged meat grinder appeared, and Sakura's companion Xiong Ya also shot.

It can be seen that both sides are angry at this time, and they are all attacking with all their strength. Although it seems that the Japanese have the upper hand in a short period of time, once the Green Battalion cavalry follows up, they will suffer a big loss again. .

But Fang Linyan is still enduring! Because that person still hasn't appeared, that person is none other than Sakura!

Fang Linyan smelled the breath of death with the slash of this stubby, short fat man, so it made him extremely fearful, and even Fang Linyan was not sure that he would be immune to the damage of that slash if he was invincible.

After all, the priority of invincible itself is also very high, but it is definitely not the kind that has reached the peak.

Sakura's knife was just looking at it, and I could feel that it was extremely powerful and had a high priority. Fang Linyan didn't want to gamble easily with his own life.

Therefore, if this person does not show up, Fang Linyan will never show up. As for Sakura, although there is a possibility of leaving, Fang Linyan will be heart-to-heart. If he and Sakura change camps, they will definitely stay by the side of the big lawsuit.

Fang Linyan didn't want to be beaten by this guy before he had time to be happy.

So he continued to endure quietly. Of course, patience definitely does not mean waiting there. At this time, Fang Linyan has been hiding in the shadow of a rockery, and here you can directly see the situation of a two-story building in the inner house. .

At this moment, Fang Linyan can be very sure that this two-story building is the seat of the big lawsuit. All the defense centers of the Japanese side were also constructed around this small building.

However, Fang Linyan had no intention of flying the drone at all, and even had no intention of getting close, because even here, he could already feel a strong sense of threat, relying entirely on Quirrell's turban. properties can live here.

UAVs only rely on their small size and parked high to avoid detection, but they do not have any anti-invisibility capabilities themselves. If they get close, they will definitely be shot down within minutes.

As time went on, the defense of that small building began to be breached many times. From the very beginning, a shuttle of bullets was swept in, and then a grenade was thrown in!

A minute ago, a controlled hound rushed in, but it was cut into pieces and thrown out after only three seconds...

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan's breathing began to quicken, because he knew that the opportunity was coming soon. It's just that at this moment he still has a big doubt in his heart, and he didn't dare to take action until he understood this doubt.

The doubt is: the Japanese side has actually received almost two hours of rest time, and it is reasonable to say that it can be withdrawn long ago. Why are they still gritting their teeth here?

If this is the mainland of Japan, then you can forcefully find some reason to wait for reinforcements, but they are obviously a lonely army.

Not only that, but it was also the case in the Li family compound before. The Japanese side must insist on holding back for enough time before the big lawsuit leaves, even if it is a loss of manpower.

It can be inferred from this: Does this mean that this big lawsuit has some kind of hidden meaning, once it stops, it must wait enough time before it can be moved again?

"Wait, wait, wait..."

These five words are the most words Fang Linyan said to himself in the past ten minutes.

Finally.... Fang Linyan's breathing became short, because he saw the two people he cared about the most appeared! These two people are Sakura and the old housekeeper Arteba.

The old butler looked a little embarrassed, and the tuxedo on his body even had some holes burned, but the waist was still straight, the hairstyle on the head was still meticulous, and the unique breath of British aristocrats was still full of force .

To put it simply, this old guy is very much like the ebony throat in Fulian, mysterious, powerful, and has the kind of calm demeanor no matter what!

Alteba stood on a nightmare beast and rushed towards this side at a slow pace, but the cherry blossoms suddenly appeared on the ridge in front of him.

This seemingly wretched short fat man pressed his right hand on the handle of his knife, the wind was strong, and his windbreaker was blown non-stop. "The world's martial arts, only slow and not broken" these eight words seem to be particularly clear, as if to fly away.

The two sides confronted each other, Sakura seemed to be still, but only he knew that he had begun to draw the knife. Although the speed of the blade pulling out the scabbard was only 0.02 mm per second, the speed would increase rapidly!

Not only that, if the enemy launches an attack at this time, thinking that they can pick up a big bargain, but the cherry blossoms at this time have a terrifying 90% damage reduction, and once they suffer damage from the enemy, the progress of drawing the knife will also be immediate. Increment.

What does this increment mean? It means that there is a progress bar in front of Sakura at this time. Originally, the progress bar will increase by a few tenths per second, and the further back it is, the faster it is, and once it is attacked, the progress bar will suddenly Beats increased by 3%!

So, now Sakura looks very cold, but she is screaming wildly in her heart: Come here! You come and hit me.

As soon as he saw the two of them appearing, Fang Linyan didn't say a word, and immediately launched it!

There is a saying called "I can't bear it, no need to bear it anymore", which describes Fang Linyan's situation at this time.

As soon as he raised his hand, he had already fired three or four smoke bombs -- he bought it from Navel Hair Village, and the quality of the things sold here is worthy of recognition.

As soon as these smoke bombs were released, the smoke filled the area around the small building. Not only that, but the Japanese people hesitated for a few tenths of a second - after all, this thing is full of Eastern style. , Is it his own person to put it?

Taking this opportunity, Fang Linyan of course rushed directly... into the shadow of the bushes next to him.

Yes, at this moment, Fang Linyan actually calmed down and deliberately stabilized his hand! ! !

In fact, he is also prepared with both hands:

If there are no lurkers around, then stabilizing the hand will not affect the overall situation.

If there is a lurker next to him and witnesses the great opportunity he created this time, most of them will rush ahead.

And Fang Linyan firmly believes that the Japanese will definitely leave an extremely powerful killing in the small building, so let this unfortunate child go to the thunder!

Sure enough, when the gray-white smoke dispersed, a figure "slipped" out of the ground immediately, and then rushed into the small building. The most peculiar thing was that there was a shadow dragging behind the figure. It looks like a...tail?

Fang Linyan was silently counting down in his heart at this time, and after counting to five, he rushed in without saying a word! As soon as he entered the hall, he was stunned and couldn't help but said in his heart:

"Fuck, your actions are not ordinary arrogance!"

It turned out that at this time Fang Linyan saw the guy who had just rushed in was digging a hole, and in just a few seconds, there was a big hole on the ground, and a large number of animals rushed out like a fountain!

These animals are small animals such as rabbits, foxes, minks, weasels, mice, and marmots. They seem to be harmless to humans and animals, but upon closer inspection, these little guys exude a vicious and bloodthirsty meaning. Zombified! !

When these small zombie animals rushed forward, the first few batches died without exception, all of them were cut into finger-sized pieces, black blood splashed, and it looked extremely tragic!

And under the smear of their blood, it can be found that in the space in front, there are actually a large number of silk threads that are as dense as spider webs. These silk threads should be colorless, transparent, and extremely sharp! !

Therefore, the small zombie animal was cut into pieces as soon as it hit it, but its blood also made these threads appear.

What made Fang Linyan even more stunned was that the guy who came in was not only a space warrior, but it really had a tail!

Yes, and that tail is thick, big, and very flexible, and this guy has long hair all over his body... Yes, Fang Linyan met a non-human space warrior again! It's an orangutan, and it's an orangutan with an AK! !

As soon as Fang Linyan appeared, the orangutan pointed his finger at him, and immediately saw a large amount of grass growing under Fang Linyan's feet, and quickly covering the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of square meters.

The branches and leaves of these plants and trees were tightly entangled around Fang Linyan's shoes and calves, which made it very difficult for him to walk. Every step can be said to be quite difficult.

At this time, Fang Linyan smashed his chest with a very straightforward punch, and at the same time jumped out towards the rear, and let out a scream.

So what the people outside saw was that a figure flew out, screamed and spurted blood, fell to the ground and didn't move. It was obvious that he broke in and was beaten out. hit hard.

Only the orangutan saw Fang Linyan's intention, grinned mockingly with his fat lips, his eyes showed a look of contempt, and then walked forward.

The reason why it dared to go forward is because the nets of cutting lines that are densely covered in space have been broken through by the small animal zombies that rushed out.

These small animal zombies seem to have no intelligence, but they can accept the command of this orangutan hunter! Start destroying directly from the wall next to it, and then solve these cutting nets all over the air.

After only ten steps, the orangutan hunter came to the door of the inner room in front. It has a unique "beast instinct", so it can be 100% sure that the target it is looking for is inside.

But after coming here, the orangutan hunter stopped...

As far as architectural specifications are concerned, the room in front of it is only 30 to 40 square meters at most, and you can see the head at a glance. It is a very ordinary Chinese-style study with a thin person sitting cross-legged in it, with his back to the door. of.

But in the perception fed back by the "bestial instinct" of the orangutan hunter, there is a huge black hole in front of it, exuding the smell of **** and blood! It seems that even the soul of a person can be swallowed greedily!

Its face twitched, its tail was raised as high as a flagpole, and then it hit the floor heavily.

Immediately, the army of small animals and zombies behind this guy rushed frantically into the and then went straight to the thin figure sitting cross-legged, but when he approached him to a meter, It was directly blocked by an invisible protective wall.

Soon, the small zombies surrounded the thin figure into a large purple-black sphere, but it seemed that the attack was still futile.

After witnessing this scene, the orangutan hunter was still not discouraged, and his fat lips twitched, revealing an expression that looked like a successful human trick! It slammed its palms together!

A mysterious rune appeared in his palm immediately, and disappeared in a flash.

Corpse Explosion! !

Suddenly, all the small zombies exploded in an instant, but the power of this corpse explosion can form a chain reaction. Every time a creature (including zombies) is killed, its power and range will increase by 20%.

At this time, there are at least a hundred small zombie animals surrounding the thin figure! It can be seen to what extent the power of this corpse explosion technique has been increased! !

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