Tosaka Shichen knew how noble his heroic identity was, one-third of the people, two-thirds of the gods.

In order to be able to win the Holy Grail War, he summoned the heroic spirit.

This heroic spirit must not be treated as a subordinate, and must be respected with the strictest etiquette.

Interestingly, most masters summon servants are generally treated as companions, or even as subordinates and tools.

But Tosaka Shichen seemed to have summoned his own father, not only did he not dare to order his servant to do anything, but he also had to grovel and try his best to beg him to do things.

However, the archer job was given the special ability to act alone.

Because of this ability, Archer often dismissed Tosaka's advice and often left his master's side.

Most of the time, even Tosaka Tokichen, who is the master, does not know where his heroic spirit is and what he is doing.

Tosaka Shichen really couldn't do anything about it.

He also didn't understand, how could a character like the hero king like to wander around such an idle thing?

How can this being be interested in mortal life, in the mortal world?

However, the truth is that Gilkamesh does like to wander around, wander around, and hang around.

Gilkamesh is extremely conceited, and of course, he also has the strength of conceit.

If you are serious, it is an existence that can fight with the gods, and even some gods are not his opponents, at least ordinary demigods basically have no hope of defeating him.

There is no doubt that he is the ceiling of combat power, an existence that is incomparably powerful.

This incident was actually operated by Tosaka Shichen.

Assassin is not just one person, it stands to reason that the Hero can only summon one person, but the Assassin summoned this time has a special nature and is a group.

The assassination of the leader of the Order originated in the Middle East. alias Old Man of the Mountain, as an Assassin etymology, one of the legendary leaders of the Nichari school.

It is said that there were 18 old men in the mountains, and each of them was a master of cultivating special skills.

This time the movement must be under the surveillance of the rest of the masters.

In this way, in their perception, the Assassin has been killed, and this group has failed.

However, this is not the case.

Tosaka Shichen needed such a fraud, everyone thought that Assassin was dead, but he was still alive.

Assassin will become a hole card for Tosaka Shichen, and at some point can play unexpected effects.

That's why Tosaka designed this show.


"Maimi, what do you think about this?"

Eimiya asked, looking at Maiya.

"It happened so smoothly that it even felt like it was done on purpose."

Maiya replied.

Eimiya Kiriji's gaze became deep, and he frowned: "That's right, your thoughts are the same as mine, all this seems to me to be too deliberate, as if it is showing us in the open."

"From the Assassin invasion to his death, the whole process is too fast, with the Assassin's ability to hide, if they did not know in advance that the Assassin would attack, it would be impossible to find the trace of the Assassin in such a short time, they seem to have known that the Assassin would invade."

"In this way, there are more strange places, if you know that the Assassin will invade, then why let your heroic spirit make such a high-profile appearance? This act of showing the cards of the heroic spirit is foolish. "

Eimiya Kiriji knows that the Tosaka family is not a rookie, on the contrary, they have participated in the Holy Grail War before.

The reason why each job is used to call the heroic spirit he summoned is actually a kind of hiding of the heroic spirit's identity.

The heroic spirits summoned by the Holy Grail War are all from some mythological existence.

Once the way of fighting and some hole cards are exposed, you can find the identity of the hero from these aspects, so as to attack its weaknesses.

Therefore, hiding the true identity of the heroic spirit is an iron rule of the Holy Grail War.

It is impossible for Tosaka Shichen not to know this.

In this way, the Assassin invasion and the appearance of the gold are intriguing.

At this time, Eimiya Kiriji also began to organize his weapons.

Unlike the magician, his weapons are almost all modern thermal weapons.

Arrogant magicians tend to ignore the threat posed by these thermal weapons.

No matter how powerful the magician is, he is also a human being, and his body is also flesh and blood, and when he is defenseless, a bullet is definitely a blood hole.

"Illya doesn't know what the situation is now."

Eimiya Kiriji seemed to remember something, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Pain began to spring up in his heart, and the pain of losing his beloved daughter was constantly rolling.

"Now is not the time to think about those things, you need to put all your heart and soul into this war."

Maimi's voice had a warning meaning.

The feelings in Eimiya's heart gradually faded, and in his cold heart, the pain became blurred.

That's right, winning the Holy Grail War is more important than anything else.

He must put all his attention into it, otherwise, not only will he not be able to win the Holy Grail War, but also death!

Maiya is undoubtedly a cold machine, and from the moment he saw her on the battlefield, Emiya Kiriji has been training her in the cold machine.

He himself is also a cold machine, Maiya can better assist him in this cold machine, she is also a weapon and hole card of Wei Yanji.

Although it's also winter, Fuyuki City is not as cold as Einzberen Castle.

The soft afternoon sunshine wine fell on Alice Phil's body, which made her mood slightly better.

Even before she arrived, Alice Phil had learned about the place from photos and books.

"Alice Phil, forget about that for now, it's hard, but you have to try to change your mentality."

Saber spoke.

She wore a French-European suit and navy blue shirt chosen for her by Alice Phil, which was undoubtedly men's attire.

It is a little strange and funny that such a dress appears on a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl who is one meter and five meters tall, but wearing it on Saber is not the same at all.

Heroic and sassy, she has a completely different temperament from a girl, her appearance is not at all different from a woman's coquettishness, and her slender body and white and tender skin are matched with such a suit, making her look more like a pure teenager.

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