Eimiya Kiriji can't lose!

He knew that he must not lose the Holy Grail War, and it didn't matter if he sacrificed everything, no matter how much he paid, in order to save the world.

As long as the whole world can be saved, then everything is worth it.

Taking another deep breath of the cigarette in his hand, he forcibly gathered himself and walked towards a hotel.

This is the hotel he and Maiya Kuyu agreed upon.

Pretending to be familiar with this place, he walked into the elevator and came to room 703.

From the world of magicians, he and Maiya should be in a master-apprentice relationship.

However, he never considered Maiya to be his apprentice, and he learned magic only as a means.

Teaching all his combat methods to Maiya only made Maiya one of his means.

He spends more time with Maiya than Alice Phil.

It can be said that in some ways, Maiya knows even more about Emiya Kiriji than Alice Phil, who has been with her for nine years.

She had seen the unscrupulous and cruel side of Emiya Kiriji, but Alice Phil had never seen it.

As if it were some kind of code word, Emiya Kiriji knocked rhythmically on the door of 703.

The door was opened, and without saying a word, he closed the door and entered the room, and the two just looked at each other to end this long-separated reunion.

In fact, there was not a long separation between Emiya Kiriji and Kuyu Maiya.

Even though she no longer travels in the outside world, because she has to prepare for the Holy Grail War, Maiya still runs around according to the instructions of Eimiya Kiriji, and even invites Maiya directly to Einz Belen Castle several times because she has to discuss some issues.

Maiya is a snow-white-skinned, very good-looking beauty with beautiful black hair, but his eyes are sharp and cold, giving people a very cold feeling, like an iceberg beauty.

Emiya Kiriji and Maiya Kuyu have been together for more than ten years, and when they first met, Maiya was just a girl, and now she has faded her youth.

"The movement of Tosaka's house last night is not small, I have recorded the specific situation, you can take a look first."

Maiya didn't say any more nonsense and turned on a decoder connected to the TV.

In magic, she is better at controlling low-level enchantments for monitoring and detection, and the best is at manipulating bats, but the bat enchantments she controls are different from the bat-enchantments controlled by ordinary people.

She would hang a miniature camera on the belly of the bat enchantment, which was also the idea of Eimiya Kiriji.

Bats make demons have a deceptive effect, and magicians often ignore the existence of electronic devices, and Emiya Kiriji takes advantage of this.

Everything that happened to Tosaka's house last night appeared on TV.

Those were the two bungalows where Tosaka Shichen was located, and because of the Holy Grail War, this place had already been exposed, and there were often envoys constantly scouting and collecting information around.

The two buildings have been set up with many magic arrays for detection and defense, and if anyone or a demon steps into this range, it will be immediately detected.

The Ying Spirit itself is an aggregate of magical power, and it is almost impossible for such an existence to evade the detection of the magic array.

But assassins are the exception.

This position is able to hide the mana fluctuations on his body to a state where he is almost impossible, and although he is not strong in terms of combat effectiveness, this method allows him to achieve various unexpected assassinations.

Just an hour ago, Assassin received an order from his master, Yan Feng Qili, to kill Tosaka Shichen!

As the heroic spirit of Yan Feng Qili, he certainly knew about the alliance established by Tosaka Shichen and his master against the rules of the Holy Grail War.

It seems that what caused Yan Fengqili's killing intent to be so much that he wanted to send his own heroic spirit to assassinate Tosaka Shichen.

No matter how strong the magician is, it is almost difficult to parry when encountering the heroic spirit.

If Assassin assassinated Tosaka Shichen, he would definitely not be able to hide.

Therefore, the only thing that Assassin fears is the heroic spirit of Tosaka Shichen, Archer! As long as he dodged Archer, he could kill Tosaka Shichen without him noticing.

He is very confident.

The next second

a golden light flashed, and Assassin tried to reach out to resist, but the spear pierced his arm with a thunderous force.

"How did he find me?"

Sharp pain came from Assassin's arm, and he looked up filled with consternation and fear.

It was a golden figure standing on the roof, mighty, shining with golden light, even the stars in the sky were dimmed by his brilliance.

"Humble ants dare to raise their heads?"

Assassin's gesture of raising his head seemed to anger him, his red eyes were like burning flames, and his tone was extremely cold.

"Die, lowly ant!"

The surrounding space of Gilkameshh was distorted, flashing with golden light, those were all magnificent and gorgeous treasures, each treasure was different, it was difficult to imagine how many treasures he had.

Among the king's treasures are countless treasures under the sky.

The average Valiant can have one or two treasures.

Treasures are capable of delivering powerful attacks.

But the heroic king Gilkamesh, as the oldest emperor, Mesopotamia, the king of the Uruk dynasty, he has countless treasures.

His use of treasure tools is also very simple and rude.

The terrifying coercion was turbulent, almost immobilizing Assassin's body.

Countless treasures completely penetrated his body in an instant, and blood bloomed.

Assassin was powerless in front of Archer.

This is a one-sided crush, there is no suspense, and the difference in combat power between the two is too huge.

Until this moment of death, Assassin finally understood the true intention of his master.

Lying on the comfortable sofa, Tosaka knew that his plan was going perfectly, and he gently shook the red wine glass in his hand, and the bright red liquid shook with it.

A golden light suddenly appeared, illuminating the entire room.

"Shichen, you would actually bother King Ben for such a trivial matter"

Archer's tone was a little impatient, he stood there, exuding invisible coercion, blond hair, red eyes made people dare not look directly, just standing there, it made people inexplicably rise in fear.

"Tonight's matter is to avoid those cumbersome things in the future, presumably after seeing the strength of the hero king, those wild dogs will not dare to come to seek death, I hope the king can understand."

Tosaka's attitude can be described as groveling.

Because he knew that what he summoned was not an ordinary heroic spirit.

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