Shirou Eimiya put the black sword down.

He began to observe other holy relics and magic weapons.

There are many types, such as long knives and swords, short knives and daggers, as well as some strange weapons, as well as holy relics that do not know what they are used for.

Lufreus originally thought that the adult would take away a few holy relics or magic weapons, but he did not expect that the adult did not take any of them.

Yes, in the eyes of adults, how can these things be seen.

As everyone knows, Shirou Weigong's heart has blossomed.

He had already written down these holy relics and magic weapons, because they were not god-made weapons, they could be completely copied with projections, and when copying holy relics and weapons similar to swords, their quality would be improved by leaps and bounds.


The clock tower

is only ten minutes away from the end of the day and class.

Lisfil held her cheeks on her desk, not knowing what to think.

Today, she was in this state all day, attracting the side eyes of the surrounding classmates, but they did not dare to provoke Lisfil.

"Why didn't Shirou come to the Clock Tower? Did something happen? That's

right, this is a question that Lisfil has been thinking about for a day.

Since coming to the Clock Tower to start class, Shirou has never been late or absent from class, but today the teacher said that Shirou will not come to the Clock Tower for some special reasons to attend class.

Whether this period of time is a few days, a few weeks, or a few months, it is not known.


The Ulypheus family mansion.

"Found it, the magic of changing the voice!"

Shirou Emiya was pleasantly surprised to find this magic in an old magic book.

At that time, he will be wrapped in a black robe, and neither the voice nor the appearance will recognize him, and no one can guess what is inside the black robe.

"Knock knock!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door.


Shirou Emiya frowned.

A magician from the Ulypheus family walked in.

"My lord, Lisfil of the Animsfia family Miss Arnimusfia is looking for you."

The magician spoke carefully.


Shirou Eimiya scratched his head and said helplessly, "Let her come."

At the same time, he put away the black robe and black mask with many magic arrays.

Soon, Lisfil, dressed in a gorgeous long dress, appeared, and today her clothes are full of nobility and elegance.


Lisfil's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw Shirou Emiya, her tone was filled with joy, she was holding a small box in her hand, and she didn't know what it was.

"Lisfil, why are you here?"

Shirou Emiya asked with a smile.

"Shirou, what happened? I heard that you don't go to the clock tower for classes during this time.

Lisfil looked at Shirou Eimiya intently.

"This... May I understand that Miss Lisfil cares about me?

As soon as these words came out, Lisfil's delicate little face blushed like a ripe apple.

"Hmph! I...... I didn't care about you, who... Who cares about you!

Lisfil even stammered.

What a tsundere, is it so hard to admit that you care about me?

Shirou Gong smiled secretly in his heart, but still explained: "I'm going to Fuyuki City, for some reasons, but in a few days, I will be back."

Lisfil was stunned, and then seemed to be thinking about something, and asked: "Is it okay to go together, Fuyuki City has not been there, it should be fun, right?"

"Miss, I'm not going to play."

Shirou Emiya complained in his heart, and he shook his head and said, "Lisfil, I'm not going to play."

Lisfil was a little disappointed, and then handed over the box in her hand and said, "Na, this is a small phone, with this, you can talk to me at any time!" Shirou

accepted it, and eventually Lisfil got into a limousine and drove away from the Ulypheus mansion.

Shirou Emiya opened the box, and there was a small mobile phone lying inside, but this mobile phone seemed to him to be a very old old phone.

But this kind of delicate small mobile phone is expensive in this era, except for large households, ordinary people can not afford it.

After turning on, the use of the mobile phone is also very simple, only the simple functions of making calls and sending messages.

I saw that there was only one contact in it, that is, the "cutest Lisfil" contact, and the one who edited this contact was of course Lisfil.


In a villa in Fuyuki City

, a meeting began.

His father, Yan Fengli, was nearly eighty years old, and as his friend, Tosaka Shichen looked a little young.

"As the head of the Tosaka family, I will participate in this Holy Grail War!"

Tosaka Shichen stretched out his right hand, there were three lines on it, as the head of the Tosaka family, his temperament was steady, dignified, and extremely majestic.

Yan Feng Qili looked at Tosaka Shichen with some curiosity, this guy did not shy away from saying that he was a magician, originally there was no word, but he and his father were priests.

The church where they belong is an institution responsible for branding miracles or mysteries as heresy and banishing them for burial.

To put it simply, the Church and the Magic Society are hostile, and they are hostile to magicians, but Tosaka Shichen does not shy away from saying that he is a magician.

"What is servant, summoning them out, how should they fight? What exactly should be done? "

Yan Feng Qili doesn't know much about the Holy Grail War.

"Although it is unbelievable, but the summoning of heroic spirits is only scratching the surface for the Holy Grail, as far as hundreds of years, as far as the primeval period, all heroic spirits can be summoned, and the seven heroic spirits are each their master, protecting the safety of the master, killing other enemies... This is the Holy Grail War..."

said Tosaka slowly.

"This kind of large-scale battle can be fought in Fuyuki City, where there are so many civilians?"

Yan Feng Qili asked the doubts in his heart.

Whether it's the magicians of the Magic Society or the Templar Church, they hide themselves, and they must do so in this age when science is the only truth.

"That's right, but the duel of the Holy Grail War must be carried out in secret, this is an unwritten hidden rule, therefore, there must be an overseer."

Yan Fengli, who had been silent and did not speak, said at this time.

It is known that the Holy Grail War was conducted in secret....

The Holy Grail War, once in sixty years, is the fourth time. At the time of the Second War, the area was already moving towards civilisation.

Therefore, from the beginning of the Third Holy Grail War, it was decided that our church would send a special person to supervise it, in order to control the damage caused by the Holy Grail War to the greatest extent, conceal the existence of the war externally, and urge magicians to follow the principle of fighting in secret.

Because it is a battle between magicians, the people in the magic association will be influenced by the family faction to some extent, and they cannot be completely fair in the referee, so the people in the magic association can only rely on external authority, although it is a hostile state, but I have to admit that the church is a good choice.

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