Open the bento, the meal is very delicate, meat and vegetarian combination, plus fruit garnish.

"It seems to be a very good look."

Shirou Emiya breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, sorry for his previous malicious speculation.

At least it looks good, and this bento should be able to eat.

"Of course, I spent the morning making it!"

Lisfil raised her chin arrogantly.

"You did this?"

Shirou Emiya was a little surprised.

The heir of the dignified Animsfia family, the future monarch of Animsfia, such a noble lady, would even make a bento?

"I didn't do it!"

Lisfil's ears were red, and she quickly shook her head to deny the sentence she had accidentally said just now.

But how you look at it, it looks like a lie.

"What a tsundere little loli!"

Shirou Eimiya muttered inwardly.

He ate it with chopsticks, and the bento tasted better than he expected.

If this scene is seen by other students in the class, it is absolutely difficult to accept, Miss Lisfield would actually make a bento for a person? It's just envious, jealous and hateful!

"How does it taste? Is it delicious?

Lisfil asked, tilting her little head.

"Well, it tastes great."

Eimiya Shirou nodded, praised, and then picked up a piece of roasted meat with chopsticks that was charred and tender on the outside, and said, "Taste?"

Lisfil was a little shy.

This...... This is the chopsticks that Shirou used! Yes!!!

She still opened her pink cherry little mouth, but at this moment what she cared about was no longer the taste of food.

"Why is Lisfil getting weirder and weirder?"

Shirou Emiya wondered, how do you feel so much drama after eating? They're just kids, right?


This wonderful moment was disturbed by a sound.

A magician from the Ulyphus family suddenly appears, and according to the guesses of his teacher and classmates, he successfully finds Shirou Emiya in the library.

When he saw Lisfil Animsfia, he was obviously stunned, and immediately changed his words: "The family has something to talk to you. But

his attitude was still somewhat respectful.

It would be too strange for a six-year-old to be called an adult by a magician, so when there were outsiders, they were clever enough to choose another way of communication.

In order not to cause some trouble, this is also what Eimiya Shirou instructed.

"In this case, Lisfil, do you want to go back to the classroom first?"

Shirou Eimiya looked at Lisfil.

"Okay, then you must eat it all~"

Lisfil ran away with a stumbling fart.


In the corner of the library, only Shirou Emiya and the magician of the Ulipis family remained.

"Say, is it the incident that Fuyuki City told you?"

Shirou Eimiya spoke.

The magician of the Ulypheus family secretly sighed in his heart, sure enough, he was not an ordinary child, and he directly guessed what he wanted to say.

This kind of IQ is not something that a six-year-old can have.

"That's right!"

The magician of the Ulyphes family nodded.

News came from Fuyuki City that another child of the Tosaka family had decided to give it to the Ma Kiri family, and the Ma Kiri family planned to raise her as an heir.

Compared to the ordinary magician of the Ulipis family, becoming the head of the Ma Kiri family obviously made Tosaka Shichen more excited.

"Shichen, Shichen, I know that you love your daughter deeply, but you are pushing Sakura into the fire pit and into hell!"

"You deserve to carry countless pots!"

Shirou Eimiya sighed in his heart.

In fact, the entire Ulypheus family was curious about what was special about the children of the Tosaka family in Fuyuki City.

As a famous Tosaka family, his daughter must have an unusual talent in magic, but even so, it is not worth such attention from adults, right?

After all, children with magical talents, everywhere in the clock tower, are not unusual at all.

"Prepare a ticket to Fuyuki City, I'm going to Fuyuki City in a few days."

Shirou Eimiya said in a deep voice.

In this case, he would have to intervene by other means.

Sakura must not be sent to Ma Tong's house, this time, he has to face Ma Kiri's dirty ink.

The current Eimiya Shirou is not the same as he was at the beginning, even in the face of the weird Ma Tong dirty ink, he is still not afraid.

"Sir, is this planning to strike personally? Is this to be snatched? The

magician of the Ulypheus family was shocked in his heart.

He still underestimated the status of the child of the Tosaka family in the hearts of adults, and it was worth the adults to go to Fuyuki City in person.

"Do I need to inform Monarch Lufreus?"

The magician asked.

This time, they will show the power that belongs to the family of the twelve monarchs.

"Nope! Don't make a big fuss, just a few simple arrangements, and the rest you just need to listen to me. "

Shirou Emiya does not intend to use the power of the Ulypheus family to solve this matter, he wants to take matters into his own hands.

Although nine times out of ten, the Ulypheus family will be suspected, it is better not to be so blatant.

Being entangled by the Tosaka family and the Ma Kiri family is still very troublesome.


Back to the Ulypheus family.

"Then next, I have to prepare."

Eimiya Shirou muttered, but at this moment a brainstorm was set off.

In a short period of time, he has learned a lot of magic in the Clock Tower, and now, he plans to disguise himself with the magic he has learned.

In the room, Shirou Emiya was holding a black robe in his hand, the magic circuit in his body lit up, a large amount of magic power gathered at his fingertips, and he was constantly engraving some magic arrays on the black robe.

Defense magic, breath-shielding magic and more.

His appearance cannot be seen, otherwise his subsequent plans will be difficult to carry out.

Next, he summoned Lufreus.

"Sir, do you have any orders?"

The old body of Lureus performed a noble salute, and his attitude was very respectful.

"Take me to see the holy relics and magic weapons of the Ulypheus family."

Shirou Eimiya spoke, his tone could not be refused.


Lufreus nodded.

Underneath the Ulyphus family, there was dust everywhere, and it seemed that no one had been here for a long time.

A retro lamp is lit.

The curtain was lifted, and many ancient holy relics and magic weapons were placed in front of him.

Lufreus thought that the adult had come to select a few weapons to use, but unexpectedly, the adult only observed the weapons and did not take any of them.

Suddenly, Shirou Eimiya strode towards a corner.

There, a dusty long sword lay quietly in the corner.

He held the long sword in his hand and shook it, and the dust dispersed, revealing the original appearance of the long sword, the pitch-black sword body was made of something, and there were golden lines on the hilt.

"This is a sword from a legendary hero, but the specific origin is not clear, and the magic engraved in the sword cannot be used."

Lufreus explained that he was still clear about some of the holy relics and magic weapons here.

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