Farming in the Primitive Tribe

Chapter 138 Don’t do this next time

Seeing the person hanging on the top of the tree, Shen Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief. He was really good at finding places. If two grasses hadn't happened to fall from the basket, she would have found them even if she wanted to die. Then she fell out of the tree again. Go up and pick up the rope she just threw away.

She took the rope and started climbing the tree again. The closer she got to the top of the tree, the more careful she became. She approached Xiao Yan cautiously, tied the rope to Xiao Yan and lowered him down little by little. She was relieved when she saw that he landed safely, and Throw the remaining rope down and go down quickly.

She was relieved when she found out that he was just unconscious, but it was getting a little dark now, and they had to find a cave to stay, otherwise they would have to stay under a tree for the night.

Shen Xiaoxiao cut down two small trees and used ropes to make a simple stretcher. She put Xiao Yan on it and fixed it with ropes to drag him away.

After searching for a long time, she couldn't find the cave. Seeing that it was getting darker and darker, Shen Xiaoxiao gave up the idea of ​​finding a cave and found a big tree with dense leaves. She put Xiao Yan under the tree and went to pick some fruits. After washing it with water, I hurried back and was relieved when I saw Xiao Yan still lying there safely.

Fortunately it wasn't cold now, otherwise she would have had to find a way to make a fire.

The air was eerily quiet, except for the occasional sound of birds flying over. There was no sound. Through the leaves, I could see the stars hanging in the sky emitting light.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid." Shen Xiaoxiao kept thinking. She felt that she was brave, but this was the first time she spent the night in such an environment. If she said she was not afraid, it would be a lie. The ghost movies she had seen before were now extremely clear. came to mind.

She clutched Xiao Yan's arm tightly and muttered something. She didn't know how long it took before she fell asleep, but her sleep was not stable and she often woke up. When she got up, she was relieved to see Xiao Yan was still there. .

The next day, when she felt the dazzling light, she slowly opened her eyes with her hands to cover her eyes. She subconsciously touched her side, but her touch was empty. She suddenly woke up and looked to the side, but the person who was supposed to be beside her was not there. Disappeared.

She stood up immediately, turned around in a panic and looked around unconsciously. She pinched her palms tightly to calm herself down. There was no one else here. It was impossible for someone to take Xiao Yan away. She didn't know, and there was only one footprint on the ground. He should have woken up and left on his own.

Even so, Shen Xiaoxiao still couldn't help but worry, would he leave because he discovered the bad guy?

Afraid that this was really the case, Shen Xiaoxiao did not dare to call him loudly, and started looking for him like a headless fly, "Xiaoxiao." Hearing the voice from behind, Shen Xiaoxiao turned around and saw that he was doing well. Standing there, tears couldn't help but burst out of my eyes. I ran towards him and slapped his shoulder, "Where have you been? Do you know that I'm worried to death."

"I'm going to find something to eat." Xiao Yan raised the wild fruits in his hand, his voice was a little weak, he seemed to be in trouble.

"Won't you tell me when you wake up? If you leave quietly, won't you worry if I wake up?" Shen Xiaoxiao couldn't help but said angrily.

"I'm sorry, I just saw that you were tired...that's why I didn't call you." Xiao Yan felt a little guilty. He didn't know that Xiaoxiao would be so anxious. If he knew that he would definitely stay there, he would not move.

After venting her anger, Shen Xiaoxiao returned to her senses and said a little embarrassedly, "Did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm thick-skinned and it doesn't matter." Xiao Yan shook his head and smiled.

"How did you get down? Did you fall somewhere?" Xiao Yan said nervously.

Speaking of this, the anger in Shen Xiaoxiao's heart rose again, but thinking of the current situation and the fact that he also wanted to let her live, no matter how much anger he felt in his heart, it disappeared.

"I made a rope out of vines and climbed down slowly." After a pause, "Don't do this again."

"Okay." Xiao Yan responded quickly, but that was not what he thought in his heart. Even if he was asked to choose again, his choice would still be the same. As long as Xiaoxiao could survive safely, what would happen to him even if he died, but he I didn't expect Xiaoxiao to climb down from such a high place.

Looking at the wound on her hand, she couldn't help but feel distressed, "Don't do this next time."

"Hmm." The response was equally quick and duplicitous.

After simply washing their faces with stream water, the two of them ate the wild fruits Xiao Yan picked back, "Do you know where this place is?"

Xiao Yan shook his head, "I've never been here."

Shen Xiaoxiao was a little discouraged, but soon cheered up again. They would definitely be able to get out. Even if they couldn't climb up, they would definitely be able to get out by walking along the creek.

They tried to find a way to leave, but the White Tiger tribe became restless because they had not returned all night.

"Ashu, where are you going?" Qingshan grabbed Ashu who was in a hurry, "I want to find my sister and Brother Yan. Something must have happened to them, otherwise they wouldn't have stayed away all night." Ashu's eyes were filled with tears. It was red and there was uneasiness in the voice.

Qingshan sighed, "Don't worry, they will come back."

"No, I'm not worried." Ashu said sharply. They were his most important people, how could he be worried.

"Then where are you going to find them?" Qingshan pulled him tightly, "We don't even know where they have gone, so where are you going to find them?"

"Then you won't look for it?" Ashu stared at him, "If you don't go, I'll go by myself. Let me go."

"Can you please calm down? Who said we won't go? Even if we are looking for it, we must have a charter. Otherwise, what will happen to you when they come back? Do you want the goddess to worry?" Qingshan said coldly, "I I know you are worried about them, but so are we. The more anxious we are, the more we need to calm down. Only in this way can we find them as soon as possible."

After hearing what he said, Ashu slowly calmed down, "Go back with me first and follow the witch doctor's arrangements. If something happens to you when you go out alone, we have to go find you."

Ashu reluctantly followed back. Just as Qingshan said, the witch doctor had summoned everyone and was preparing to find someone.

"Are you sure the goddess went to collect medicine yesterday?" the witch doctor said loudly.

"We are sure. The goddess asked us to catch the bugs in the ground yesterday and said she had a way to kill them. She asked us to catch the bugs first while she went to collect medicine. When she comes back, she can wipe out the bugs."

"Yes, witch doctor, we are all sure that this is what the goddess said. The goddess also said that she did not have much medicine prepared, so she just went to collect some."

A group of people who went to catch insects yesterday said anxiously that if they knew that the goddess would lose news if she went out, they would definitely stop the goddess. Even if they can only catch insects with their hands in the future, they don't want anything to happen to the goddess.

The witch doctor nodded, "Qingshan, Yunshen, Lin Yun, and Shi'an, each of you will lead a team of people to find the goddess. You must pay attention to safety. No matter whether you find her or not, you must come back before dark."

"Yes." The four people agreed quickly, and then they each led a team of people to leave. Each team had twenty people, and the witch doctor had already divided them up.

"Witch doctor, what about us?" The eyes of the others who had not been chosen stared at her intensely.

"You stay in the tribe."

"Witch doctor, we..."

"That's it, the tribe can't live without people."

She was worried that something might have happened if the goddess and the others met the cannibals, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to stay away all night.

If the cannibals knew about their tribe, if they sent all the people out and the cannibals took this opportunity to come looking for them, then the cubs left in the tribe would be in danger. Although she was also very anxious, she had to consider many aspects.

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