Farming in the Primitive Tribe

Chapter 137 Jumping off a cliff

The two of them kept retreating until there was no retreat.

"Run, you guys keep running." The leader of the cannibals said with a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes. "You guys are running?" A group of cannibals kept approaching, looking at dead people. Looking at them, no, more precisely, looking at the dying prey.

"Chief, this female is pretty good-looking. Why don't we capture her and let her give birth to cubs for us, and then we can eat her after the cubs are born." Someone suggested, looking at Shen Xiaoxiao with frivolous eyes. The pride was unabashed.

Others also agreed that there were no females in their tribe, and the captured females died after giving birth to cubs. No cubs had been born in the tribe for a long time. Now that this female is so good-looking, the cubs she gave birth to will definitely be good-looking as well.

And this female seems to know a lot of things. If they capture her, let her listen to them, and then teach them, will they be able to capture more people?

Even if she refuses to teach them, it wouldn't be a bad idea to capture her and bring her back to give birth to cubs.

Everyone agreed with the idea and thought it was a good idea.

Shen Xiaoxiao listened to their words with cold eyes and looked at them without any emotion.

After hearing what they said, Xiao Yan wanted to go up and kill them, but he couldn't. With Xiaoxiao by his side, he had to think twice before he acted, so as not to drag Xiaoxiao down.

He turned back to look at the cliff behind him, then looked at Shen Xiaoxiao, and said softly, "Xiaoxiao, are you afraid?"

Shen Xiaoxiao knew what he wanted to do and agreed with his idea. She shook her head and said, "As long as you are here, I am not afraid." She would rather jump off the cliff than fall into the hands of these demons. At least she would still have a glimmer of hope. If it fell into their hands, it would be death. She had seen them eating other people, and she hated them doing this, and she didn't want to be the one being eaten.

Even if he jumped off a cliff and died, at least his body would be intact.

A smile appeared at the corners of Xiao Yan's lips. The leader of the cannibals also saw what they wanted to do and shouted, "Catch them." But it was too late. Xiao Yan hugged Shen Xiaoxiao and jumped for life, waiting for them to rush there. On the edge of the cliff, only two figures could be seen falling rapidly.

"Ma Dan, you underestimated them." The leader said in a cold voice, "Let's go." Today is not without gain. It was a coincidence that we met them. Since they want to die, let them die and it will be easier for them.

The cannibals left the cliff edge unwillingly.

Xiao Yan and Shen Xiaoxiao were hanging on the branch on the edge of the cliff. Xiao Yan had just seen this branch, so he jumped so happily. His calculation was accurate. They did fall on the branch, but he But he failed to calculate the size of this branch. This small branch obviously could not bear the weight of the two people and had begun to break.

Shen Xiaoxiao was startled when she heard the sound and quickly shrank in, but it was too late. Xiao Yan also fell down as the branch broke. Shen Xiaoxiao quickly grabbed his hand, and she held it with one hand. He grabbed Xiao Yan with one hand and tried to pull Xiao Yan up with all his strength.

But the branch was small, so she could only hold it firmly without much effort.

Besides, Xiao Yan had no place to draw strength from, so it was difficult for him to climb up.

"Catch me." Shen Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth as the veins on her hands and neck popped out.

Xiao Yan raised his eyes and looked at her, "Xiao Xiao, let go."

Not only did Shen Xiaoxiao not let go, but she held on tighter, "What nonsense are you talking about? Hold on tight."

Xiao Yan shook his head gently, "If you continue like this, you will also fall together. Be obedient and let go."

"I don't." Shen Xiaoxiao said stubbornly, she would not give up like this.

Xiao Yan's eyes were gentle and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Shen Xiaoxiao stared straight and said sternly, "Xiao Yan, I don't allow you to do this. How dare you." Xiao Yan didn't say anything and lifted her fingers one by one. Break apart.

"No, Xiao Yan can't." Shen Xiaoxiao's eyes were about to burst, and her voice was tinged with tears due to anxiety, "No."

"Xiaoxiao, you have to climb up on your own. I believe you can do it." Xiao Yan looked at her reluctantly, then let go of her hand and fell down.

"Xiao Yan." Shen Xiaoxiao screamed, trying to catch him but failing, "Son of a bitch."

She didn't have time to be sad. After gathering her mood, she looked around to see if there was anything that could help her get down. She saw vines growing on the ground not far from the branches. She wanted to reach out to grab them but couldn't reach them. She broke one. Cut off a branch and hook it, reach it carefully until the branch hooks the vine, and then use force to hook the vine.

When she could reach it with her hands, she abandoned the branch and pulled it directly with her hands. Soon the vines hanging on the cliff began to fall. She collected all the vines in front of her, and then began to twist the vines into ropes. Soon a rope The long rope was twisted, and then she tied one end to a branch and the other to her waist, and then carefully climbed down the cliff wall.

But it’s not easy to go down, especially when there are

There was no foothold at all. She could only cling to the cliff with her hands. She carefully used her feet to reach down to the protruding rocks. When she stood firm, she breathed a sigh of relief, but she looked at the bottomless cliff below. After all, she wasn't in a good mood.

She lay on the cliff wall and wiped the sweat with her hands, but suddenly, the stone under her feet became loose. She fell down before she could react, until she was hanging in the air and shaking. Shen Xiaoxiao knew that the rope was used up. , but it’s not over yet.

Her eyes searched around and saw the tree on the side. She swayed and wanted to pass, but she was almost there. She wanted to try again, but the feeling of falling to the ground followed. Shen Xiaoxiao cursed in her heart, and then she and It fell down at a fast speed, and then fell heavily to the ground through heavy branches.

She clutched her chest and coughed. After a long time, she recovered and sat up. She untied the crushed backpack and untied the vines around her waist. Before she had time to rest, she hurriedly searched at the bottom of the cliff, "Xiao Yan—— Xiao Yan——"

Her face looked a little ugly, and her chest and back ached, but she didn't care about anything else and just wanted to find him quickly.

But when she found the dropped knife, she didn't even see Xiao Yan's shadow.

She forced herself to calm down. They fell at the same position. Even if there was a difference, it wouldn't be much different. He should have fallen nearby, but why didn't she see anyone? Shen Xiaoxiao slapped her hand heavily After patting the trunk of the tree, she suddenly made a movement. Yes, maybe he fell into the tree.

Shen Xiaoxiao regained her confidence and started looking again. This time she only looked at the trees, but she searched all around and couldn't find anyone. She couldn't help but become a little anxious and shouted, "Xiao Xiao Inkstone—" The birds in the tree flew away in shock.

Countless thoughts flashed through Shen Xiaoxiao's mind, including whether he had fallen into a tree on the edge of the cliff.

Just when she was lost, a grass fell from her head. She didn't care at first, but soon another one fell. She reacted immediately and raised her head in surprise, but she didn't see anything. Then, she looked up through the branches, only to see that the branches were faintly bent.

She was so happy that she started climbing the tree without caring about anything else. Fortunately, the tree had many branches, so it didn't take much effort for her to climb up.

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