Detective Training Manual

Chapter 64: Frenzy murderous tactics!



   Downstairs of the hospital, Zhou Yan was still squatting on the smashed concrete pavement, muttering to himself. .

   Liu Chen followed Zhou Yan and observed the kid for a while, but finally he was impatient.

   "Hey! What are you doing!?"

   he cried.

   Now, Liu Chen really can't see through the guy in front of him...

   First of all, in the dark and blind environment, I could see such tiny debris.

   Immediately afterwards, he asked for a clue of "Strange Loud Noise".

   Finally, this guy squatted on the ground, muttering nervously.

   Oh, by the way, there is also that book, how can a normal person hold a book with no words and read it so carefully.

   Such a strange behavior, except for brain problems, it is probably...

   Suddenly, he was startled, as if thinking of another possibility.

   He looked at Zhou Yan blankly and swallowed.

   "Hey, won't be..."

   He hasn't finished saying this! After rubbing, Zhou Yan stood up abruptly, turned his head and stared at Liu Chen.

   "Where's the person?" He came without beginning and end.

   "Huh?" Liu Chen was taken aback: "Who?"

   "Where are the people sent by the police? Where did they go?" Zhou Yan asked sharply.

   "Both... are upstairs." Liu Chen replied subconsciously with a dazed expression: "Oh, there are some crime scenes across the road."

   "Fart!" Zhou Yan exclaimed: "The crime scene is obviously here! Hurry up, transfer all the people over there!"

   "Huh?" Liu Chen was stupid, wondering, how could the crime scene be here? Obviously across the road, you saw the dead smashed in front of you!

   And, you are a witness, what are you yelling about here?

   However, Liu Chen looked at Zhou Yan's serious expression, and the idea in his heart became stronger.

   "This Zhouyan...Isn't he also a detective?"

   Once this idea was born, it couldn't be held back. The strange behavior of this kid before seemed to indicate that he was a detective.

   and it's the kind of very high level!

   Liu Chen, the more I thought about it, the more I imagined it. In the end...

   "Okay...I'll be transferred right away."


   Within a few minutes, a large number of police officers gathered, and they gathered around Zhou Yan.

   "What's the next step? What should I do?" Liu Chen asked.

   Zhou Yan is still flipping through the book. This behavior is called neurotic in the eyes of a group of police officers.

   But just because he was too neurotic, no one dared to disturb Zhou Yan.

   After a while...

   "Look!" Zhou Yan said a word.

   "Looking...what are you looking for?" Liu Chen asked.

   "I don't know what to look for. Anyway, I'm looking for a heavy object that can smash the concrete floor. The murderer only has two hours. It is impossible for him to move things too far!"

"Okay... let's find it!" Liu Chen nodded without understanding, and then pointed around: "The flower bed over there! And the grove over there! Oh, the buildings over there. In the back, where people don’t go often, just look for it anyway, find something strange, and report it!"

   Before the voice fell, the police officers dispersed directly.

   Looking for things, they are too professional, even if they don’t know what to look for, they can find it out for you.

   Seeing that everyone was looking for it, Zhou Yan also nodded, and another word popped out: "Go!"

   Liu Chen didn't hesitate to see Zhou Yan doing things, and he felt more secure in his heart. Regardless of whether this kid is a detective or not, he should now have a clear idea of ​​the case. It should be right to follow him.

   Detective, I don’t have any thoughts, it’s forgivable. After all, no one is omniscient and omnipotent, but if others have thoughts, it would be too shameful if you don’t follow them quickly.

   Then Liu Chen waved his hand: "The rest, keep up!"

   Just like that, Zhou Yan walked in front with a book alone, and a large number of policemen behind, squeezed into the elevator, and went straight to the top 18th floor with great momentum.

   When I reached the 18th floor, Zhou Yan did not go to the ‘Intensive Care Unit’, but turned to the stairwell and climbed another floor.

   At the end of the stairs, there is a door.

   Zhou Yan walked over and pushed the door open...

   A cold wind blew in violently and lifted people's clothes. Outside the door was a starry night sky.


   The rooftop of the hospital is so big that you can barely see the margins when you look from one side to the other.

   There are a lot of things piled up all over the roof.

   Some unnamed equipment, or dozens of wardrobes in a long line, or some wheelchairs without wheels.

   In short, this is like a warehouse for medical old things. Many useless things in the hospital are piled up here. It is estimated that it will take a few years to find someone to recycle.

   Zhou Yan walked up to the rooftop, his gaze swept one by one among the discarded old things, and finally, his gaze stopped on a row of hospital beds.

   These hospital beds are old at first glance, and the shelves are covered with rust here.

   Zhou Yan stretched out his hand to hold a hospital bed, and pulled out...

   easily moved because the hospital bed is not like a home, it is all equipped with a movable roller under it, which is used to facilitate the patient to walk.

   Zhou said without saying a word, he looked at the hospital bed that was pulled out, raised his head, and looked at Detective Liu who was still standing at the entrance of the rooftop.

   At this time...Detective Liu's eyes were already full of shock.

   Obviously, he also thought of a frenzied killing technique.

   He walked to the edge of the rooftop blankly.

   estimated the height of the protruding edge, and then looked at the height of the hospital bed, it seemed to be about the, he was breathing a little bit shortly.

   In the end, he seemed to have made up his mind. He raised his eyes and looked in the direction where the deceased fell from the building.

   can clearly see the 10-meter-wide road below, with sparse traffic, and on the opposite side of the road, the office building without lights stands in front of him.

  On the ground in front of the office building, a large patch of scarlet blood can still be seen vaguely.

   That is where Wang Xiaoming died.

   Liu Chen swallowed.

   He is not stupid, so he now understands what the loud noise really means, but... if you really use this method to kill people, is it a bit too...

   Liu Chen didn’t know what words should be used to describe it. He just stared at the night of the city under his feet. After a while...

   "What about the motive?" he asked.

   Zhou Yan did not answer, because he hadn't thought of it yet.

   But at this moment...

   A line of text on the book slowly emerged.

  【Little Poptao: Li Huan...found a clue! 】


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