Detective Training Manual

Chapter 63: Dark side

   Li Huan walked into the ward...

   This ward is no different from Wang Xiaoming’s ward, except for the old man on the bed... He is panting fiercely, making the whole room full of an angry smell.

   Hearing someone coming in, the old man slapped the quilt vigorously without lifting his head.

   "Get out! Get out!" he shouted.

   Li Huan was also taken aback: "Excuse me!" She apologized quickly and was about to leave.

   But the old man seemed to have heard that the voice was not a nurse, so when he raised his head, he saw Li Huan panicking.

   "Uh...I thought it was a nurse." He still mumbled angrily, but his tone eased somewhat.

   Li Huan stood at the door of the ward, struggling in his heart, and then walked in a little nervously...

   "Excuse me, my name is Li Huan..." While looking at the old man nervously, she politely introduced herself.

   The image of Li Huan, at first glance, although it will not be amazing, but it is definitely not annoying, so the old man did not coax her out, but asked very uncomfortably...

   "What do you want to do?"

   "I...I want to ask, what did you mean by just now?"

   "Huh? That sentence?"

   This old man has a bad temper and is still very thin. This makes his big eyes stand out, and Li Huan dare not speak loudly.

   "That's...that's what you just said, this hospital wants to kill you..." Li Huan pressed his voice.

   And it’s okay not to mention it, as soon as he said, the old man exploded on the spot!

   "Damn! The doctors and nurses here are a bunch of bastards!" He shouted again directly, "They won't give me medicine! How can a hospital not give me medicine?! Is it because I came here just to sit?"

   "Uh..." Li Huan looked at the old man's vigorous appearance, and smiled awkwardly: "So...what the **** is going on?"

   In the next 5 minutes, the old man started to complain to Li Huan just as he finally found a confidant.

   Actually, things are very simple.

   This old man is complaining that the doctor will not give him analgesics!

   He yelled at the nurse just now, why the dose of medicine is so small today, the nurse also said helplessly, Dr. Zhang prescribed these, the old man was unhappy, and cursed with talent.

   While talking, the old man suddenly, as if he was thinking of something, waved his hand at Li Huan mysteriously.

   Li Huan also leaned over.

   Look at the old man, there is no one else in the ward, and then he whispered to Li Huan.

   "This ward... is dead, right?"

   Li Huan nodded. There are so many police officers in the corridor that everyone can guess that something must have happened, so she didn't need to hide it.

   "Heh~" The old man chuckled disdainfully: "I tell you, the murderer is Doctor Zhang!"

   "Huh?!" Li Huan was startled, so Xuan did not scream.

   The old man continued in a gloomy tone: "Don't look at Dr. Zhang on the surface as a good person, in fact...he is a bastard! He is reselling drugs!"

   "Pour...resell the drugs?" Li Huan was surprised.

The old man nodded: "Well, you are a little girl who doesn't stay in the hospital often. You definitely don't know... Pain medicine is not cheap in the hospital, but if you get it and sell it outside the hospital If so, it’s worth a lot of money!"

   Indeed, most of the analgesics are very cheap. Whether they are taken orally or injected, they are basically only a few yuan, and more than a dozen yuan.

   But, you can only buy this thing in the hospital, and outside the hospital, you can't get it through normal methods.

  Because every analgesic drug is strictly managed. For example, a cancer patient has two injections per day, at six in the morning and six in the evening, and there is no more injection.

   After the drug is used, the bottles cannot be thrown away. You have to report it every other day. When the time comes, one vial is checked. If one is lost, or an empty bottle is broken, then a report must be written.

   is so strict.

   So, if these analgesics are sold out, it will be hundreds of times the price.

   Then someone may ask, why would anyone outside the hospital need analgesics? If the illness is very serious, it will be better to be hospitalized.

   This involves some pharmacological knowledge.

   I guess you don’t understand it. Anyway, you only need to know a little bit.

  That is...Most of the pain medications are addictive.

It’s like the popular [analgesic tablets] 10 years ago. Many elderly people want to take two tablets when they feel uncomfortable. Sometimes if they don’t take them for a few days, their whole body is boring. Actually...this is the drug. Dependent performance.

   It is this addiction that caused some people to sell drugs at high prices.

   The old man sat on the hospital bed and said this to Li Huan...

   Li Huan was naturally shocked. She couldn't imagine that there could be such a deal in the world.

   "Hmph, now you know what kind of stuff Dr. Zhang is." The old man said sarcastically.

   "But...but how did you know that Dr. Zhang is doing this kind of thing?"

   "Haha~" The old man couldn't help but smiled: "How did I know? Because that **** named the drug that was resold was deducted from me!"

As soon as the old man mentioned this, his temper came up again: "You know, I am a prostate cancer patient. According to the regulations, I have a quota of 3 medicines per day, but now, I only have two medicines a day, and the remaining one Only, it must have been detained by Doctor Zhang!

  You said, I’m deducting one bottle a day by myself. How much do I deduct one per day for people on this floor?

   Doctor Zhang, that bastard, is using our patients to make money!

   Oh, by the way, what happened today was the kid with leukemia in the ward opposite....what was it called? "

   "Wang Xiaoming." Li Huan added.

"Yes, yes, that's the kid. I'll tell you, that's a kid who can't stay idle. Don't look at him seriously ill, but he's not lively. Just walk around on this floor. I guess... He just saw what Dr. Zhang was doing, and he was killed by Dr. Zhang!"

   "!!!" Li Huan hurriedly covered his mouth in surprise, only a few seconds later, he reluctantly exclaimed, "How is it possible?"

"Why is it impossible?" The old man said with a curl of his mouth, "The doctors on this floor, who spend all day mixing with us dying people, have long since taken our lives seriously. You know, if someone stabbed Zhang What kind of punishment will the doctor do for those things?

   He will be revoked his doctor's license for life and go to court! Sentenced! Go to jail! His life is over!

   So, what surprises he killed a child in this situation? "


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