Detective Training Manual

Chapter 104: Something not special! !

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In this sentence, Zhou Yan was full of excitement!

"Hey! How can this be done? Let's say yes, take care of lunch!"

"Yes, but don't forget, we are the detective agency!" Lin Xi said, "As a member of the detective agency, you have to show your strength."

"I showed it, I solved the last case involving a Tibetan in a garage!" Zhou Yan argued for reasons.

Lin Xi nodded after hearing this: "Yes, then, let's show your strength again.

Hey, don't look at me so resentfully. You work in a detective agency. How do you say this is your duty? Are you really ready to let me handle everything, and you pour coffee every day, and it's over?

Besides, this bet is fair. If you win, I won't deduct a penny this month, so it's not my boss to bully people. "

Lin Xi is a detective after all, and the skill at her lips is not much worse than Zhou Yan's. A bet on her head makes her say very reasonable.

"Heh~" Zhou Yan looked at Lin Xi's smile and said in his heart: "Sure enough, women are all big trotters!"

"Okay! Five minutes is five minutes, this month's bonus, I have to set!" Zhou Yan's heart of the second soul, was lit by Lin Xi in this way.


He took out his notebook again.

Okay, middle two returns to middle two, but lunch money is not a joke. Thinking together in a group is definitely more efficient than thinking alone.

At this time, everyone in the book seems to be focusing on the puzzle.

[Bc1111: This, this, this! What is the relationship between the 16th floor and the big truck? ? ? ? ? No, I’m stupid. It’s not good to hit 200 pounds on a truck. Empty carriage, highway? ? ? ? Is it a moving company? ? 】

"Um." Zhou Yan read this message. Well, although he didn't suggest anything at all, Zhou Yan could still feel that this brother was quite nervous about his lunch.

"Dude, take it so hard, don't worry, we are crowded!"

[Ming Mo Mo: I don’t have a good brain and I can’t figure it out, so let’s summarize:

1. The safe was moved down the 16th floor within ten minutes

2. There is only one thief

3. The site is intact, eliminating the possibility of throwing out through the window

4. It is suspected that you can only take the stairs and cannot be transported through the handrails or the gap between the upper and lower stairs

5. The thief was arrested on a highway, driving a truck and there is only a safe on the truck...

What can I see from this (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻】

Zhou Yan looked at the little expression that raised the table at the end, and couldn't help but smile.

The brother didn't seem to have thought of a way, but he was very organized and listed all the clues to the puzzle.

This can be regarded as a clearer way to sort out Zhou Yan's thoughts.

In fact, at this point, Zhou Yan has discovered that not everyone in this book is an omnipotent detective.

However, everyone also has a role to play.

Sorting out the case, proposing hypotheses, denying opinions, whimsical ideas...No matter what, it is an indispensable part of solving the puzzle.

Including active atmosphere!

"Thank you brother!" Zhou Yan muttered and continued to look down.

[Original Sin. Arrogance: Do you pretend to be a cleaner, clean the exterior wall, and then put it on the board]

"Impossible. If there is a cleaner, it will be directly listed as a first-level suspect."

[20200822165619235: Put a mat downstairs and throw it down]

"Don’t make trouble, brother, it’s just now, don’t be active here, on the 16th floor, throw down a two-hundred-kilogram safe, it’s useless to put any cushions on it, the underground pipes will all give you letters. Do not believe?"

Zhou Yan is watching.

Suddenly, Lin Xi's voice came from behind...

"I said...I know you have the habit of reading white paper when you are thinking, but...less than half of the time is left, you have to work hard."

Zhou Yan frowned, then read the message on the book again.

There are too many comments above. Even if he reads quickly, he can't read them one by one now.

The most important thing is that I don't have time to pick out the ones that can inspire me from so many comments.

Zhou Yan hesitated for a moment.

Then... buckle the book.

Yes, he stopped reading the notes, but put them in his pocket.

After that, he took a deep breath, calmed his thoughts, and then, as if habitually, kneaded his temples with his thumb.

He used a bit of strength, and the slight pain made his thoughts clearer and clearer.

Zhou Yan is thinking...

When he thinks, he always likes to pose like this.

It was also in the hospital at the time.

The last subject of the Detective Agency's review is also.

It was like this posture, a fixed habit he had cultivated for many years. As long as the slight pain passed through his head, his thoughts would instantly churn like boiling water.

In an instant, the entire corridor picture reappeared in Zhou Yan's mind.

A line of sight easily penetrated every step from the 1st floor to the 16th floor, spinning rapidly and climbing straight up.

And a heavy safe also condenses into shape with the fantasy in consciousness.

In Zhou Yan's mind, countless tools emerged, and then followed his intentions to quickly carry out various incredible demonstrations.

rope! No way!

mat! No way!

pulley! No way!

track! No way!

Each option was quickly screened by him. It's as if he can construct crazy ideas in his mind as long as he wants, and then continue to operate like this forever.

But Zhou Yan did not pay attention to his own ability at the moment, and now he only has the pursuit of bonuses and lunch in his mind.

In the end, the picture in his mind stayed on Lin Xi's face.

In the picture, those nice but slightly wrinkled eyes are staring at the gas station opposite.


Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yan thought of the truck again!

I remember that at that time, Lin Xi mentioned this truck herself, so what did the truck make her think of?

Then, Zhou Yan's question for the elderly.

She asked, besides the safe, is there anything special in that car?

The old man said, no.

After hearing this answer, Lin Xi smiled.

Why did she laugh, obviously there was nothing special on the car, this answer did not help the case at all.

At this moment, a flash of coldness flashed in Zhou Yan's mind...

"No! There is no answer, it should be the answer!"

Lin Xi was not looking for ‘special things’ at the time!

She just wanted to find something ‘not special! ’

A thing that will not attract the attention of others even if it is placed in the carriage!

Zhou Ya suddenly opened his eyes.

"I... thought of it!"

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