Detective Training Manual

Chapter 103: Gamble for lunch! !

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"Huh?" Zhou Yan's whole body is not very good.

Moving a safe box downstairs in 10 minutes is so simple that it doesn't need to be included in the report?

How can it be?

"and many more!"

Zhou Yan was thinking about it, and suddenly realized something.

" just said...that thief?"

"?" The old man was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"You just said, that thief! Not the group of thieves...Could it be that there is only one thief?!" Zhou Yan doubted.

Unexpectedly, the old man nodded: "Yes, there is only one thief. Didn't I say before?"


"Oh, maybe I was negligent, haha, I'm really sorry." The old man smiled apologetically.

And this negligence made Zhou Yan even more stressful.

"What the hell, is there only one thief? If this is the case, there is almost only one possibility, that is, the thief is a superman."

Zhou Yan scratched his head and continued to look back at the notes.

In just such a few minutes, there were a lot more comments on the above.


"This... is it talking about using a super powerful magnet to hold the safe? emm... if it can be held, it's not impossible, but then?"

Zhou Yan thought for a while, and found that he couldn't think further, hey, wait a while and see if this brother can speak the whole story.

[20190427002736734: Transport from the top of the building]

"It doesn't seem to work, unless there is a helicopter."

[Pull the fish: What... put it on the armrest]

"Um... Brother, you may not be able to see the handrail of this staircase. Anyway, it is really impossible to transport it from the handrail, otherwise I won't be stuck here."

[You nailed it: Cut a hole in the safe with a tool and take out the money. Transport the cut-open safe upstairs or downstairs. Then prepare the same safe on the car and put the money in it. 】

"What the hell...why does it take such a lot of effort, let alone whether the operation of cutting the safe can be realized, even if it is really cut, is it not good to run with the money?"

[Ban Ru: Push on the stairs, and the safe slid down by itself, faster than people going downstairs]

"Hey...200 catties, made of iron, this pushes downstairs, it's jingling, I guess everyone in the corridor thought there was an earthquake.

Moreover, even if it is really done like this, there is a platform outside the stairs between the stairs and 16 floors, which is 32 platforms. I also saw it when I came up. The width of a platform is about two. Meters and a half.

So, can one person really move a safe across so many platforms within 10 minutes? "

[Fu Tianqi: If it is a simple method, use something like a sled. As long as it is fixed properly, two or three people operate it. Using the acceleration of gravity, it should not be difficult to move from the 16th floor to the first floor within ten minutes. If the material is selected and the friction surface can be controlled well, the sound will not be loud. 】

"This... sounds so high-end, do ordinary people really do it?

And it's still a material with a good friction surface, what kind of material is that? Still have no sound? "

Zhou Yan flipped through the notes, and found that the people inside seemed to be unable to figure it out.

He closed the book and walked back to the empty apartment.

Then, he saw Lin Xi still standing by the window, looking out.

Zhou Yan walked over and stood shoulder to shoulder with Lin Xi.

"How is it?" he asked.

"..." Lin Xi didn't respond, she still stared intently in a direction outside the window.

Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment, and forgot to follow Lin Xi's line of sight.

It was across the road. There were a lot of pedestrians on the road. There were a few commercial houses on the side of the road and a gas station. There seemed to be nothing special.

Suddenly, Lin Xi seemed to think of something suddenly, and her eyes seemed to light up for a moment.

Then... she turned her head quickly and looked at the old man behind her.

"Excuse me, I heard you said at the time that when the police caught the thief, they were at the highway intersection, right!" Lin Xi asked.

"Oh." The old man was taken aback: "Yes, when the police came, they contacted various highway sections, so they were quickly arrested."

"So, when he caught someone, he drove the car, right?" Lin Xi continued to ask: "I don't know if you still remember, what kind of car it is?"

The old man recalled: "I really know that it is a truck with a large box. At that time, the thief put the safe in the box of the car and was caught when he got on the highway."

"Are you sure it's a truck?"

"Well, I'm sure, because this thing is considered as an exhibit, it is also mentioned in the case record. When I went to investigate the case, I also looked at the photos, so I remember it clearly."

The old man said with certainty, and following the old man's words, the sad look on Lin Xi's face seemed to gradually stretch, and finally a confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But Zhou Yan still failed to grasp the essentials.

"She...does she know what the thief used?

But...what is the relationship between a truck and a safe? It is impossible for a truck to drive to the sky. "

At this time, Lin Xi asked again: "Then, when the thief was caught, was there anything other than the safe in the truck?"

The old man shook his head: "No."

"Haha~" Lin Xi smiled, Zhou Yan watched from the side, um~ I have to count, it's pretty good-looking.

But now is not the time to pay attention to her good looks.

Why are you so happy that there is nothing in the car except the safe?

Just thinking about it, suddenly Lin Xi looked at the old man, then turned to look at Zhou Yan.

"I unlocked..."

"What?" The old man was the first to be surprised: " really solved it?"

"Yeah." Lin Xi nodded: "And it's really like what the police thought 40 years ago. It's really too But...but... ..." The old man seemed a little confused. It seemed that he felt that if it was a very simple technique, then why didn't he understand it all the time?

Lin Xi didn't seem to want to sell Guanzi either, she leaned to the old man's ear and said something softly.

This sentence is very short, because in just two seconds, Lin Xi stood up straight.

But in these two seconds, Zhou Yan clearly saw that the old man's expression went from a moment of shock to a sudden realization, and finally, the surroundings of his face stretched out.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......."

The old man laughed and shook his head as he laughed: "Unexpectedly, I was disturbed by such a simple technique, haha, I'm really confused!"

Zhou Yan started to yell in his heart when he looked at the old man like that.

"What? Why did you untie it?"

At this moment... Lin Xi suddenly turned her head... looked at Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan can still see the smile on her face~

"How about it, have you figured it out?" Lin Xi said.

Zhou Yan shook his head.

"Well, if you come up with the answer within five minutes, then the bonus for this month will not be deducted, how about it?"

Zhou Yan's body tightened suddenly, and a serious look finally appeared in his eyes.

"Are you talking about it?"

"Of course~" Lin Xi spread his hands: "I'm the boss. I don't want to deceive employees."

But before the words fell, the smile on her face seemed to suddenly change an attribute.

"Haha, but, on the other hand, if you can't guess it within five minutes, then within a month, lunch...

from! already! dig! waist! package! ~"

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