Destiny Dominates

Chapter 284: Newspaper

"The Burt Building, the headquarters of the Burt Textile Company, is a very old twenty-story building, but the prospect of appreciation is still very good, and it is located at the end of the commercial street. The Atlanta commercial center is moving eastward. . "

Karl quickly learned about Li Mochen ’s intention: "Are you ready to buy it and build the flagship store of Rising Sun? Is that correct? If so, it can avoid a lot of taxes. However, a lot of money has to be invested in maintenance and renovation as an office building , It's too old. "

"I'm hesitating. If you really want to build a flagship store, this may be very busy."

Li Mochen did have such a wish, and this Burt building, which is almost in the center of the city, is also suitable.

It must be mentioned here that after the great success of the first step, Cadillan Jebson ’s ambitions grew rapidly, and he plans to increase the number of stores to fifty-six in the next three months, covering the entire Atlanta and surrounding cities.

Considering the need for personnel training and maintaining word-of-mouth, this is already the limit of the Rising Sun's expansion. No matter how fast, it will affect the service quality of the store.

But even if Li Mochen bought all these stores, it is estimated that less than 120 million gold shields were used, so this Burt building was also included in his vision. This is not only suitable as the Rising Sun's flagship store in Atlanta, but also very suitable for opening a department store.

Then he also intends to use this part of the asset as a mortgage to continue throughout Georgia, as well as surrounding New Manchester (fictional), Florida, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi and other neighboring states The big cities in the world, as well as Portland, Boston, New Haven, Manhattan, and other coastal cities, hoard suitable stores to serve as the support for the next expansion of the Rising Sun Company.

Li Mochen had a certain understanding of real estate and knew that due to the economic crisis caused by the “Black Monday” three years ago, the real estate prices in the entire Amerika were at a low level, and the price was generally less than 45 percent three years ago. .

At this time, by buying those stores, the rent saved by the company is enough to be equivalent to 1.4 to 1.8 times the bank interest. Although his approach will affect the expansion rate of the store, it can build a foundation for future peer competition and hoard ammunition.

Li Mochen is also optimistic about the future real estate prospects. With the economic recovery of Amerika, this investment will surely get a huge return.

However, Li Mochen also realized that if he really planned to do this, then the affairs of the Rising Sun company will also be more busy. It is estimated that he will hardly be free in the next one or two months.

"Then you are really busy."

Carl sighed. He knew that Li Mochen had a lot of business in his hands. This guy is also a magical professional, a fighting star, and needs to spend a lot of time on practice.

"So can you spare time to pay attention to Claude Antell in Macon City and St. Macon High School?"

"Macon City? Is there a new opponent right? This person has the strength to beat me?"

Li Mochen knew that Macon City was a large city in Georgia, and was located southeast of Atlanta.

"No, only monsters can defeat monsters. This is a recognized rule in the industry. And this Claude has no such strength."

Carl shook his head: "But he is a paladin, and a benefactor favored by the Lord of Glory, mastering the three holy arts. So their purpose is not to snipe you in individual games, but cold Weapons team competition. They are ready to let you go home in the top sixteen games in Georgia two months later. "

"Group?" Li Mochen's eyes narrowed slightly: "St. Marken High School's group strength is strong?"

Carl shook his head: "It must be better than Linden College. Your college includes you, but there are four 7th-level professionals. I expect that at that time, Louise Linden and Lena are likely to have reached Level 8. But Amo, do you know that God taught martial arts? "

"I saw it in the book."

Li Mochen fell into meditation: "The name is nice, but the essence is to sacrifice to gods, even evil spirits, to gain knowledge and power. However, the sacrifices paid will far exceed the usual sacrifices, and the suffering will be much smaller."

"But this time, several big groups joined forces. Including Acadis, Saber-tooth Tiger, Kafia, and several major sports brands. They will suppress your momentum at all costs. Team warfare is a good direction, after all. In Amerika, team wars still have the most audiences for cold weapon fighting. If Linden College loses in Georgia team wars, it will also affect the perception of some of your fans. Therefore, the company hopes that you will use more dim sum in this regard. -"

As soon as Carl said this, he received a mobile phone. It was from his boss, Dwight Peyton, who did n’t guard Li Mochen, who also heard the terms "publisher", "comic", "shit" and so on, and then Karl still from time to time 'S grinning look. Of course, there was no sound, this one did not dare to be noticed by his boss.

And when Carl hung up, Li Mochen asked: "What's going on? Does it sound related to my comic?"

"Mr. Payton, he saw your manga a few days ago and thought it was promising, so he wanted to help you sell it. But it turned out to be a wall in front of the president of Ferguson Cultural Media. Although they were willing to help you publish it, they could put forward conditions. It ’s not so good, it requires you to change the artwork in a comprehensive way, but also to change the style of the painting. However, you know that Mr. Payton is very stubborn and stubborn. After he was humiliated by the man Devin Ferguson, this I have been addicted to the job of selling you for a few days. "

When Karl said here, his face was full of weird smiles: "Unfortunately, he failed, until today, he finally found a suitable publishing house, but Mr. Payton, he asked me to suggest that you simply spend money to buy it, and then Publish it yourself. "

When it comes to this, Karl's tone gradually became serious: "Their publishing qualifications and channels are very complete, at least covering the entire state of Georgia. In addition, there is a company that covers the local area of ​​Atlanta and has 73,000 subscriptions a year. The Atlanta Labor News, readers are mainly concentrated in the southern suburbs of Atlanta. Now its boss, due to difficulties in family business, intends to sell this publishing house, the price is very cost-effective, as long as seven million gold shield, of course you still have to Bear the debt of four million gold shields of this publishing house. "

Li Mochen suddenly moved, he knew the significance of a media. That means influence on public opinion, as well as power to interfere in Atlanta's political scene ~ ~ 73,000 subscriptions Although the number is less, the concentration of readers means that it can affect three to five people. Constituency of city councillor.

"Also, Mr. Payton made you wary of the magic wolf Fenrir."


"The Fenrir Hunting Corps has been crippled. Recently, several major forces have taken action against them. Most of their more than three thousand regiments have been disbanded. However, the devil wolf Fenrir, as well as his most effective subordinates, also passed A special channel to return to the bright world. No one has found his trace so far. Mr. Payton estimated that they should be planning a big operation at this time. "

Karl's expression was very relaxed: "I guess he won't come to you with a high probability. After all, his main enemy now is the guy who forced him to despair. But we can't help it--"

When Li Mochen heard this, he suddenly felt a slight change in the ‘Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda’ behind him.

His complexion can't help but look strange. His 'Shen Xiao Ling Yun Zi Jin Pagoda' is warning, but the reaction is very slight, which doesn't seem to be fatal.

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