Destiny Dominates

Chapter 283: industry

About ten minutes later, when Li Mochen left Stormwind Stadium under the guard of numerous security guards and police, he was again surrounded by numerous journalists.

He is accustomed to this scene, and he is too lazy to take care of it. Until someone issues a question: "Student Wiltonstein, I want to ask you a question. Brud Carroll once lost to James Lanster 15: 0 in the last spring individual competition. It only took two minutes. Today, Carol classmates can fight with you in the ring for half an hour. Will Wiltonstein classmates, you think that the strength of Brud Carol has exceeded Lanster. Alright? "

This voice was very loud, overwhelming the noisy questions of many reporters. Li Mochen couldn't help looking sideways at this person, and found that the microphone on this microphone was indeed marked by Georgia Sports TV. So he stopped immediately: "No, Carol classmates should have made some progress, but his strength is still inferior to James's line. I mean that Lanster did not use the banned drugs."

The Georgia Sports TV reporter was puzzled: "But Wiltonstein, you spent half an hour today before you defeated Carol?"

"That's because I had to do it."

Li Mochen's tone is very calm: "Due to pressure from all sides, I have to extend the game time as much as possible. In addition, I also need to take care of the audience who bought tickets, especially the supporters who came for me. The mood is gone. So I played a teaching battle unilaterally today. I think the audience of this game, if you can observe carefully, should be able to learn some defensive skills in swordsmanship from me. "

These few words made all the reporters present uproar, as if they were hitting the chicken blood.

"Classmate Wiltonstein, can you tell me more? What kind of pressure is it from?"

"Andrea, may I ask you the pressure, is it the NHSAA Race Committee? Or is it the current advertiser? Or is it the Atlanta cable station that is responsible for the broadcast?"

"Are you sure you are playing a guiding battle right? But many people saw that you did not have the upper hand in the scene. Today's defeat of Brud Carroll is more like carelessness—"

"We got inside information that classmate Louise Linden has retired. That is to say, you have now actually won the Atlanta High School Individual Championship. What do you think?"

"Is Louise Linden a classmate with you? Is there any personal factor in her retirement?"

However, Li Mochen had no interest in answering the question, and forcibly squeezed out the crowd with the help of many security guards and boarded his seat car "Otto I". He must go to the nearby Gerald Hotel as soon as possible to sign a contract with Edward Jewellery Company, but he has no time to ink with these reporters.

And he is expected to be very busy for the next period of time.

The leader of the elite brokerage company will help him get the three endorsement contracts of Norfolk, Elizabeth Cosmetics, and Titanium Communications within one week. The contract value is expected to reach 75 million a year. Golden shield.

The main source of this income comes from Elizabeth, the world-famous top female makeup brand.

——Women's make-up brand looks at him as a fighting sports star, this is very puzzling, but such a precedent is not without, and so far, it is not only the Elizabeth cosmetics company, intends to include Li Mochen under its banner. They all fancy Li Mochen's temperament and appearance, as well as the huge influence among women.

However, Elizabeth Cosmetics is the highest and most sincere bidder, and has already quoted 32 million a year before. But Edward Jeffries was not satisfied. He plans to open the lion's mouth and win a large contract of more than 45 million gold shields a year from this company.

If this can really be done, Li Mochen's monthly income will be as high as 147 million.

But then, a very headache problem came. The tax return season is at the end of January next year. Li Mochen must spend more than half of the money in just two or three months, and use tax and charity to reasonably avoid taxes. Otherwise, 40% of the money will be turned over to the Treasury.

To this end, Li Mochen also plans to find a reliable accounting firm to help him deal with this problem.

The four major accounting firms in America are well-known, and are said to be the best choice, but Li Mochen still has a lot of personal affairs, and there are many not-so-legal incomes to be dealt with, so I do not plan to consider them.

"My suggestion is to buy a large manor in the north of Atlanta. Now there are two places for sale, and you can get 30 or 50 million gold shields."

On the "Otto I" armored off-road vehicle, Carl made a suggestion: "A mansion in the North City, this can be regarded as an admission ticket for the upper class.

Li Mochen heard the words and suddenly felt a sense of restlessness in his heart. This comes from the original owner again, and it is one of the obsessions of the original owner to join the high society of Amerika.

But Li Mochen didn't care about it at all. In his view, his own strength, wealth and power are the most important. When one day he stood at the top of the pyramid in Ameriga, the so-called upper-class people in Atlanta would all rely on him to breathe his life.

Moreover, he lives comfortably in the Unicorn Apartment and does not need to spend a penny by himself. The Nathan Sports Group recently bought him a fully functional gymnasium, which is being upgraded and renovated at an estimated cost of 10 million less.

——But if he bought the manor by himself, he would have to bear the expenses.

"The mansion is not necessary anymore. It is not a place where I do not live now, but I am very interested in the Burt building."

Li Mochen said ~ ~ while looking at a document in his hand-that is a list of French auction assets provided by the 'Linden Auction House'. Most of the content is from Antonio. Only about one-third of the asset list is derived from other litigation.

The Linden family auction house is one of the long-term cooperation objects of Atlanta's northern and eastern courts, and judicial auctions are held every Wednesday.

The original industries of Antonio should not have entered the judicial auction so quickly, at least more than a month to go through various procedures, and then a period of publicity.

But in Atlanta, many people are eyeing Antonio's industry and can't wait to take over. Therefore, the Special Affairs Office of the Eastern District Court, in the name of “acquiring money to appease the victims as soon as possible”, completed all the procedures in just one week, allowing most of Antonio ’s industries to appear on the list of judicial auctions. Among them, and their evaluation price is also very low.

Li Mochen himself also contributed to this. He wanted to buy the assets of Craig Community Bank, Building 34, Anfaq Street, of course, he could not do nothing.

However, after this asset list was obtained, Li Mochen discovered a new target.

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