Destiny Dominates

Chapter 266: thorns

When returning from the club, Li Mochen was riding Angela's luxury RV Norfolk "Aegis". Compared to the off-road vehicles arranged for him by the Nathan Group, this "Aegis" RV is much more comfortable. Its defensive ability is also very powerful, and legend can fight tank guns.

"So, you really kissed her, Angela?"

After Li Mochen got in the car, he asked curiously: "I feel that there is still a little excitement on her face."

"No! At least one inch behind, there are so many!"

Angela deliberately compared with her fingers; "She is already yours, Amo! No one can touch her except me, including me."

Where Li Mochen could be counterattacked like this, he raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile like a smile: "Really? Then you are trying to recapture the old love. I heard, if you still love me, then kiss Me one, hey! This is really sweet. "

Angela couldn't help but glared at Lena. It was because the maid was not good. You could remind her at that time, but the latter was innocent. She did not expect that her own lady would come here.

"Amo, you say this again, believe it or not, I kicked you off the car?"

Angela feels that this topic should be finished as soon as possible: "Let's talk about the green temple and red face sword you taught us? I always feel that this set of swordsmanship is very familiar."

As she spoke, she pointed her fingers together and formed a sword, gesturing up and down in front of her.

Li Mochen thought that you are of course familiar with this set of swordsmanship, which was selected from the east of this world and improved with a sword named "Taiyi Hunyuan Sword".

In the realm of the original dome, there is indeed a set of swordsmanship called ‘Green Temple and Red Face Sword’. It is also very famous, but Li Mochen cannot be copied over as it is, nor can he be born out of nothing.

Although this can dump the pot to Li Chunchu, Li Mochen must consider this person's ability to back the pot.

Choosing a set of swordsmanship routines that are already in the world to improve them can minimize the doubts of others.

‘Taiyi Hunyuan Sword’ is also a guided swordsmanship. It also has the effects of staying in the face and maintaining beauty, prolonging life and improving physical fitness, but the effect is not as obvious as the ‘green temple red face sword’. With the mastery of Li Mochen's master in kendo, it is easy to integrate the core gist of the "green temple and red face sword" into the sword style of the "Taiyi Hunyuan sword".

"I remembered! This is the Taiyi Hundred Yuan Sword's routine, but every move of the sword style has changed a bit, and the direction of the source force is completely different."

Angela has found a reasonable explanation for Li Mochen: "I heard that there are many schools of Taiyi Hundred Yuan Sword. Is your family's green temple and red face sword one of them?"

"Taiyi Hundred Yuan Sword? I haven't heard of it. Green temples are green temples."

Li Mochen showed a shallow ignorance of the Eastern practice world: "If you are really interested, Angel, I can open some small stoves for you. This swordsmanship. It is really capable of staying in the face, I didn't lie to you."

When he said this, it was not only Angela, but Lina next to him also showed the look of expectation.

At this time, Li Mochen turned to the topic: "An Qi, you invited me to share the car with you. Should you have something to tell me?"

"you guessed right."

Under Angela ’s indication, Lena forwarded a piece of information to Li Mochen: “This is the information I got yesterday, which is related to Amo you. I think the Dragon Witch Church has already reacted. In the next time , Amo, you can never relax. "

Li Mochen frowned, flipped through the folder in his hand, and then murmured: "'Magic Heart' Delong, and 'Iron Thorns' Bertram?"

"The former is a 17th-level illusionist of the Dragon Witch Church. He arrived in Atlanta two weeks ago. He should have been sent by the Dragon Witch Church to hypnotize Herreol. But last night, this person was not in Gerard The underground base of the fine factory. Then there is the 'iron thorn' Bertram, a nineteenth-level dragon artist, and a red priest inside the dragon cult. The intelligence network of my family noticed that this person took this early morning. All American Airlines flights arrived in Atlanta. In addition, he was accompanied by a few helpers, but they were all difficult to identify. The people of Longmanism are mostly good at hiding. Only Bertram, This person's characteristics are particularly obvious. "

Angela's voice was solemn: "Amo, he should have come for you. The strength of 'Iron Thorns' Bertram is very strong, plus the holy artifact on his body, the strength is close to legend. Yours Under his hands, only the sniper who is close to the legend, and the natural punisher, Dyneen Streisie, have the power to fight him. The Dragon and Witch Church has nothing in Atlanta, but this situation is the most dangerous. . "

"Thank you Angel, I will pay attention."

Li Mochen put away this information: "Speaking of it, there is exactly one thing I want to ask you. I want to borrow Angel's channel to inquire about such things as the" stone of destiny ". How much is it?"

The Cardinals Club was originally a suitable channel, but due to Halloween, they will also open this week's opening time to Thursday. But after he finished the fighting game yesterday, it was an attack against Gerard Fine Works, and he had no time to go. In addition, you can also inquire through the Carl and Nathan Group, but Li Mochen discovered a long time ago that the information channel controlled by the former is far inferior to Angela's intelligence network.

"Stone of Destiny? Are the deity fragments of the six goddesses of fate? Wait a minute."

Angela picked up her mobile phone and dialed a number. After about one minute and thirty seconds, she replied to Li Mochen: "I just looked for the most senior appraiser of Chenguang Auction House. There are about two hundred and twenty stones in Amelia ’s destiny, of which three are in my house. He said that the price of the stone of destiny has not been fixed so far. I only know that the most recent auction of the stone of destiny is about one A thumb-sized piece was shot with 13 million gold shields. The use value of this thing is not high, it can make people lucky for a while, but it will be very unlucky afterwards. But after all, it is the relics of several goddess of fortune, and it is subject to many antique Collector's like. "

"Thirteen million gold shields?"

Li Mochen couldn't help but pinch his eyebrows with his fingers, he felt poor again.

"I know ~ ~ Angel, if I have the money together, can you sell me the three stones of destiny in your family?"

"of course,"

Angela answered very simply: "It doesn't matter if you need it now, you can pay afterwards."

Li Mochen shook his head. As a man, he was still reserved.

When the two returned to the unicorn apartment, they found several police cars parked in front of the apartment.

Seeing this, Li Mochen suddenly grew an ominous hunch in his heart. When he took the elevator to the floor where he was, he found that it was already a country of Ze, and there were a lot of burn marks in the living room.

Hairouer was wet and slumped in the middle of the living room until she saw Li Mochen. She suddenly gleamed and rushed over, holding Li Mochen tightly: "Andrea!"

Li Mochen wanted to give her a warm embrace, but at this moment, he had heard a crisp 'click' sound from his ribs, and then his face could not help grinning.

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