Destiny Dominates

Chapter 265: Raise a tiger

"So I'm back."

Christian looked out of the window: "I'm just his adopted son. You can do things that are inconvenient for me, I can."

"So what's the difference? Christian?"

Margaret disagreed: "He knows that you are on our side, and any hostile actions you now have against Andre may lead to unpredictable consequences. We still have to think about other methods, Christian. The previous Jennifer, you did a great job, why not continue? "

"Although the woman is a pig, she is not without a mind."

Cristian rubbed his eyebrows: "I can't force her to do anything with Andre now. Since the Presbyterian Church has elevated her succession rankings, Diamond has supported her several proposals at the board meeting. Jennifer is here. Consciously cut with me. Andre ’s **** is now very strong, and she will not go against her brother for a promise from me. ”

"That may not be true. Jennifer's current financial situation is very tense and may collapse at any time."

Margaret laughed: "Let's try it, and there's no harm, right? Christian? All you have to do is wait with peace of mind and wait for her to beg you."

"Just that's it?"

"Of course not, did you know that Jennifer once asked the bank to provide a loan to his brother?"

"I know, so I think this woman is stupid."

Christian looked cold: "I asked the professionals of the business survey company to examine the stores of the Rising Sun Company in detail. They all said that they have great profit prospects. The fully funded Rising Sun Company can establish their business in the shortest time. First-mover advantage and chain network. "

"Do n’t be so blameless, Christian. Jennifer was right. Her hybrid business was flourishing and sooner or later it would touch others’ cakes. She just did n’t expect Andre ’s fighting talent, and Dwight Payton. The importance he attaches to him is just that, which allowed her younger brother, in a very short time, to build a powerful armament enough to suppress the situation. So, Chris, we want to add another fire under his feet, just The words of the Dragon Witch Church are not enough— "

Margaret's words said: "You should have heard of the Holy Blood Hunting and the Cartier Hunting?"

"Li Chunchu's ally on the mainland of Antolia."

Christian said facelessly: "Li Chunchu once joined forces to form a very powerful joint ship group, and was able to gain a considerable commercial share on the mainland of Antonia. But I I heard that after the death of Li Chunchu, the joint ship regiment has changed its leader, and the five 10,000-ton armed cargo ships under Li Chunchu have also been divided. "

"Your news is out of date, Chris. The latest news is that this joint ship regiment has fallen into infighting and has fallen apart. Recently, due to the war on the mainland of Antalya, the logistics system of the Sacred Blood Hunting Corps and the Kadia Hunting Corps has suffered. It was a heavy blow. So they thought of our nephew, hoping that he could inherit his father ’s business. "

"Wow, this sounds ridiculous, Margaret. These are the top two hunting groups, comparable in strength to a small country with a population of 5-6 million. Are you sure they are looking for our nephew as a supplier? I want to say that even with Li Chunchu ’s affection as a premise, it ’s hard to believe. "

"It's ridiculous, but if you are always paying attention to the situation on the mainland of Antonia, you can know that these mercenary regiments are in a state of emergency and medical treatment. Andre Andre has shown his strength, can he kill? Antonio, not many people have repulsed the dragon cult. "

Margaret's voice was cold: "Chris, we just need to watch next. If possible, we might as well help him go further along the path of the arms supplier."

Christian was silent this time, and he spoke again after a long time: "Margaret, are you sure that this is not a problem with tiger breeding? You know, if André has enough strength, then the elders of the family will never Mind if he joins the Wiltonstein Group. Even our ancestor, he is happy to see a stronger descendant inherited family, not necessarily you. I know that your three younger brothers are fighting for the company ’s management rights. It was very unpleasant, but my sister, please do n’t forget, why did our father use various methods to protect the inheritance of that hybrid. Andre Lee Wiltonstein, he is your most dangerous enemy."

"of course!"

In Margaret ’s voice, there is not much to cope with: “But we ca n’t do it ourselves, right? So we must let him face the enemies beyond his ability. Whether it is his electrical chain store, Dragon cults, or arms dealers, are enough to drag him into the abyss. Dwight Payton is powerful enough to even help the **** to prevent the rebirth of the scorching dragon girl. But in the American business community, in Antoli Most of the outer seas of the Asian continent are the enemies he ca n’t cope with and do n’t want to offend. Sooner or later, there will be a day when he ca n’t help him. ”


At 5:30 in the afternoon, Li Mochen ended the course on time. Then, out of complaints from the students, they quickly walked out of the classroom.

But when he changed his clothes and headed to the underground parking lot, he saw Lena Adrick at the corner not far from the elevator.

"Lina, what about your lady?"

Li Mochen stopped and looked at this one strangely: "What are you doing here?"

He thought that since he met, he would go back together. Anyway, he lived in a unicorn apartment.

Lina didn't speak, she put her index finger to her mouth, motioned for Li Mochen to mute, and then pointed to the corridor next to her.

At this time, Li Mochen also heard the voice of Belinda Harris. The voice was quick and full of anxiety: "Angela, listen to me! Don't you stay close to Andrea again? This is dangerous."

"But why?"

"I'm worried that you will be fascinated by him. That guy is really beautiful, but Angela, you can't just look at his appearance. I only know what he sees, he is a bad breed, a bad guy!"

Belinda incoherently tried to persuade Angela: "Angel, you are still young and it is easy to be deceived."

"But Amo's people are very good, not like you said."

Angela's voice and tone are full of innocence: "Do you know Belinda, I feel that you are saying this deliberately and want me to give up, then you can monopolize Amo."

"Am I monopolizing him?"

Belinda was immediately angry and funny: "An Qi, I am not interested in him! This man in the world is dead, I will not look at him. Also, An Qi, you are too naive, you get along How long have you known that he is very good? Men are in front of their favorite women, but they are all different in appearance ~ ~ It takes a certain time before you can understand his nature. "

"Really? But I doubt your words—"

Angela seemed to be hesitant and spoke again after a while: "So Belinda, didn't you confess to me before and said you like me very much? Then now, if you still love me, kiss me one To kiss your lips, I have to touch you. If you do n’t reject it, then I will believe you. "

"Kiss? Real ~ Real ~ Real?"

Belinda seemed to be surprised, she couldn't even speak, and her breathing became heavy.

But just ten seconds later, there was a scream in the corridor, and Belinda Harris ran out of it as if her **** were on fire. When she saw Li Mochen, who was looking at her with a blank face outside, she was even more ashamed and inexplicable, and she ran wildly in the other direction with tears in her eyes.

"Did you see? Lina, according to Eastern languages, this is called Thirty Years of Hedong, Thirty Years of Hexi--"

When Angela walked out of the hallway with her waist in her back, her face was also rosy.

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