Demon School

Chapter 278: Lu Qiujian's model

The article is not long, but Professor Xuft watched it for more than an hour. Lu Qiujian sat immobile against him, but he was thinking of how to design experiments to find the dark matter particles predicted by his model.

It took a long time for Professor Xuft to put down this article, took off his glasses, and massaged his nose above the bridge of the nose for a while to relieve his visual fatigue. During this period, he wanted to say something but did n’t know how to say it. He shook his head and said, "Lu, although I also have some research in the field of dark matter, but this is not my most concerned field, so I can't comment on your article for the time being!"

"But Prof. Jörg Dietrich and his team in our school have been observing the dark matter in the universe for a long time!" He said, "We will go to the Munich Observatory later Professor Dietrich, let him help you read your article! "

"Okay, thank you, Professor!" Lu Qiujian was not surprised by this result. Just as Professor Nan asked Professor Thurston to help him read the paper about Poincaré's conjecture, the branch of modern science is getting more and more Fine, every tiny field requires scientists to devote all their energy; Fortunately, there are also experts in dark matter at the University of Munich, can help Lu Qiujian read this article, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

"It seems that you intend to use dark matter as the next research direction, a good choice!" Professor Xufute encouraged Lu Qiujian to collect the paper.

Hey, isn't this easier to win the Nobel Prize! If there are not many fields that won the Nobel Prize in a short period of time, Lu Qiujian chose the most convenient path. If the condensed matter field is more likely to win, he will also choose it without hesitation. Thinking like this, it turned into the mouth, "The universe is so beautiful that people can't suppress the urge to explore. The standard model has basically been able to solve the problem of the visible matter field, so I turned my goal to dark matter."

"Professor Dietrich's temper is a little weird. So this time I will not take you past; but I want to wait for him to read your article and let you pass immediately!" Said Professor Xuft took off his own Jacket, walked out with the handbag, "So you have to keep the phone on."

"No problem, I won't go anywhere today. Just waiting in the laboratory!" Lu Qiujian followed Professor Xuft except for the office, separated at the door, watched him drive the car to the direction of the Munich Observatory, and then returned to the experiment In the room.

Another Mr. Dietrich, who had not recovered from the surprise of the Higgs boson, looked at the computer and made a smirk from time to time.

"Hey. Pay attention to the image, in case someone comes in, you will doubt the average IQ of our laboratory members!" Lu Qiujian couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder. If a reporter came in and saw him like this, he might think he was mentally retarded. Hospital?

"Uh, Lu, do you say that our name will appear on the paper?" As mentioned earlier, the author names of cern's major papers can be written on several pages. From the past practice, they look at their laboratory, As the head of the cooperating unit, Professor Xufute played a huge role in the experiment and was sure to be selected. The name will still be very high, Dietrich as the first person to find the data is also likely to be selected, others are not sure!

"I think there should be no problem!" Lv Qiujian said firmly, after comforting Dietrich he went back to his computer and conceived the experimental plan. In the experiment of the Higgs boson, he was a supporting role. , Engeler and others are the protagonists, but this time I want to be the protagonist, I feel absolutely different.

This is like Lu Qiujian working for a big boss Higgs in a company. Although he made a big project, he can get a bonus, but it is not worth mentioning compared with the big boss Higgs's gains. It's now; I started my own business. The big heads you earn are all yours!

Of course, it would n’t work without previous work experience at Higgs. It ’s very difficult to start a business without any relevant industry experience; I do n’t know the relevant rules in the industry, I do n’t have the necessary connections, and I do n’t have enough professional knowledge. Will not accept his project.

Now after half a year of preparatory work. The preparations for starting a business are almost done; he now knows how cern works internally, and he knows the real power figures in cern, such as Evans and Hoyle, and has a good relationship with the veteran Higgs of the theoretical world. , Exercised his ability in the field of experimental physics and won unanimous praise from relevant scientists. If his theoretical model is recognized by the physics community, then he can start experimenting.

If Higgs can win this year. No, as long as there is no accident, the three of them will definitely win the prize! Because of his tremendous role in the experiment, Higgs and others owe a big favor to him, so when his results come out, he will definitely recommend himself as a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Physics ~ www. ~ Nobel prizes have different requirements for nominees. For example, the literary prize is relatively broad. Academicians of various nationalities, professors of literary history and language in universities and other colleges of higher education, Nobel Prize winners and The presidents of writers ’associations of all countries have the right to recommend candidates; any country can pick up a bunch of professors and teachers who are eligible to be nominated. Of course, you have to take out a small country like the Vatican and San Marino.

The number of people who are eligible to be nominated for the Physics Award will be much less, only limited to Swedish or foreign academicians of the Royal Swedish Academy of Natural Sciences, members of the Nobel Committee on Physics and Chemistry, scientists who have been awarded Nobel Physics, Recommended by scientists such as Lund, Oslo, Copenhagen, University of Helsinki, Caroline School of Medicine and Royal Institute of Technology permanent or temporary physics professors. I am afraid that the total number of scholars with the right to nominate the Nobel Prize in Physics is less than one thousand! This is many times worse than the literary award.

For example, after the report of the Higgs boson, the three nominees for Higgs, Engle and Braut were the candidates for this year's Nobel Prize in Physics.

Lv Qiujian, who was planning the experimental plan, was disturbed by the vibration of the mobile phone in his pocket. Probably Professor Xuft ’s phone? Lu Qiujian felt the phone over and over again, hey, why is Beckenbauer?

"Lu, next Wednesday, you must come to the club anyway!" Beckenbauer said solemnly. (To be continued.)

Ps: woo woo, will I be 404 in the next chapter?

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