Demon God

Chapter 200: Howling

From the waiter in the restaurant, Xiao Han heard some information that seemed to be related to this hunting game. He simply gave his belly and left a contact sign, and then left the restaurant directly.

Walking calmly and tenaciously on the ten-mile long street, passing by with strangers who rubbed shoulders, Xiao Han's mind was lively ... 'An explorer went to the uninhabited area and hundreds of people went in Only three people escaped. This incident happened a month ago. They guarded the gates and empires of Nikko City, and did not send true-spirited warriors to investigate, completely indifferent. Is it intentional? That unmanned area is really related to the assessment of the fourth stage of this monster trial? Is it the lair of Qinglin Demon Emperor and his demon tribe? Anyway, I went straight into that no-man's land ... find an opportunity, and find a way to kill the Qingling Demon Emperor ... this time, I will not only earn enough points, but I will definitely earn the Qinglin Demon Emperor. The extinct demon sword can make my combat power soar ... that is definitely a trivial offensive demon method. In the case of ample demon power, you can rely on this trick to join the excellent demon of the level of the day emperor and the dragonblade holy sword. Xia Chamber resists salute, does not fall behind! ’

According to the waiter's dictation, it can be tens of thousands of miles away from the barren area in the center of Nikko City. It is about half a month away to ride green horses. If it really turns into a tortoise or an ice dragon, it can arrive at most one day and one night.

"Nevertheless, in the glory of the broad daylight, I am not in a position to infuriate the flying maggots, disturb the civilians, and be pierced by other players. Wait until the night before acting secretly ..." Xiao Han's mind was set, and he was going to find an inn to rest For a while.

Turn around Long Street. Xiao Han stepped into a deep lane.


The dormant monster egg in Xiao Han's heart turned slightly. Send a signal!

The demon egg sensed the demon tribe!

"Huh?" Xiao Han stepped forward.

I saw that the deep alley was funnel-shaped. The entrance could be as wide as a foot, narrower as it went in. A bush of bamboo was planted at the end of the alley, and birds were making noise.

At the entrance of Shen Lane, there are more than a dozen stalls on both sides, selling some handmade products and snacks.

"咻 ~~~"

Xiao Han's eyebrows opened a gap the size of rice grains. The dim and sharp demon light flashed out of the demon eyes, so that Xiao Han suddenly saw that the boss was a middle-aged bearded man at a stall with several wooden tables, and was slowly giving it to several people. Guests cook ravioli.

Xiao Han's demon eyes directly saw this bearded man! Make Xiao Hanqing see clearly. In this bearded man's body, the demon's spirit pervaded the tide, and the demon veins like the evil dragon were rolling and wriggling!

"The 2487 demon veins ... is a demon general. And it is a demon general with extremely powerful magic power!" Xiao Han immediately concluded.

Awakening below 10,000 demon veins, is a demon general.

"Well ... Sure enough, there are demon people disguised as adult people, lurking in the downtown area of ​​Nikko. Good, good," Xiao Han sketched out a chuckle, and slowly walked towards the stall.

"Cough ..." The beard coughed twice and moved his hands. Also raised his eyes to stare at Xiao Han, the evil demon light. Flashing from his eyes and pupils, he smiled strangely at Xiao Han. "Guest, eat?"

"Oh ..." Xiao Han shook his head and smiled, and walked directly to a wooden table at the booth of the uncle. "Boss, I'm looking for something personal, can I take a step to talk ..."

"Hey, hey ... nothing can be said to others, what is the guest officer, just say it here. I have lived in Nikko City for more than 40 years, and I have never done anything in the adultery department. Among the neighbourhood neighbours, word of mouth is excellent ... hehe he said, while placing a bowl of ravioli on the table, resting his right hand on the shoulder of a middle-aged fat man. "Brother Luo, your uncle. You eat slowly, hey, eat slowly." He put a right light on his right hand on the middle-aged fat man's shoulder, flashing a demon light. There is no doubt that this demon will only need to seduce the demon force slightly, and this middle-aged fat man will be torn to pieces in the breath.

"Huh? Want me to cast a **** ..." Xiao Han shook his head slightly. "The point of killing civilians is to deduct points. Besides, the people here and I have no grudges and no resentment, and there is no need to affect them."

Looking at the demon's glance, Xiao Han's heart suddenly felt an illusion ... He felt that at this moment, he was already a demon, mixed with the world, and cut off the demon. Shangyi Renxia, ​​Hongchen Inn, happy rivers and lakes, soaring, free and easy!

"Hey ... it's so cool to be a monster! Look at me Xiao Han, **** your demon general!" Xiao Han's warfare transpired between his chest, his pride, and his thoughts moved a little. Xiao Han took out a lot of pearl agate gold and silver from the storage ring and piled it on the wooden table.

"Uh ..." A few diners stared at their eyes, their necks were stiff, and looked at the gold and silver treasures Xiao Xiao had laid on the table, his throat grumbled.

The stall owners and guests at other stalls also threw their eyes over the pearls and gemstones, and they could never be separated!

"Well, let's share these jewels and wealth for everyone!" Xiao Han smiled arrogantly, holding up the shiny pearls and crystal clear gems with both hands, struggling to throw them out of the alley!

"Ah !!!!!! Mine! Mine! It's mine!"

There were dozens of people in the alley, and they rushed out almost the first time.

"Huh?" The demon was about to suffocate, and then grinned, and the demon was as light as a torch in his pupils, seemingly anxious to devour Xiao Han.

"Let's go ~~" Xiao Han stood up arrogantly, holding one hand directly around the demon general's shoulder, pulling it alive, pulling the demon towards the end of the deep lane.

"Damn! Terran! You ... Are you a demon?" The demon screamed a terrible roar from his throat, and his whole body bowed, and then he rose sharply into his mouth, his eyes like the sun and the moon, his skull. Rushan, the 2487 demon veins in the body swell together, making every hair on its body exude a monstrous demon, a demon river at its feet swells, the air in all directions seems to be turbulent and turbulent. cold!

"Hey ~~~" Xiao Han was unafraid. Slap your right hand!

A force that tore the heavens and the earth burst out. Endless star sand and nebula burst out!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The demon general has not had time to complete the transformation, the whole body is cracked, exploding like ceramic tiles, but it was suddenly burst by Xiao Han!

"咻 ~~~ 咻 ~~~~ 咻 ~~~"

Before waiting for the demon corpse to explode, Xiao Han's left-arm demon emperor's palm tattoos kept moving, spraying out the violent suction, thoroughly demonizing the essence of the demon corpse!

"Om ~~ um ~~ um ~~~~"

Sucked up the corpse of the demon. This made Xiao Han's palm of the left arm demon emperor suddenly awaken a full 100 demon veins!

At the same time, the jade card in Xiao Hanhuai also triggered a slight tremor.

Xiao Han reached into his arms, took out the jade card, and saw that the aura of light traveled on the jade card. The misty light flickered. In the end, inside the crystal jade card, there were a few small words under the number marked with the number ‘4’ ... ‘Integral: 10’.

"Huh? Just killed a demon general, on this jade card. The points are displayed immediately, which is really amazing ... Hey, yes, I have earned 10 points, Master. I ’m just 10490 points away. Hahaha ... "

Xiao Han smiled. Immediately turned and left the alley.

At the alley, a large group of worldly people were still bending over to fight for the gold and silver treasures thrown out by Xiao Han. They did not realize that Xiao Han had killed the demon.

Xiao Han quickly left the alley, silent and disappeared into the vast crowd.

"Okay, okay, the old man can't rob you ... don't rob, don't rob ..." An old man with a hunched back stood up and squeezed out step by step. As soon as she squeezed out of the alley, her wrinkled face dries up her skin, all of a sudden shedding of warm luster, all the wrinkles are spread out, the old spots disappear, her ridged back is straightened, and the whole body is radiated. There was a flawless and stainless breath. The runes rolled in her eyes, and the breath was strong and boundless. She looked at the direction in which Xiao Han disappeared and nodded slightly. "This guy is good. Participant No. 4, named 'Xiao Han', will actually repair it. In order to suppress the ancient wells, he suddenly shot, and instantly killed a demon general, silent, and thunder means ... There are some secrets of the demon family ... The old man is responsible for monitoring the competition process of the No. 4 contestant Xiao Han ... this boy, It ’s awesome, it ’s really awesome! The level of the Yaoxia trial this time is too high, which can be seen from the young contestant Xiao Han.

She muttered for a moment, and the old lady disappeared into the crowd. She seemed to walk very slowly, but a few breaths disappeared as if it were evaporated on the earth. If you are seen by someone you will be horrified. .


A restaurant in Nikko.

Positioned next to the window on the second floor, there was a boy in white clothes winning a snow. His whole body was very clean, clean and dust-free, with a faint light flashing on his body. His eyebrows looked like swords. It is sharp, and the skin on the face is as shiny as jade, but it gives a heavy feeling, but his eyes are narrow and narrow, like a wolf, and he knows that he is an extreme character who cannot tolerate people.

He was drinking, and some thoughtful expressions were brewing in his eyes.

at this time…

"Brother Yun ..." A very young teenager stepped forward, his whole body in black and black pants, his eyes shining dark, and his whole body exuding a barren and terrible atmosphere.

Behind this boy in black, he followed a man with a face like a crown and a temperament.

"Brother Ma, this person seems to be the Prince of the South Mountain Lingshan?" The boy in white wins the snow, still sitting, motionless.

"Yes, Brother Yun, the younger brother just strolled around in the neighborhood, and we didn't find the people in our demon domain, nor did we find the whereabouts of the elder brother, but they were privy to Prince Lingshan of Nanyu," said the boy in black.

"Hello friend of this demon domain," Prince Lingshan nodded slightly, and a touch of imperceptible expression flickered in his eyes.

"Huh?" Brother Yun took a arrogant glance at Prince Lingshan and said indifferently. "A contestant from the Southern Region? The dog thief Xiao Han, who also comes from the Southern Region, is a deadly enemy with us. It can be said that we now have absolutely no favor with any of the contestants in the Southern Region. What are you doing?"

"Oh ..." Prince Lingshan smiled. "My friend, my target of hunting is a contestant in the wild. Therefore, we have no conflicts of interest and contradictions. We cannot be enemies, because we will deduct points for accidentally killing non-designated targets."

Prince Lingshan also sat down. "I also know that Xiao Han is hateful to all of you in the Xiaxia domain, and that the young leader of your Xiaxia domain, Jia Long, is Xiao Han."

"Prince Lingshan, what are you trying to say?" Brother Yun proudly said.

"Hahaha ... nothing. Xiao Han is very proud. Although he is from the Southern Region with him, he has no friendship at all. Not only is there no friendship, but I am very disgusted with Xiao Han ... I mean We work together to deal with Xiao Han together. Of course, my request is that the people in your demon domain will help me hunt and kill that great wasteland contestant. "

"Prince Lingshan, don't sell Guanzi, tell your plan." The boy in black urged.

"Okay." Prince Lingshan nodded. "I mean, I also searched for Xiao Han with all my strength. Although Xiao Han has no friendship with me, but everyone is from the Southern Region. As long as he finds Xiao Han, no matter how bad he is, Xiao Han will not be very wary of himself. At that time, I will stabilize Xiao Han, and you set a trap. At that time, we will work together to make Xiao Han! Also, if you can find Xiao Han's companions, you can also lead the snake out of the hole! "

"Oh ... Prince Lingshan, you are from the Southern Region. Why do we believe you?" Brother Yun smiled coldly.

"You have no reason not to believe in my Prince Lingshan. First, everyone knows that the spirit of the monster is huge, and Kalon's cultivation is unparalleled, and luck is overwhelming. Xiao Han is not Kanron's opponent, Xiao Han and the monster The talents of Xia Yu are right. It is tantamount to hitting a stone with a jewel. The truth is that there is not a lot of friends in the world and a lot of enemies in the world. In the future, everyone will become a demon. In some places, I I also have to rely on you, and rely on Brother Kalong. Second, I also don't like Xiao Han's arrogance and arrogance ... These two reasons are enough, right? Prince Lingshan smiled.

"Hmm ..." Brother Yun tapped the table with his finger a few times and nodded his head slightly. "Okay, Prince Lingshan, I will leave a way for you to communicate. You are responsible for searching Xiao Han and his companions. You can rest assured, your We will help you find the target of the hunt, and we will abandon it, and give it to you to kill.

"Okay, everyone is happy to cooperate." Prince Lingshan smiled with satisfaction. "In addition, I have a close friend, Nanyuan Haishen Zongyuan. I also asked my two brothers to help find it and find it. I joined forces with Tianyuan to search Xiao Han and the whereabouts of my accomplices. I also have more clues."

"Okay, that's it." Brother Yun nodded. He took a dozen Fuyu from his arms and gave it to Prince Lingshan. "This amulet is burned with infuriating ~ ~ is the unique contact method for the younger generation of Yaoxia domain, and it is valid within a hundred miles."

Prince Lingshan accepted Fu Yu with satisfaction and got up to leave.


"Hmm! This kind of aphid is also used to make use of it, and it is an idiot to deliberately climb the high branches of the young generation in our demon domain!" Brother Yun looked scornful and disdainful. Pause. "Brother Ma, when you will go out and burn the Fu Run, call the horses and horses, and look around to see if there are any secret signs left."

"Yes, Brother Yun." The boy in black nodded and immediately smiled. "Brother Yun, if we find Xiao Han here for our brother, it will be a great achievement!"

"That's natural. This time, Xiao Han is bound to die in the hands of Master, becoming a stepping stone to the rise of Master! And all the contestants in our demon domain will become a new generation of demon without a doubt! Live up to Master Their cultivation! "


...... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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