Demon God

Chapter 199: Prelude to Hunting ... Nikko Castle!

The flickering runes, such as dragons and snakes, are full of spiritual power, fairy charm is ethereal, and they fly like butterflies. They are marked with various terrain sitting markers, jumping out of the cold body like a jade fairy, and scattered to many contestants By…

"咻 ~~~ 咻 ~~~ 咻 ~~~"

Each piece of Zhang Fuyu was slightly stained with the player's body and breath, and it flashed out crystal light, waves of light, air flowing, and the mysterious power of space fluctuated, and the player was teleported away.

Participants disappeared out of thin air ...


"In this way, our code is marked with the word" egg "... well, leave the word in a hidden place, and wait for communication and communication ..." Xiao Han whispered quickly.

As for why it is the word "egg", it is a word that comes out subconsciously without much consideration.

Xiao Han's words just came ...

"咻 ~~"

A falcon took Xiao Han away.


"Eh? Why is it the 'egg'?" Zhu Fatzi was uncertain.

"This?" Shao Yunrong thought for half a breath. "Maybe Xiao Han likes to eat eggs."

"Giggle ~~" Mo Qingtong pretty red flushed slightly, "Maybe it means something else. Giggle ..."

"Well, no matter what it means, all in all, after we dispersed, we used the word" Egg "as the secret tone to communicate," Huo said.


"咻 ~ 咻 ~ 咻 ~" There was a fluctuation in space, and the four were quickly taken away by Fu.


"Students, after arriving in the 'Sunlight City' in the Western Regions. Marked by the words 'Demon's Domain' and communicate with each other ..." Gallon also ordered.

That's all for now. He was taken away by Fuyu.


Not long after, all 1,160 contestants were teleported out of the air city and headed to the fourth examination room of the current demonic trial, the Western Region 'Sunlight City'.

Only cold as jade and morning dying wind remained in place.

"Ru Yu, this fourth pass is too harsh and harsh, and it can be called cruel. I don't know how many young people can pass the level and become a new generation of monsters." Chen passed away with both hands, frowning.

Leng Ruyu smiled. "Actually, it doesn't matter if you think about it carefully. When our generation of demons were young, they often went into peril and participated in the action of hunting demons. The difficulty was not less than the assessment of the fourth pass. Also, the content of the assessment It was decided at a high level, and we, the examiners, were only able to execute orders. "

"Well ... not embarrassed by life or death. Even becoming a monster, it is only the lowest cannon fodder ..." Chen died and nodded. Immediately opened again. "The biggest highlight of the fourth stage is whether the contestants can hunt and kill the seriously injured King Lin, and the second is the peak battle between Xiao Han and Gallon. Let ’s not talk about hunting King Lin. What do you think of the collision between Xiao Han and Gallon? "

"Hmm ..." Leng Yuyu's foggy eyes were in his eyes. A thoughtful look appeared, and a few breaths passed. She just said softly. "Ruyu is more attractive to Kanon. Kanon's temperament is too dusty, extraordinary, with immortal qualities, and luck is like rainbow; and Xiao Han, despite his violent fighting force, perseverance and willpower, often has adventures. And capture, but the temperament is too fierce, too rigid and easy to break. I am afraid that Xiao Han is not as good as Galleon. "

"Hahaha ... Gallon is a deep lake, Xiao Han is a sea of ​​anger." The morning passing wind smiled suddenly, and suddenly, there was a strange color in his eyes, with a very low tone of air. "Xiao Han, the biggest secret in his body is the palm of the demon clan, he got my demon eyes, hunted the demon clan, even more powerful ... In the city of Nikko, the demon clan fought so that Xiao Han could get a lot Points, and constantly nourishing the palm of the demon emperor, awakening the demon vein ... Although Galon is strong, he may not win Xiao Han steadily. "

"The wind is passing, what are you talking about?" Leng Ruyu suffocated.

"Oh ... Ruyu, you are optimistic about Gallon, and I am optimistic about Xiao Han." Chen Chenfeng's voice suddenly became very certain.

Leng Ruyu smiled gently and didn't say much.

"In this way, like jade, now we will go to Sunshine City in secret to monitor the progress of the game, how about it?"

"The passing of the wind, the fourth pass of the assessment this time, a strict order has been issued above, to block the test room, only a group of senior monsters follow up with each participant in the city of sunshine ... other monsters cannot enter the city without permission. It ’s a nuisance. In addition, there are no magic eyes in Sunshine City, so those who are paying attention to the final stage of this year ’s demo contest can only see the result by the name on the list, and they cannot watch the process ... ” Cold Ruyu laughed slowly.

"Neither can we go to Nikko?"

Leng Ruyu ‘,’ smiled and pulled out two runes from his arms. "Okay, don't sell off, we are the examiner, naturally we can go to Nikko, the wind is gone, let's go ..."


"咻 ~~~~~~"

I don't know how long the teleportation took, Xiao Han's feet were steady, his eyes were flashed by the scorching sun!

"Huh? It's hot ..."

A surge of heat swept through.

When Xiao Han closed his eyes and closed his eyes, he opened his eyes and watched the surrounding environment with vigilance.

I saw that the place I was in was a fruit forest, full of greenness and vitality, what cantaloupe, grape vine, cactus ... colorful, happy growth, extremely lush, exuding a strong fruity aroma.

A sapphire lake embellishes the fruit forest, bringing a refreshing drive to the heat.

Xiao Han was teleported alone. There were no other competitors around, and the environment seemed very quiet and cozy. Peaceful.

"Hoo ~~~~~" Xiao Han exhaled a sigh of sigh. During this period of time, his tight heart string eased. He stepped to the lake, squatted down, and washed his face with water.

"It seems that this is the Western Region. This hot climate and the gravel in the air are the characteristics of the Western Region. This place should be an oasis. It must be the examination room of the fourth pass, 'Sunlight City'." Xiao Han aside Wash your face and drink the lake's scent of fruits and fruits, quickly tidying. "In the city of Sunlight, there are wounded Devil King Emperor. There are a lot of demon soldiers, demon generals. Kill Devil King Demon Emperor. You can get horrible 100,000 points; kill a demon soldier only 1 point; a demon general 10 points ... The other contestants must have been mixed into Nikko City at this time, and all of them are waiting for the opportunity. Interesting. My hunting target, Garon, does not know where he is at this time. "

Xiao Han stood up and walked eastward. There was a lively noise in the east. It seemed to be a market.

"I have encountered the Emperor Qinglin several times, and it is very dangerous. This demon can sense the demon eggs in my heart. Last time in the royal sunset mountains of the Beacon Empire, surrounded the North Xuan Yaohuang, the Emperor Qinglin was willing to hesitate. Taking a risk, going from the Western Regions to the Southern Regions, for nothing else, just to capture me and to capture the biggest secret in my heart. His grandma. Now, I am in the city of Sunlight with Qinglin Demon Emperor, maybe It can sense the demon egg in my heart. At that time, without me going to find it, it will actively come to your door to deal with me ... "Xiao Han also felt in his heart. "Although it was a badly wounded demon emperor, there is still some power left. The extinction of the demon sword, the destruction of the world, is no small matter. Fortunately, in the past few years, I have advanced greatly in combat, especially this time the trial of the demon. The left arm demon emperor's palm awakened 20,000 demon veins, making the two demon ways to be used to the fullest. By the way ... I did everything I could to deal with the imperial Emperor Qinglin under severe injuries! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ! Kill him while he is sick! "

Xiao Han licked his lips, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. "If you can get Qilin Demon Emperor Crystal, learn **** the demon sword ... Hehe, it will be easier to deal with Karon! By that time, when caught off guard, Lao Tzu will torture that guy to death!"

With Xiao Han's current knowledge and methods, it is no longer possible to look at Qinglin Demon Emperor and escape as before, scaring the fart and running away without seeing the shadows, and dare to try. Of course, the prerequisite is that Qinglin Demon Emperor has been seriously injured, and the demon power is ten or two. If in the heyday of the Demon King Emperor, then even the fiendish monsters such as Da Ri Tian Zi and Dragon Bone Sword could not be hunted by themselves, Xiao Han would have no reason to think otherwise.


Xiao Han sealed the body's true points and the strong meat shell, exuding the breath of ordinary people, without revealing flaws, Shi Shiran stepped into a lively and prosperous street.

It seems that this city of sunshine is a famous city in the western region, and the oasis in the desert is very prosperous and prosperous. The streets are crowded with people, and there is a crowd of people. There are Guangyu Building and Qionglou Yuyu everywhere.

Its prosperity is actually no less than that of some empires in the Southern Region.

I can see that there are people who are walking around, three beauticians, some beggars, what storytellers are under the bridge, what merchants, what barefoot doctors, the old man who is a sugar blower ... All beings, 72, are everywhere.

There are also some gorgeous carriages running on the street. The carriage is filled with the rich lady Miss Jin Jin, Jin Zhiyu Ye, and guards and maids beside the carriage are waiting attentively.

In Xiao Han's ears, various sounds were heard ...

"Last time, the book said that the Wind Demon Emperor is like a body of electricity, full of demon power, full of demon power, that is billowing into the sky, covering the sun and the moon! In one breath, it devours all the souls of a city, and it is cruel. The demon tactics reach the sky, and the wind demon emperor is trapped in a barren mountain ... "

"Li Ji Roasted Chicken! Freshly baked Li Ji Roasted Chicken! The crispy and tender meat is a craft handed over from Dongyu. Come and taste it first ... This is a famous snack that is well-known in Dongyu. It is all the rage Dongyu is a fairyland-like place ... Everyone in Dongyu loves Li Ji Roasted Chicken ... "

"Brother Dongfang, the younger brother is going to set off, go to Nanyu, and trust his uncle ..."


Xiao Han calmly walked on the street, his eyebrows flickered with an inconceivable ray of demon light, and he shot around, but he did not find any monsters on this long street. In addition, the dormant egg in the heart and the tattoo on the palm of the left arm demon emperor were also quiet and honest, and did not convey a warning to the demon tribe.

"No demons have been found for the time being." Xiao Han nodded slightly. Immediately, he carefully observed for a long time, at least on this long street, no other competitors were found.

"Well ... everything is normal." Xiao Han smiled. "First find a place like a restaurant, have a full meal, and inquire about the situation in Nikko City by the way."

Xiao Han found an open-air restaurant on the street and sat in a position near the window on the second floor.

He looked at the beings outside the window. Involuntarily sighed. "The civilians of Nikko City are living ordinary and busy. They don't know anything. At this moment, there is already a fierce demon emperor, and a lot of demon soldiers and generals will sneak into their homeland. Once these demon people go crazy, Unbridled, this bustling city will be wiped out in no time. All living things are reduced to the rations of the demons ... they have no ability to protect themselves, and they feel a bit sad and pitiful when they think about it. "

"Well ... wait, the population density of Nikko City is too great. If the contestants are here to hunt down the demons, or even kill each other, I am afraid. The infuriating waves of anger will affect many innocent civilians. Make them die. In the assessment of the fourth pass, the civilians are killed by mistake, and points are deducted ... "Xiao Han turned his thoughts and thought," It seems. The difficulty of the fourth pass assessment is really beyond ordinary, Not only must you earn enough points, but you can't kill civilians by mistake. In a month, you need to earn enough 10500 points ... But. If you kill Qinglin Demon Emperor, that is 100,000 points. You can pass the level casually. . "


Just when Xiao Han's thoughts were fluctuating, the waiter of the restaurant came to hospitality. Xiao Han took out a part of the secular gold and silver jewelry from the storage ring, rewarded the waiter, asked the waiter to sit down, talked carefully, and asked about the situation of Sunshine City.

After some inquiries, Xiao Han knew that Nikko City, a famous city in the Western Regions, covers an area of ​​more than 100,000 miles and is extremely prosperous. It seems like a small country. Outside the city, there is a ‘Lone Crane Mountain Range’ with a lot of martial arts gates on it. Some masters of true spirit were born to protect the city of Sunlight, so as not to be disturbed by the demon clan.

There are tens of millions of people in Nikko, not to mention a large population.

"There are tens of millions of people in a city!" Xiao Han was startled. "And the land area is boundless. In this way, in a month, it is not easy to find the demons, find Gallon and other contestants, and find Chu Fatty in such a huge city! "

"I don't know where Zhu Fatty, Qing Tong and others were teleported. I hope they will not be hunted down by other contestants." Xiao Han prayed silently.

However, it is not so easy to be hunted down by competitors. Points will be deducted for manslaughter of non-designated contestants. A total of 1,000 points will be deducted. This is not trivial and can affect the points that pass the level.

Xiao Han thought that his companions would not be so unlucky, and they ran into competitors who were designated to hunt them down.

"Hey ... Qinglin Demon King, Karon, where are you?" Xiao Han is now a little confused when he first entered Nikko.

Soon, Xiao Han calmed down and thought carefully.

To pass, you need 10500 points. Even if the designated hunting target is killed, only 10,000 points are left, and the remaining 500 points must be obtained by hunting the monsters.

Only 1 point is required to kill a demon soldier, and 10 points are required for a demon soldier.

That is to say, after killing the designated target, many monsters have to be hunted before they can make enough pass scores, or they can go directly to hunt King Qinglin.

In this way, there must be a lot of monsters hiding in Nikko.

"By the way, you guys in Nikko City, haven't been out for a long time, have you?" Xiao Han asked blurtly.

"Uh ..." Listening to Xiao Han's sudden mention of the Demon Clan, the waiter passed a look of astonishment in his eyes, and immediately lowered his voice. "Guest, let's not tell you, we haven't had monsters in Nikko City for hundreds of years, but last month, something strange happened."

"Oh?" Xiao Han asked in a hurry. "What a weird thing?"

"In the center of our city of Nikko ~ ~ there is an uninhabited area. The 'Karver River' runs through this barren area. Some guys who are full of food and have nothing to do, often like to run to this Human area adventure. Last month, an expedition team could have hundreds of people. They entered the unmanned area. As a result, only 3 people escaped. They escaped, but they were all crazy. There is a demon, and at night, there is sorrow and sorrow, heartbreaking, bleak ... This matter is wickedly tight, guest, you say, if there is a demon, what are they doing in the unmanned area? Entering the bustling city and harming our people? To say that those explorers are lying and lying, but when hundreds of people enter, there are a few people. It does n’t make sense, everyone else is killed? How did they get killed? Is it true that there are monsters? Clan? "

"Karver river? No man's land?" There was a flash of light in Xiao Han's mind!

Soon, he asked the exact location of the uninhabited area.

After dismissing the waiter, Xiao Han calmly engraved an 'egg' on the dinner table, then got up and left the restaurant.


...... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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