Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 353: Tao and law and art

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"As a ruler, you should know the truth and be above the top, so that you can do a hundred times with one part of your power."

After Lingqing said that, he lightly tapped Cangbi, and controlled it to feed back the Sifang Ritual Artifact to promote the expansion of the territory.

Then the expansion of the territory can gather more power to implement the system, spread knowledge, plant hundreds of grains, and harvest the hearts of the people.

Whether it is the mastery of the country, the strength of the army, or the operation of the system, the accumulation of inheritance, the harvest of farming, or the backsliding of the people, he knows the changes.

So it's very easy to evolve.

For a time, with the light of the four square ritual vessels, the country continued to expand outwards.

And the increased territory and land area also continuously derived the spirit of the four-sided ritual vessel.

As a result, a lot of prayers were accumulated, which turned into national luck and enhanced Cangbi's power.

A new cycle is formed.

"However, if the emphasis is placed on agriculture and the army is neglected, the country will be powerless, the system will be relaxed, the inheritance will be chaotic, and then the achievements of agriculture will be jeopardized.

If the axe system is too simplistic, how can it be possible to capture the world's way? "

In terms of the weather in front of him, Chizhang's qi was in full swing first, then surpassed Huang Cong's qi, and attacked Baihu's qi to reduce it sharply.

Then, Xuan Huang's qi was scattered, and Qing Gui and Chi Zhang's qi became chaotic.

The chaos of the four jades affected the size of the territory, and the people's hearts turned to their backs, resulting in a decrease in the qi of Huang Cong and Cangbi.

In Xu Xing's theory of co-cultivation between the ruler and the people, he focused on cultivation while ignoring others, causing the system to collapse.

It should be in the agricultural business theory, that is, it should not be just "there is only one price for the same kind of commodity, and there is no second price".

It should be that different commodities have different prices with different qualities, but this price will not infringe on other aspects.

Market prices cannot be irregular, and irregularities will bring chaos.

But it can't be too simple, too simple can cause confusion.

It should be divided into more detail. It should be simple but not simple, delicate and clear.

rather than a black and white one-size-fits-all approach.

Xu Xing looked at the system manifested by Lingqing in front of him, and was silent for a long time.

Ji Yan's eyes lit up, as if he had found his way.

Living in an era, it naturally has its limitations.

Even if Xu Xing himself had already comprehended the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, in this era, he had to abide by the rules of this era.

There are also strategies for farming and warfare among farmers, and they also regulate and sort out the laws of farming and sort out the corresponding knowledge.

It also affirmed the concept of division of labor and mutual assistance, and the concept of various jobs, which also coincides with Lingqing's theory of the four jades.

It's just too idealistic.

If he creates a world and implements his own way, he will naturally be able to run unimpeded with his ability.

However, the Tao can be pursued alone, but it cannot be pursued alone. If you walk alone, you can keep the Tao, and if you seek alone, the Tao will be exhausted.

"Counselor Ling is the way of the king and the way of seeking agriculture.

May Ling Gong know that the farmer is the foundation of the country, and the people are the foundation of the king, so that he will live up to his demands. "

Xu Xingji bowed to Lingqing.

He also understands that what Lingqing wants to express is the idea of ​​a farm family, but it is not only the idea of ​​a farm family.

It's just that he chose the way of farming, and naturally he must be farming-oriented.

"There are thousands of avenues, with different paths.

Xu Zi sought the Tao from farming, and the reason is extraordinary.

I am still exploring, and I hope that in the future, Xu Zi will be able to enlighten me. "

Lingqing hurriedly helped him up.

After this argument, he also sorted out his own understanding of the way of being a king during this period of time.

Although it did not make him much gain in the way of nature.

But it gave him a better understanding of Xiantian Yiqi.

The innate energy can contain all things, and it can transform all things into one, and it can also transform all things into one.

And when he walks the way of becoming one, he naturally has to reconcile all things in one.

There seems to be no difference between this behavior and the way of being a king.

They are all reconciling each other, making them fit together naturally, and then inspiring each other and achieving each other.

The moment he understood this truth, the real mana in Lingqing's body suddenly became lively and a little more agile.

There is a faint meaning that the essence and energy are combined into a congenital energy, which dominates and integrates everything.

However, he was pressed down.

At this time, the way of the elements has not yet been opened, and the authority of the gods has not been condensed. It is not yet time.

Next, Lingqing asked Xu Xing about the combination of nature and the avenue of heaven and earth.

Agricultural production must rely on weather and meteorological conditions such as sunlight and rain, as well as land for crops to grow.

And how to make these natural ecological conditions most suitable for the growth and harvest of crops.

This requires human strength and wisdom to properly manage crops according to natural conditions.

To do this, you must understand the laws contained in them and be able to use them.

This law is the Dao, and the method sorted out through this law is called the Fa.

How to integrate crops with the way of heaven and earth is the way of the farmer.

In practice, corresponding techniques are required.

Just as Druids have spells such as germination and plant growth, farmers also have their corresponding spells.

However, due to cultural differences, the spell concepts of the two sides are also different.

Druid's concept is very simple and direct. If you want plants to grow quickly, then use energy to accelerate the process of growth.

Just like the growth of a plant, it acts directly on the plant itself.

The farmer's magic has the unique nature of Chinese culture, and it pays attention to harmony.

If you want to increase crop yield, you will cultivate spiritual fields by turning the soil and weeding, and irrigate the vegetation with spiritual rain to create a more suitable environment.

And select good seeds to passively improve quality and yield.

Even if you want to obtain a better spiritual seed, it is optimized through long-term cultivation.

Instead of using the alienation ability to mutate the plant, just like the alienation plant authority that Lingqing had condensed at the beginning.

However, these two methods are contained in the laws of nature, and the effect is better when the two are combined.

Therefore, when Xu Xing obtained the inheritance of the Druid about the way of, he thought of reorganizing the inheritance of the farm family.

Taoism, Dharma, and Art.

Tao is the root, law is the stem, and art is the branches and leaves.

However, the art must conform to the law, and the law must be based on the Tao.

The foolish people use art as art, do not know the law, do not see the Tao.

A person of the mean, sees the law by means of art, practices art by way of law, but does not follow the way.

And those who know above all know the law from the art, and understand the Tao from the law, and then the Tao understands the law and the art is self-evident.

Lingqing thinks that he is only a moderate person, who can integrate all kinds of spells with the existing way.

However, if he were allowed to pass these spells and understand the new Dao, he would not be able to do so.

Therefore, the incarnations of the Miaoxiang, Miaodao, and Miaoling that he integrated did not follow the way he learned.

It's not the right way, it's just a mean person.

Xu Xing is different.

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