Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Vol 2 Chapter 197: Seeking the law

Buddhist homework takes longer than Taoism.

After Faming led everyone to finish the morning class, Ling Qing and the two also finished their homework long ago.

He was standing on the sidelines watching everyone do their gong.

"Brother Dao is polite."

When he saw that his homework was over, he was about to go to the meditation, but suddenly he heard Fa Ming calling him.

Lingqing came and sat down with him under the big tree next to the pagoda and asked him.

"I don't know what's wrong with my brother?"

Faming stopped the bead that was spinning in his hand, looked at him and said.

"Although it is a bit presumptuous, the poor monk would like to ask the Taoist brother for your nectar purification method.

I don't know if my brother would be willing?

Of course, the Buddha's teaching still needs to ask for some personnel, and the poor monk will naturally not ask his brother's secret law in vain.

The poor monk here has a "Eight Treasures Merit Golden Lotus View Ideas", and he is willing to do personal affairs in this way. . "

As he spoke, he took out a booklet from his arms and handed it to Lingqing.

Lingqing couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard his request to ask about the Dharma of Ganlu Pure Karma.

Seeing that he even prepared the Dharma door, he couldn't help but take it over curiously.

To contemplate thinking is to contemplate and think as the foundation. There are many dharmas in both Taoism and Buddhism.

There are also advanced methods in his Qi Zhenjing, but they are not in this foundation-building chapter, so now he only has some common methods.

Like the idea of ​​talisman conception that he passed on to Xiaoqian and others before, it is a method based on his own talisman combined with some superficial thinking principles.

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It's just that the success of his method still depends on how mysterious the spirit talisman is.

Hastily turned over the first few pages, Ling Qing also had a general understanding of this "Eight Treasures, Merit and Golden Lotus View Ideas".

Buddhist practice has always been good at cultivating the mind, and this method is no exception.

The main purpose is to visualize the golden lotus of the Eight Treasures of Merit.

Among them, there are Eight Merits and Virtues Water View, Seven Treasure Pond View, Golden Lotus Dharma View, etc., which can be practiced separately or combined into one.

Among them, the concepts are not bad, including the sixteen Buddhist meditation methods, such as Japanese thinking, water thinking, earth thinking, treasure pond, Huazuo and other related methods.

Although it cannot save the world, it is a supreme method for saving oneself.

And his own nectar pure karma method, but he got it by accident by trying to integrate his own method.

Moreover, this method has a single function and many restrictions.

Although it combines the concepts of the three methods he cultivated, its foundation is only a nectar purification talisman, and he has never paid much attention to this method.

Seeing that he was willing to exchange such a method, he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Pin Dao's method is not as profound as yours. I don't know why brother attaches so much importance to it?"

"Buddha Amitabha, the Taoist brother is too humble. Although this method of poor monks is profound, it can only save one person."

Faming folded his hands together and bowed slightly in front of his chest.

"Although Daoist Brother Dharma seems to be shallow, it can save thousands of people."

After he said it, Lingqing suddenly understood.

Superficial or profound, but what everyone values ​​is different.

He possessed the Heavenly Immortal Cultivation Technique, so naturally he did not despise the superficial Cultivation Techniques that reached the apex, but the entrance to the Ghost Immortals, which was called superficial.

But Faming, cultivating the Dharma of merit and virtue, and saving people to good deeds are the greatest merit to Buddhism.

What he valued is its low threshold, Yipu biography, and the most important thing is that it can prevent people from worrying about their own sins.

As long as one's heart is dedicated to good deeds, it will be just around the corner to cleanse their sins in the future, without worrying about their inner demons.

In this way, it can be said that once a quasi, there is no need to be implicated by cause and effect, on the contrary, the merits and virtues are vast.

"That being the case, the master doesn't feel the loss, and it's okay to change it."

After thinking about it, Lingqing also responded to the matter.

He does not have too much prejudice against Taoism and Buddhism, nor does he have any thoughts of looking down on the goodness of others.

After all, in his view, everything is natural and everything is Tao.

The reason why I didn't comprehend the Diamond Sutra is also because I haven't reached home in my own practice, and I can't tell the difference.

To practice, one must know the unity of action, not only to know, but also to be able to do it.

However, the avenues are mysterious, how can he know and do everything now?

For him now, and only within his own frame, he is walking up step by step.

It's not too late to follow the analogy after you have achieved something.

In this way, one day you will be able to know everything.

At that time, the heavens and the myriad realms will be used as symbols, as the law, as the Tao, and as nature.

Three thousand creations are in my heart, and I create three thousand paths by myself!

"Thank you, brother!"

Faming naturally knew that he agreed to the exchange, not because of his profound dharma.

No matter how high and profound his own method is, it is not as profound as the Diamond Sutra in the stupa next to him.

Since people can give up the Diamond Sutra, they will naturally not value his method too much.

Being able to agree to the exchange was not only because he didn't pay much attention to the method, but also for the sake of fulfilling his merits.

Therefore, Faming was grateful and bowed again.

"There's no need for this, the master has this kind of merit and virtue, and the poor Dao can't think about it.

I am ashamed, but I need to do my best. "

Seeing him like this, Ling Qing quickly helped him up.

Then tell him all the tricks, such as the nectar purification karma method, the calligraphy talisman, the intention, and so on.

Of course, when it comes to his own fundamental method, he just speaks his ideas and makes his ideas replace them.

This method of his is very As long as the original intention is not lost, there is naturally nothing that cannot be replaced.

Even the nectar purification talisman, if Faming has a better talisman to replace it, it is not impossible.

It wasn't until after the key points were fully explained that Ling Qing picked up the conception door.

It's not that he doesn't value the view sent by Faming, but he should say that he is very happy.

It is precisely because this method is not as profound as that of the Diamond Sutra, and it has no effect on his own practice, but has benefits.

After all, this method can be turned into a spiritual rhythm, which can be used to fill his Taoist foundation, and it can also make up for his current shortage of mind cultivation skills.

Naturally, there are mind-cultivation skills such as visualization in his qi scriptures, but they will only be involved in a large number after the foundation has been established and qi practice has begun.

Now it's just some ordinary tricks and tricks.

For him, the Buddhist concept of the Diamond Sutra is too heavy, but he has no ability to turn it into the Tao to benefit himself.

Second, after comprehending this concept, you can also use the concept in it and combine it with the nectar purification method.

Upgrade the idea of ​​talisman concept that was taught to Xiaoqian and others before.

When I was teaching the Dharma before, I didn't think much about it, and the two Dharma schools were too fragmented and scattered.

Now just take this opportunity to fuse the three methods and integrate them into one method.

For this Ling Qing, he is still very good at himself, and now his integration of the three methods of his own has initially been on the right track.

Not to mention such a simple method.

After he finished reading it, he asked the monk Faming for some difficult questions.

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