Bulgarian Empire

Chapter 78, German Version

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After the Cournot government fully accepted the conditions of the British and resolved the Ruhr crisis, it was not flowers or applause that greeted him, but a ruthless dismissal.

It has to be said that the political methods of their current government are too immature. It's a mess economically, and it's a mess politically.

When the Ruhr crisis broke out, although the major political forces in Germany were dissatisfied with the government, no one turned down the cabinet. The main reason was that no one wanted to be a successor. Now that the situation has stabilized, they immediately mobilized to overthrow and lose their popular base. Gounod government.

On September 6, 1925, the German Center Party took the lead in attacking the Cournot government for being incompetent internally and for defecting to the enemy and traitorously. Later, political forces such as the People's Party, the Socialist Party, and the Democratic Party also joined in.

On September 12, a strike broke out in central Germany, calling for the resignation of the Cournot government. In the following week, the strike movement spread to the whole country.

The trade union organization in Berlin also played the banner of overthrowing the Cournot government and establishing a proletarian regime, and the political power of the proletariat grew rapidly in Germany.

The frightened German society also demanded the resignation of the Cournot government to avoid further deterioration of the situation. After being abandoned by supporters, the Cournot government announced its resignation on October 3.

Gustav Stresemann stepped onto the stage of history. The greatest diplomat of modern Germany, he changed Germany's previous policies and reversed Germany's crisis as soon as he came to power.

First of all, he introduced the real estate mortgage mark to alleviate the scourge of hyperinflation on German society and economy. By insisting on refusing to issue more money, he solved the problem of inflation.

In order to revitalize the economy, he took the initiative to reduce government administrative expenditures, simplify the bureaucracy, and also cut social welfare expenditures, directly abolished the social welfare policies that existed in name only, and raised taxes on banks through the group, reversing the financial difficulties.

History has reached an inflection point again. In history, he served as Prime Minister for Hundred Days in 1923, and then Minister of Foreign Affairs for six years.

It was now in 1925 that he ascended to the throne of chancellor, and his rise to power also marked the beginning of the golden age of Weimar government.

During the Cournot government, because the government was responsible for financing the striking workers, it needed to print more money to pay for the huge expenses, leading to hyperinflation.

In March 1925, the mark-to-lev fell from 0.6 yuan to 356,000 yuan; on October 11, the value fell to 1 trillion yuan.

On November 6, the Weimar government launched the Real Estate Mortgage Mark, which exchanged 1 trillion old marks for every 1 new mark. In the end, Germany succeeded in continuing to pay reparations, and the Ruhr area returned to Germany.

The real estate economy created by Ferdinand has fully blossomed in Europe, and the three major European countries, Britain, France, and Germany, have all entered the pit one after another.

It's just that Britain and France took the initiative to jump under the stimulation of interests, while Germany was forced to join, under the background of a favorable real estate economy.

The Stresemann government guaranteed the real estate, and the issued mark was quickly recognized by the capitalists. The currency value of the mark was stabilized, and the German economy began to normalize.

As a diplomatic genius, in addition to internal reforms, Stresemann was also improving Germany's passive diplomatic situation.

At his request, on December 16, 1925, representatives from the seven countries of Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Belgium, Austria, and Bulgaria held a meeting in Locarno, Switzerland - the "Locarno Convention".

With the support of the British, the German government restored normal diplomatic relations with other countries at the cost of recognizing the current actual demarcation line, and the anti-German alliance organized by France was successfully split.

Britain and Bulgaria acted as guarantors for the security of European countries, clearly defined the borders of each country in the form of treaties, and prohibited any country from using force to launch aggressive wars.

"Your Majesty, this is the result we achieved in the Locarno Convention. The situation on the European continent has stabilized. Any country that wants to break this balance of power in the future,

It will be unanimously opposed by everyone!

Among them, the "Olympic Protection Treaty" is directly related to us. According to the provisions of the treaty, the boundary line between our two countries has been clarified.

The Germans have succumbed. They have now fully recognized the Treaty of Versailles, and on the issue of the border line, they have also made concessions to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Russian Empire. Their understanding! ’ said Mejev excitedly.

The "Locarno Convention" was what Ferdinand was happy to see. A stable Europe was in the interests of Bulgaria in the short term, otherwise they would not guarantee the national defense security of all countries.

"This is good news. Britain and France have foolishly let go of the Germans. With the background of the Germans, I am afraid that it will not be long before they can recover their vitality again.

The future of the European continent is doomed to another bloodbath. With Stresemann's diplomatic means, I am afraid that the internal conflicts in Germany will also be suppressed to a minimum.

I don't know how the Germans will choose this time, will they continue to challenge the world order, or will they develop slowly like us? ’ exclaimed Ferdinand.

"Your Majesty, it may not be so easy for the Germans to rise again, and the French will not watch them grow.

Moreover, part of their background has been dug up by us. Now Germany's technological innovation capability has dropped to the lowest point in the past century.

In terms of scientific research and technology, Germany has basically stopped. The huge war indemnity has overwhelmed the German government, and they simply cannot continue to invest in scientific research.

Restricted by the Treaty of Versailles, their military strength has also been devastated, and the major kingdoms and the central government have long since parted ways.

Even Germany's current industry is sick, and it cannot be economically independent. Now it is the British and French capitalists who want them to produce what they want to produce!

Taking heavy industry as an example, Germany's steel production has only retained a quarter of its pre-war level, and the shipbuilding industry has only retained 16% of its pre-war level.

Judging from the current situation, Germany's industry will continue to degenerate. Due to lack of capital investment, their advantages in the machinery manufacturing industry have gradually lost.

Now the pillar industries in Germany have become the labor-intensive textile and garment production industries, followed by the construction industry.

Products in the real high-tech field are saying goodbye to Germany. Whether it is the chemical industry, metallurgy, or even the medical industry, they are all shrinking.

If it continues, I don't think the Germans still have the strength to continue to challenge the world. France alone is a mountain they can't jump! "Megeve analyzed

Ferdinand nodded. From the data point of view, there is nothing wrong. Because Bulgaria dug the corner of Germany too hard, Germany in this era is much weaker than in history.

Even though Britain and France have transferred a large part of their industrial production capacity to Germany, the problem is that most of them are light industries. These industries can make money and solve employment problems, but they cannot increase Germany's war potential.

Moreover, the German economy is heavily dependent on the international market. Once a war breaks out with Britain and France, Germany will first increase its unemployment by seven or eight million people.

It can be said that when London sneezes, the German economy will tremble three times. Under such circumstances, does Germany have a future?

"Well, purely from the statistics, it is indeed the case. Before long, Germany and Italy will become economic colonies of Britain and France. As long as their economies cannot get rid of the control of the Anglo-French consortium, there will be no future to speak of.

However, one thing we cannot ignore is that the German government attaches great importance to education. No matter how the political situation changes or how tight the domestic finances are, their investment in education has never decreased.

In a short period of time, they were poached by us a lot of talents, but their talents were out of stock and did not appear. There are still many Germans who chose to stay because of their patriotism.

With the efforts of these people, they are working hard to cultivate the next generation, and in the next ten or eight years, their talent crisis will be resolved.

As for military strength, the German government does not have a huge army now, but they have a huge reserve of officers, and their army can be expanded tenfold at any time if necessary!

Even secretly, the German government is flirting with some small countries. Many of their engineers and scientists rejected our solicitation and went to these small countries instead. I don’t believe there is no insider trading!

Their military technology may not have deviated from the world as everyone imagined. These small countries have limited strength, and their scientific research speed may not catch up with ours, but the gap across the ages will still not happen.

The economic problem is the most serious problem for the Germans, and it is also the flashpoint of their conflict with Britain and France. How about the integrity of the capitalists, do you still have to doubt it?

Under their exploitation, the Germans can't even have a conflict with Britain and France, unless they can endure it forever. Once the conflict breaks out, the war is not far away.

The only problem is that Germany's strength is insufficient. They have not challenged the strength of Britain and France, but perhaps the British will help them with this.

For example, if the strength of the French increases a little, or if the French government raises its profile a little more to provoke the British, the London government may support the Germans to check and balance the French, then this will not be a problem! ”Ferdinand analyzed

"It seems that we have not paid enough attention to Germany. As a challenger to the world order, even if they fail, they are worthy of respect.

In the First World War, the Germans were able to counteract most of the strength of our four-nation agreement on their own, but in terms of comprehensive military strength, they were already number one in the world at that time.

Even the overall strength of the Germans is actually not much weaker than the French. If there is no restriction from the Treaty of Versailles and the Germans are allowed to develop freely, they will surpass France in five years! "Constantine exclaimed

"Your Majesty, if we want the British to support Germany, unless we form an alliance with the French and show our intention to challenge their world hegemony, it will be impossible to happen!

The current strength of the French is far from threatening the hegemony of the British Empire. The Paris government will not go beyond its means to challenge the status of the British at this time! "Megeve said hesitantly.

"This is just a hypothesis. Who can say what will happen in the future? If the interests are appropriate, then there is nothing impossible for us to form an alliance with the French.

We must know that our strategic focus is no longer in Europe, and there is no conflict of core interests between Bulgaria and France.

Even if the French monopolize the European continent, our annexation of the Suez Canal is a very tempting proposal.

Sometimes it doesn't matter whether it is true or not, as long as the interests are enough to make the British believe us and France and want to jointly deal with them, then this will happen!

Before again, we just need to guide the law-guarantee relationship. If we really fall out with the British in the future, then there will be no problem if we play this card! ’ Ferdinand said with a smile.

Will Bulgaria turn against the British? No one can say for sure on this issue. If it weren't for the geopolitical relationship, Bulgaria might already be the biggest enemy of the British Empire.

This has nothing to do with other factors, and it is completely accomplished by strength. Among all the great powers in the world, the ones that can pose a threat to the British Empire are France, Japan, and Bulgaria.

Among them, Japan's comprehensive strength is the weakest, although the dance is the most fun, because the distance between the two sides is too far, the threat to the British is actually the smallest.

If it weren't for their rubbish diplomatic methods, it is estimated that the Anglo-Japanese alliance is still there, and the two sides are not even enemies.

The French are undoubtedly the most tragic. They are too close to the British. There is only one strait between the two countries, and there is still a century-old feud. Even if the British Empire does not want to treat them as enemies!

But Bulgaria is the most powerful of the three countries, and its geographical location is precisely at the center of Eurasia.

If Ferdinand wanted, he could cut off the Suez Canal and the main artery of the British Empire at any time.

In this context, it is not the enemy of the British Empire, but also the enemy of the British Empire.

If the London government knew that Bulgaria was developing so fast, it is estimated that they would have contained Bulgaria's development as early as before the World War.

After all, Bulgaria before the World War was just an emerging country that had just stepped into the threshold of the great powers. Originally, according to their plan, after annexing the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria would choke to death because of its excessive appetite.

After all, the Ottoman Empire left a deep impression on Europe. Even now, many people do not believe that this European nightmare was directly digested by Bulgaria!

It's a pity that there is no if. When the British Empire reacted, it was too late. Bulgaria had completed the annexation of the Ottoman Empire, and they had to treat Bulgaria with caution.

In addition, after the end of the World War and the great flu in the United States, the British were also overwhelmed by the disease, and missed the final opportunity to contain Bulgaria.

When the flu virus was over, Ferdinand pushed the Americans to the foreground. Compared with the Americans who were clearly challenging the British hegemony and whose overall national strength had caught up with the British Empire, Bulgaria was undoubtedly a possible threat in the future. And the Americans have become the immediate threat.

Fueled by public opinion, the London government was surprised to find that they had a chance to kill their greatest rival, return to North America, and re-establish the British Empire as world hegemony.

In this case, of course it is more important to deal with the Americans. Of course, this decision cannot be regarded as a mistake. The current hegemony of the British Empire is built on the bones of the United States.

If it weren't for this American War, the hegemony of the British Empire would have been lost long ago. When an arms race started, the British would not be able to compete with the rich and powerful American upstarts!

After dealing with the American issue, Ferdinand has consolidated his rule over the Ottoman Empire, and the opponents no longer exist. Even if the British want to destroy it, it will not be easy.

Just at this period, the conflict between Britain and Japan was intensified again, and the London government could only divert its attention again to suppress the active Japan.

Is this the end? Of course not yet, the problem of colonial rebellion is still holding back their energies. Until now, Mars still exists in the British colonies.

Then came the Italian issue, the German issue, and then the Anglo-French conflict broke out again. In short, the London government has been very busy. Since the outbreak of the World War, they have not been relaxed.

In this context, it is not surprising that Bulgaria, a new enemy, is naturally ignored and selectively forgotten by them for the time being.

Even under Ferdinand's public relations, the number one enemy of the British Empire is still the French, the second enemy is the Japanese, and the third enemy is Bulgaria.

Even many British people have never regarded Bulgaria as an enemy. In fact, there has never been a direct conflict between the two sides, so where does the hatred come from?

There was no hatred, and the London government was too busy to guide public opinion hostile to Bulgaria. Ferdinand naturally helped them make a choice.

For example, the century-old feud between Britain and France, how the French hate it, and how the Japanese are challenging the authority of the British Empire...

These methods can't deceive politicians, but they can deceive ordinary British people, and they have also affected the attitude of their MPs.

With the addition of money and public relations, the French are proud to help Bulgaria top the cylinder. Now that the conflict between Britain and France broke out, even if the London government wants to find trouble with Bulgaria, it must solve the enemy in front of it!



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